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Cocaine laced with ?? Dr. Anon 24/02/13(Tue)07:24 No. 14552 [Reply]

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I was a house party a few days ago in SoCal, USA. I was absolutely wasted. This crew ordered a gram of coke. I usually would not, but so wasted so I did one line. It was pretty shit. Not minty, no drip. It was like ass cocaine, super stepped on. However, I got a slight short-lived buzz, followed by the most irreconcilable headache which has lasted for over 48 hours. I barely slept that night. I barely slept the next night. Maybe a total of 8 hours of actual sleep. I tried working out today. It was an awful session, pushing maybe 40%. I'll try running tomorrow morning. I'm usually extremely fit and aggressive but this shit took the piss out of me. I am done with this forever.

Any ideas of what it might have been spiked with? My guess is fentanyl.

Dr. Anon 24/05/15(Wed)23:59 No. 14580

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Maybe some bath salts, I think you call them over in USA.
One very close to meth, so if someone rocks it up. They won't think they got ripped off.

I they knew it was going to be sniffed then fentanyl is a possible.

>However, I got a slight short-lived buzz, followed by the most irreconcilable headache which has lasted for over 48 hours.

sod it, yeah bath salts. the headache shit. Young kids were making it. Who ever scored that you should now call fat freddy, cause they got burnt.

Dr. Anon 24/05/16(Thu)00:12 No. 14581

They called it Mkat, here.


There's a link
Avoid like its aids

Marijuana Kurt Joseph Wiley 24/04/13(Sat)02:03 No. 14566 [Reply]

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Hey bros...
I just smoked some good weed that was given to me by a cool broseph guys I am so high right now thanks bros

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Kurt+Joseph+Wiley 24/04/13(Sat)02:35 No. 14568

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Amon Amarth rules you jews

Dr. Anon 24/04/13(Sat)04:40 No. 14569

Saw Armon Amarth live shortly before the pandemic. They put on a great show.

Dr. Anon 24/04/23(Tue)22:59 No. 14573

Haha guys I'm so high

Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)04:40 No. 14321 [Reply]

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dunno if there is a seperate board for tobacco but my cartons of newports finally arrived. smoked menthol roll ups but just fell out with it and my cucked country banned menthols a few years back so had to order menthols from the states. not as good as i remembered but hey beats having to roll up countless shitty cigs. How do you go about tobacco use /rx/? dip,cigars,patches,ecigs e.t.c

Dr. Anon 23/06/16(Fri)09:27 No. 14477

It's mostly cigars for me, but I love cigarettes in the rain. I'm pretty new to smoking, but I had an El Carrio last week, and it was great.

Anyone here use nicotine pouches recreationally? What's your brand?

Dr. Anon 23/06/16(Fri)23:01 No. 14478

Op here lol i Never done pouches but I hear the Norwegian stuff is good. I only ever smoked Henri winter man cigars and they were ok, went great with brandy and a godfather movie

Dr. Anon 24/02/07(Wed)07:42 No. 14549

if you are canadian they sell menthols on the rez

Dr. Anon 23/11/14(Tue)15:18 No. 14529 [Reply]

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Long time, experienced user here. I just had an evaluation do with my shrink and I was afraid she was going to cut down on my benzos (90x 2mg Lorazepam and 30x 10mg Ambien per month, in addition to my SSRI's and shit). Well, to my surprise she told me that according to a questionnaire I had done a few months ago it turns out I have adult ADD. So she gives me my normal refills plus a 30 day supply of 10mg Adderall pills. She started me at such a low does because I've never used Aderall before (I withheld the fact that I tried crystal meth once about 7 years ago and my initial sampling turned directly into a 8 month bender). Anyway, I really want to know from you guys the best way to go about speed balling with what I've got here. I want to feel the strongest feeling of euphoria I can get without ending up in jail or the ER. Give me some of your thoughts on how I should take this and any steps that I may not realized. For example: should I take a 3x dose of adderall (based on my baseline dose) and take it at the same time as a 4x dose of my benzo? Should the benzo be the stronger of the 2 forces? Also, should they be taken at the exact same time or should I take one first and then wait a specific amount of time before introducing the second ingredient? Any advice from experienced speed ball user would be greatly appreciated.

>Before anyone says it, I know that Lorazepam isn't the ideal drug for this, Xanax is. But I have a 90ct bottle of 2mg Ativan tabs that I get every month so it is what I will be using. Plus, Ativan works similarly to Xanax in that it is fast acting, it's not like diazepam or clonazepam that takes an hour and a half to kick in.

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Dr. Anon 23/11/15(Wed)13:18 No. 14533

Oh and tyrosine especially nalt is good for replenishing dopamine lost through stim or many other drug use, Although a high protein diet should cover that.

Dr. Anon 23/11/29(Wed)01:31 No. 14536

Have u tried it with phenibut?

Dr. Anon 24/02/07(Wed)07:26 No. 14548

upper user here I was never prescribed and commonly used 57 mg of addys/concerta/Vyvanse find they pair well w dark liquor and weed most i ever took was 206mg didnt od i dont think didnt puke but had major phycosis for 2-3 months and clawed my skin out (im 120lbs)

Don't snort prozac kids Dr. Anon 23/08/16(Wed)16:38 No. 14504 [Reply]

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God damnit this shit burns my fuckin brain, also obligatory drug/pharmaceutical safety thread. Don't play eenie meenie miney moe with random pills.

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Dr. Anon 23/11/27(Mon)02:39 No. 14535

I feel so bad but that's also really funny. I thought I was dumb for snorting Molly by mistake.

Dr. Anon 23/12/03(Sun)04:54 No. 14537

Don't people boof that shit lol?

The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:46 No. 14538

I hear people say they get fucked up on gabapentin and the shit just gives me a headache

Dr. Anon 23/11/03(Fri)06:30 No. 14524 [Reply]

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Remember this

Dr. Anon 23/11/03(Fri)08:08 No. 14525

That looks like a good time

Dr. Anon 23/11/14(Tue)15:24 No. 14530


Yeah, I remember. I can still taste that sickly sweet taste in my throat. But also work very hard to get myself out of the nightmare hell ditch that stuff had me dig myself into, so no thanks. These days I'm really just about benzos and the occasional psychedelic (especially if I ever find a way to get legit MDMA, the only drug that has been able to evade me... The One Who Got Away)

Dr. Anon 23/01/31(Tue)14:56 No. 14361 [Reply]

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What drug is being used with that pipe? I assume crack or meth. Is there a way to tell?

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Dr. Anon 23/04/17(Mon)19:22 No. 14432

There's fucking mold in it, that's grim.

Dr. Anon 23/04/23(Sun)13:21 No. 14437

both, theoretically crack pipes are different and this is a meth pipe, but you can smoke crack from a meth pipe and it'll work too, people refer to this kind of pipe interchangeably

m 23/11/03(Fri)19:16 No. 14526

shamless bump til i have the free time from work to update the on the ground situation for all of SE Asia,

Research Chemicals Dr. Anon 23/08/31(Thu)17:22 No. 14510 [Reply]

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Years ago I used to be involved in the research chemical scene. I was constantly ordering and trying new ones and discussing with others.

Then it seemed like the scene started to fell apart after a bunch of the centralized discussion hubs/vendor review sites closed up. For a while it was basically like you had to know groups of people, who in turn knew other groups and you'd order by checking pastebin product lists and sending emails to burner email accounts.

But I fell out a few years after (had to do the rehab circuit for legal reasons), and by the time I got back it had completely changed. You couldn't find new vendors by searching "[chemical name] research chemical vendor". In fact that's basically the fastest way to get robbed. And the central groups where people discussed all this had gotten banned or fell apart.

So for a while I just assumed I had lived through a cool era, but that it was over at that point. But to my surprise, new RCs keep getting added to places like the Psychonaut Wiki and there are occasional stories on normie news about "is this new DEADLY drug going to kill your literal infant child???? find out tonight at 9:00". So that means the scene must still exist, it just changed shape while I was gone.

I'm not asking for any specific sources or anything. But do any of you use RCs? What form has the scene taken? How did you get involved? How would a newcomer discover it today? And which new chemicals have been taking off lately?

Also, RIP 420chan

Dr. Anon 23/09/05(Tue)04:50 No. 14514

I never really was into the "research chemical" scene. I used 2CB, 2C-I and 5-Meo-DALT. I never liked them much. DALT was to powerful and dissociative and short lasting. then again I also grew up in the last Major wave of LSD in the US that I am aware of, so, there wasn't as much demand, but, I never really liked them in comparison to that.

Dr. Anon 23/09/28(Thu)03:20 No. 14518

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Had great funn for a while, till the gov' chanaged the laws so you couldn't sell no more.

a while ago I was realy drunk, and saddly I make really dumb decesseions when I drunk.

This one being giving some some money for some coca cola, and getting 1g of rv and lee than zero coca cola

There has been a very small controlled wave of LSD in my country.
One might think, someone is controling it. Although that would be crazy talk.

specail K is still big, xtc has a fan base, coca cola is beating pesi hands down
the herion has flown away, although oxy is in some parts of the country, just not all.

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Cannabis Alternatives. Dr. Anon 23/08/12(Sat)03:25 No. 14499 [Reply]

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Dear /rx/, I really enjoy smoking weed however it does make me rather paranoid, where I am it is not legal but the police don't really care that much to go after you. They'd probably just tell you to get rid of the joint.

I was wondering if there are any legal easy accessible drugs which have the same sort of affects as weed, but like as a pill?

I don't know where I would be able to get edibles, so they are out of the question.

Dr. Anon 23/08/14(Mon)22:26 No. 14500

>I don't know where I would be able to get edibles
and you're too stupid to bake a fucking cake with a weed in it?

Dr. Anon 23/08/16(Wed)05:12 No. 14503


I think this piss weak bait, >>14499 be throwing out
Either that or they is why to dumb like to stupid for coffee 'cause the caffeine in it

I hope it's just puss weak bait, don't need to know the generation two behind me is so dumb
They won't be able to do anything went I'm retired

Dr. Anon 23/08/22(Tue)22:28 No. 14507

He's right, not to be a dick but it just takes a little practise. You will probably waste weed to begin with but don't be disheartened to try, it's worth it when you figure it out. Now the concern with this is that you may not handle like most if us can and that may be signing up for a bad time. There is literally nothing in this world that can replace cannabis, believe that cuz I have looked

Easily obtained psychedelics Dr. Anon 20/05/01(Fri)04:52 No. 13765 [Reply]

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I am commiting suicide by hanging and ODing soon, and I'm looking for some drugs to help make the experience more pleasent. I am going to take
>1000 mg NyQuil
>300 mg Mucinex DM
>Maybe smoke some pot
>100 mg meletonin
>some vodka

I want to be lethargic, high, and hallucinating. I want some good over the counter drugs to take along with those that are preferably psychedelic. Whether or not its meds or inhalents, IDC just some easily obtained substance to get high off of.

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OP 23/04/26(Wed)15:14 No. 14441

>3 years later and I am still kickin'
Damn this brings back memories!

Dr. Anon 23/08/10(Thu)04:23 No. 14497

Glad to hear it !
How are you?

Dr. Anon 23/08/14(Mon)23:05 No. 14501

maybe smoke dmt since that's already the near death experience

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