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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

Note: Do not follow suggestions from this community without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 7chan is not responsible for any misuse or side effects resulting from information shared here. Misuse or abuse of any drug may cause unintended side-effects such as addiction, paralysis, extreme pain, or even death. Posts disguised as advice that are recognized to cause harm will be deleted, and the user banned.

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Brain meds Dr. Anon 21/07/19(Mon)18:03 No. 13984 [Reply]

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Have several bottles of citicoline (1000mg) and Cerebrolysin (215mg).

Anything fun I can do with them?

Dr. Anon 22/10/08(Sat)02:03 No. 14225

What the hell is this shit? Never heard of it/

Dr. Anon 22/10/08(Sat)07:50 No. 14227

it's not cool to steal grandma's meds, anon.

Dr. Anon 22/10/10(Mon)21:54 No. 14232

I suppose if you are brain damaged then the latter might help you but choline is ok for mild stim dunno what injecting it would be like. Did you take these from your demented grandma?

Advice for smoking weed Dr. Anon 22/09/15(Thu)11:12 No. 14200 [Reply]

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I need advice for smoking weed while working a job that does mandatory random UA's. Basically I want to keep smoking cause it's legal in my state the only issue is I live on a border town and work in a state where the fascistic government still has it scheduled and treats weed like shooting heroin. I have ben smoking lightly once at the end of the week but I am stills cared that leaves me with 1 day where I can get popped (I have a 3 day weekend) What can I do to smoke still? Is there any substitutes like weed that I can smoke and not get popped for?

Any one remember chem 101? I need to do a filter. Dr. Anon 19/11/28(Thu)19:04 No. 13715 [Reply]

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Kwells travel pills, need to remove the active ingredient to get a full body psychedelic.

I need to remove these expedients :-


Potato Starch

Gelatin Powder

Aluminium Stearate

Saccharin Sodium

Ferric Oxide
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Dr. Anon 22/08/01(Mon)01:54 No. 14147

You can put a kwells in a shotglass of rapeseed oil and heat it in the microwave, it turns into pdychoactive scop. Ssme can be done with buscopan. Heat converts it or sum shit

comatoast ## Mod ## 13/08/25(Sun)06:03 No. 11698 [Reply]

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Hey guys, I'm comatoast, and I will be taking over as moderator for /rx/. I wanted to say hello as well as update the rules to make them a bit clearer for everyone. These rules are here to make sure we all have a good experience and a trouble free time while discussing our relationships with our favorite substances.

Rules of Rx:
1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not by any means encourage nor discuss in a positive light the ingestion of toxic, poisonous, and lethal substances or encourage or suggest to anyone to overdose. We will forward your information to the proper authorities if you do this because people can and have died from this.
3. DO feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm and have a good time.
4. No trolling or flamewars.
5. All other global rules apply. (No underageB&, no CP, no spam, you know the drill.)

We have an IRC chatroom - please come and join us as you are and let's talk drugs together:
Server: irc.7chan.org Port: 6667 Channel: #drugs

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

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Wellis 22/04/24(Sun)15:54 No. 14080

You may be aware that magic mushrooms are the safest in this regard, but it's best to take microdoses of course, as you can find in these wonderful psilocybin chocolate bars here https://www.shroomhead.net/shop/magic-mushroom-chocolate/ . I can tell everyone with confidence that these mushrooms do not cause addiction, but still, in order not to go on a bad trip, I would advise you not to increase the dosage.

Dr. Anon 22/04/24(Sun)16:42 No. 14081

I like microdosing on shrooms. I think it's great to take like 0.4 - 0.5 grams, kick back and play vidya or something. I haven't done it in a long time, though. My last trip went bad. After it was over I realized that for that specific trip I didn't take shrooms cause I wanted to, I took them because I felt like I had to. I also took them in the middle of the night like an idiot lol. So now I'm waiting until I feel like I want to take shrooms again before going on another trip.

2022 looking up? Dr. Anon 22/05/24(Tue)04:00 No. 14093 [Reply]

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You guys think I can find acid if I want to now? 2020 was the worst fucking year, impossible to get anything. Now that the covid mania is over, do you think I can find any?

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Dr. Anon 22/06/20(Mon)21:37 No. 14126

I've had some this year, over priced and pretty weak

Had some of this as well 1p-lsd, theres no difference in one being safer than the other. It was mildly stronger though.

Dr. Anon 22/07/04(Mon)20:01 No. 14133

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Guys, I'm OP. I specifically would like 1p. I use to buy it from a store online you could use bitcoin to buy. Sadly it was shut down in 2020.

Dr. Anon 22/07/20(Wed)08:10 No. 14139

Ok glowie

Kratom Talk Dr. Anon 22/06/01(Wed)22:58 No. 14100 [Reply]

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Let's chat about the cheapest and safest opiate sensor activator you can get. I switched off Red and am on high kick green and full spectrum. I don't get withdrawls in the early morning anymore like when I did with red. Also the full spectrum works great with my intelligence pills I get that have mushrooms in it and regular mushrooms that make me trip and see insights on art and science. However, I still get leg and finger tingles, I still get descending colon gurgles and pain, I still get really painful sensations in my teeth, but I just feel better. I'm going back to school for my dream job if and if I'm accepted I plan on still using. Fuck man, I want to QUIT so bad but it's just 2 more years. JUST TWO YEARS.

You guys ever try kratom, and what have you discovered with it?

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The+Red+Barron 22/06/26(Sun)12:37 No. 14129

>between high and nauseous

lmao opiates are not going to separate the two. If you're high, you're sick

Dr. Anon 22/07/02(Sat)04:10 No. 14131

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get capsules

Dr. Anon 22/07/04(Mon)20:00 No. 14132

You have low quality stuff. In the beginning I used the cheap stuff too, it is no good. You get sick quicker and your withdrawls are worse. You need well cooked well sorted stuff.

Consider this fact: The cheaper the kratom you get, the less time they spend sorting vein, stem, and leaf apart. Also, the less time they cook it down to get cellulose out. Good stuff is more like store bought tea, cheap stuff is more like eating grass in your back yard.

Help identifying? Dr. Anon 19/12/30(Mon)15:58 No. 13718 [Reply]

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Anyone know what this is? its not hash, it smells kind of sweet, bought from the net along with other things and I can't make out whats written on the plastic (mgl? mcl?) would love some input

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Dr. Anon 21/07/02(Fri)22:13 No. 13971

I would seriously throw it in my arm and

Dr. Anon 22/04/29(Fri)02:44 No. 14084


Dr. Anon 22/05/06(Fri)08:57 No. 14088

You are so Fing dumb, thank you I'm feeling better.
1) It ain't H, that would be way more money than hash.
2) you can't heat a bit up and work it out, then DON'T DO DRUGS
3)I go with >>13719
>Probably its just mud and human feces and you got duped.

How do you make it through the day?
I swear, I hope your just trollllllling along


Wtf Dr. Anon 21/05/10(Mon)03:18 No. 13948 [Reply]

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Is their anyone out their not a scammer

Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)02:51 No. 13908 [Reply]

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Time for a YLYL-/rx/ edition?

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Dr. Anon 21/03/29(Mon)05:04 No. 13939


dude make an epic meme pic of that haha

Dr. Anon 22/02/12(Sat)21:17 No. 14050

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Dr. Anon 22/02/12(Sat)21:18 No. 14051

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Dr. Anon 22/02/06(Sun)04:23 No. 14047 [Reply]

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The Experiment was a Failure vaccinated will be moved to camps that house crematoriums.

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