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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Dr. Anon 23/04/19(Wed)17:12 No. 14434 [Reply]

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Does anyone have experiences ordering from the darkweb in Europe?
In February I had dozens of shipments coming in, but then in Mid-March it stopped, even from reputable vendors whos product had arrived in a week earlier.
Have the cops blacklisted my name or address?
Anyone have ideas how to get around it?

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)20:25 No. 14454

try ordering to differant address?

Advice please Dr. Anon 23/04/30(Sun)21:23 No. 14444 [Reply]

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Dear /rx/,
I come to you today for advice. In order to escape some social obligations, I find myself in need of a way of mildly poisoning myself. I need it to be something sufficiently miserable that it'll be obvious that I'm not faking it, but also not something that'll kill me (or worse). Something I heard about back in high school was people getting high off nutmeg, and them saying it was a shitty and miserable way to get high that left them feeling sick. Well, all that is kinda what I'm looking for right now. So it sounds to me like nutmeg is going to be my best option here: it's cheap, plentiful, and miserable, but probably not lethal, and it sounds like I'd get to test drive hallucinating as part of the process for a nice little bonus.

But I'm not a complete idiot. I know that the poison is in the dose, and the stuff a quick googling brings up is all related to warning about the dangers and negative side effects of misusing nutmeg, not about how much to use to avoid things like organ damage while still having it do its thing. So any information there would be helpful. Also, for anyone who's actually done this before (for the intended purposes), about what can I expect from the experience? Lastly, is it likely to have any negative interactions with any of the decently-common medications?

Dr. Anon 23/04/30(Sun)22:10 No. 14445

Nice quads, but although nutmeg is an interesting substance, I would stay clear and away from it in your situation. It's effective and dangerous/lethal doses are way too close to each other. Plus you basically feel and look like you're high.

IME it's not miserable at all, quite stony, but actually really interesting.

Even if you do do it, I'd work my way up there so that I know what im doing and how mu body reacts. Don't be a retard op. Also entheogens are either for fun or deep introspection, so you better sort this shit out real good in your head, before you make any decisions either way. Take 400mg or so of DPH if you want to fuck yourself up yet not bad enough to deserve the wrath of hatman and his spider hordes.

That'd be easier as pure enjoyment trip too with no alterior motives that are less than pure. Cause enjoy it you would actually have to try.

Dr. Anon 23/05/06(Sat)00:42 No. 14448

I tried nutmeg about four times a while ago. I actually enjoyed it. It felt just like being high on weed, even up to having red eyes. The only reason I didn't keep experimenting with it is because it tastes so disgusting.

I used four teaspoons however, and in many of the crazier delirious trip reports I read about it they dose a lot higher.

If you want something truly miserable you can do what the other poster said and take DPH, but you will regret it. As soon as it kicks in your first thought will be that taking it was a mistake. It truly feels worse than you can imagine.

Dr. Anon 23/04/19(Wed)17:17 No. 14435 [Reply]

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Does anyone have experiences ordering from the darkweb in Europe?
In February I had dozens of shipments coming in, but then in Mid-March it stopped, even from reputable vendors whos product had arrived in a week earlier.
Have the cops blacklisted my name or address?
Anyone have ideas how to get around it?

Dr. Anon 23/04/19(Wed)17:42 No. 14436

Depends what country and which country lines the order is passing within the EU

Dr. Anon 23/04/25(Tue)04:22 No. 14440

One of my US buddies had varying problems. Most of the time he got his shit just fine, but sometimes he would get fed letters

He started to realize the fed letters were actually fake--sent from the dealers instead of drugs to scare him so he would hopefully just forget about the money

Some places offer a guarantee and will cover a refund a la ebay if the dealer refuses

First post: Special K edition Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)20:30 No. 14379 [Reply]

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Freebase ketamine, what are your thoughts on it is it worthless

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Dr. Anon 23/03/01(Wed)08:53 No. 14395

Just best not to use water even if its high ph, purified, or distilled imo

Dr. Anon 23/03/02(Thu)20:42 No. 14396

Why? I used to shoot up meth with it. Never had any issues.

Dr. Anon 23/03/03(Fri)00:59 No. 14397

Water that is not salinated or sterile will always have some amount of microbes and shouldn't really be injected. With intramuscular it's not a huge issue, though you should use distilled at least

Dr. Anon 23/02/17(Fri)20:19 No. 14371 [Reply]

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so besides coke,mdma,lsd and weed in my 20s dn 30s, I have found Pharma grade methylphenidate(Ritalin) with a bit o Benz sleep pills and some booze gets a good high, certainly all legal...any other good dopemeeeen snorts for perscrip

Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)09:00 No. 14374

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Drug morning Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)09:40 No. 14375 [Reply]

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Woke up today
7mg lorazepam
16mg buprenorphine
Aderall later today

How’s your daily routine / day today?!

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)15:19 No. 14377

kratom and usually a bit of caffiene to go with it and smoking cigs or joints and just waste many of my days in my room or at work.

Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)15:21 No. 14378

How long did you smoke for and how long have you quit, any long term issues after using? i found that it had a lot more of an impact on me than i imagined and made myself more impulsive to self medicate neuroticisms of mine.

The+Red+Barron 23/02/23(Thu)07:29 No. 14383

Just coffee lately

I might start smoking weed again soon but I'm not sure when, lately I've just been smoking weed with my dad once a week

Are the .onion drug sites legit? Dr. Anon 22/07/26(Tue)17:52 No. 14143 [Reply]

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Don't tell me the fucking sites because then the glowie and zoomer mic/kike tattle-tales will shut them down. Just tell me if you had luck buying acid on the darkweb so I can try it out myself.


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Dr. Anon 23/02/19(Sun)04:16 No. 14372

Not liking psychedelics says more about you than the drug

The+Red+Barron 23/02/19(Sun)10:37 No. 14373

I'm so fucking ashamed.

Dr. Anon 23/02/22(Wed)00:35 No. 14380

If you buy from a well-reviewed vendor there should be no issues. Just test what you receive to make sure it's not NBOMe or something

Dr. Anon 21/07/16(Fri)00:45 No. 13975 [Reply]

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Can you sneak edible gummy bears through TSA?

Dr. Anon 21/07/18(Sun)20:51 No. 13976

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It depends on the packaging I think, If you can re-package them in a Haribo bag they might make it through. The only problem is the drug dog if its near enough to sniff it out.

Dr. Anon 22/10/15(Sat)07:30 No. 14241

toss em in a gummy vitamin bottle, as long as you're flying domestic, and take it as carry on, you'll be fine. stay far away from customs.

Dr. Anon 23/01/24(Tue)02:17 No. 14354

>not taking your shit right before leaving from home or right before parking your car at the airport


random Dr. Anon 20/11/05(Thu)20:28 No. 13878 [Reply]

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Why do people take drugs like LSD? Wasn't there an episode of malcolm in the middle where he took a drug and he got raped by a guy because the guy was stoned and crazy?

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Dr. Anon 22/12/05(Mon)22:05 No. 14308

I just felt like trying something new. It's an interesting and unique experience, can supposedly cure things like PTSD, and doesn't hurt you physically.

Dr. Anon 22/12/05(Mon)22:07 No. 14309

LSD is pretty safe to order as it's just paper and doesn't smell

Dr. Anon 23/01/20(Fri)19:15 No. 14349

It's fun. Makes movies more interesting and allows you to see the subtext in movies at times, though it can fuck with your mind at times. Not all movies are worthwhile watching on lsd, but there are enough out there to enjoy.

>on two hits of lsd
>watching Fight Club
>have seen the movie before, but decided it'd be a fun one to watch
>part way through the movie I felt as though I was not only a Tyler Durden to the movie's characters, I also had a Tyler Durden in my house wandering around
>had to remind myself that I'm on lsd and merely watching a movie

Followed up with a Kirosawa Samurai film and when I closed my eyes I was seeing Japanese visuals. What you take in media wise will influence the visuals you see. Secret of Kells provided strange closed eye visuals.

Plus it makes workouts interesting when you're doing squats.

Dr. Anon 23/01/06(Fri)00:05 No. 14338 [Reply]

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Is there any way to make mdma/its analogues work wkth ssris?
I’m currently on zoloft for 3 years and i’m missing this kind of high, i tried it a few times but it barely makes me feel anything

I know the risk with serotonin syndrome so cut down this part for me
I was thinking of using 5-htp or l-tryptophane but this feels like increasing the risk of the above severely. Or maybe I’m wrong? Or is there any other „hack”?

Dr. Anon 23/01/06(Fri)01:23 No. 14339

No, you have to be careful doing that shit retard, as you already eluded too, cause serotonin syndrome is not fun.
The only way is to stop taking your SSRI's for a week or 2.

Dr. Anon 23/01/07(Sat)12:42 No. 14340

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Hey well, at least they asked, thank futt.
Also +1 internet to you kind anon, for being there for some who was going make a right pigs ear of their already, what seems futtoned up life.

And this board

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