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I'm sure OP
150ug will be a nice trip but it's gonna be intense regardless. You just need to be in the right setting, comfortable, with no interruptions and a positive mindframe at the time. Plan it out in advanced.
The best environment will be with a good friend in a safe and free environment. comfortable. Maybe outside?
Or you could do it the way I did it. Lock my bedroom door and trip balls on my bed for hours just enjoying the hallucinations and dreams.
(or having a bad trip)
Yeah thats some bad advice.
But there's only so much you can do for bad trips, especially depending on what kind of drug you're taking.
I mean, you have your basic harm reduction, anchors like writing positive messages and reminders down in places. fresh air, shower, somebody to talk to, food/water.
But for some drugs there's not much you can do. I've had some shitty trips on heavy dissasociatives where I near lost total control.
Had a couple bad trips on shrooms and lsd too. Sometimes the only things I could do were lay down curled up for several hours suffering. Sometimes naked on the cold floor.
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