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/rx/ - Drugs
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Robo Baby Anonymous 21/09/26(Sun)03:12 No. 14010

File 16326187345.jpg - (18.39KB , 259x194 , download (1).jpg )

Hello and welcome back to diphenhydramine hell.
Today we're starting out with 250mg diphenhydramine and a malt-liquor.
We will continue with Adult Swim, another Natty Daddy and as much more diphenhydramine to make this shit nuts.
If you are not familiar wit diphenhydramine then please take 300mg Benadryl and return when your depth perseption keeps you from being able to walk.
If you guys can keep my tripping, sleepy ass interested I can do as much as turn on the web. cam. and shit.
Questions and shit are obviously encouraged.
Let's get started. Shall we?

Anonymous 21/09/26(Sun)03:35 No. 14011


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