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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

Note: Do not follow suggestions from this community without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 7chan is not responsible for any misuse or side effects resulting from information shared here. Misuse or abuse of any drug may cause unintended side-effects such as addiction, paralysis, extreme pain, or even death. Posts disguised as advice that are recognized to cause harm will be deleted, and the user banned.

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comatoast ## Mod ## 13/08/25(Sun)06:03 No. 11698

File 137740340835.jpg - (10.57KB , 400x300 , tumblr_m2jtf2R6t31qfqudho1_400.jpg )

Hey guys, I'm comatoast, and I will be taking over as moderator for /rx/. I wanted to say hello as well as update the rules to make them a bit clearer for everyone. These rules are here to make sure we all have a good experience and a trouble free time while discussing our relationships with our favorite substances.

Rules of Rx:
1. No asking for drugs, soliciting drugs, discussion of sources for drugs or the sources for equipment and supplies to make drugs, or in general any discussion of buying or selling drugs in any way shape or form.
2. Do not by any means encourage nor discuss in a positive light the ingestion of toxic, poisonous, and lethal substances or encourage or suggest to anyone to overdose. We will forward your information to the proper authorities if you do this because people can and have died from this.
3. DO feel free to ask questions about whether something is harmful. We are here to minimize harm and have a good time.
4. No trolling or flamewars.
5. All other global rules apply. (No underageB&, no CP, no spam, you know the drill.)

We have an IRC chatroom - please come and join us as you are and let's talk drugs together:
Server: irc.7chan.org Port: 6667 Channel: #drugs

Keep in mind that we are not medical professionals, just people relaying our own experiences, so please do your research before following any advice on this forum and when in doubt, seek a medical professional.

comatoast!!RjZwMzLwLl 13/08/25(Sun)09:19 No. 11701



^Important, Pill Identifier has helped me more times than I can count.

Dr. Anon 13/08/25(Sun)11:54 No. 11702

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deadbabies!rfBia8M6N2 13/08/26(Mon)02:08 No. 11704

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Dr. Anon 13/08/26(Mon)02:48 No. 11705

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Dr. Anon 13/08/26(Mon)11:22 No. 11706

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Dr. Anon 13/08/26(Mon)11:33 No. 11707

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best rxxxxxxxxxx gif

Dr. Anon 13/08/26(Mon)12:36 No. 11708

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Dr. Anon 13/10/15(Tue)09:40 No. 11907

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Dr. Anon 13/10/15(Tue)22:39 No. 11912

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Dr. Anon 13/10/30(Wed)17:18 No. 11943

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Dr. Anon 14/05/01(Thu)08:40 No. 12322

just pop

Homicide!zMRPB5BxME 14/09/19(Fri)07:59 No. 12642

Comatoast is toaster

Dr. Anon 15/04/25(Sat)14:00 No. 12895

no to po jaki chuj tu zaglądać?

Dr. Anon 16/09/09(Fri)05:23 No. 13218

I'm trying to start a thread but the page wont load when I try to submit. What's up?

Dr. Anon 16/09/18(Sun)00:05 No. 13220

Sounds like it's a problem on your end.

X/ Dr. Anon 17/11/11(Sat)09:52 No. 13424

Man this page just got boring af. Guess we'll all just smoke weed and sing kumbaya.

Dr. Anon 18/12/02(Sun)19:39 No. 13571

Welp.. I just want to asked where to get xanac or some other drugs but I guess that just to dangerous eh..

Dr. Anon 18/12/02(Sun)19:41 No. 13572

Then how to get high by not using drugs ?

Dr. Anon 19/02/04(Mon)05:48 No. 13597

>>11698 We should rape this girl!

DrGonzy!!WvAwV4MTHk 20/06/03(Wed)11:15 No. 13833


Homicide 21/08/29(Sun)04:35 No. 13999

This is just depressing.

Dr. Anon 21/10/29(Fri)00:20 No. 14019

Sounds like 0 fun

GeorgeWilson 22/02/18(Fri)12:44 No. 14055

Do you consider CBD and CBN oil as drugs? Usually, these products are THC-free, so they don't cause psychoactive effects, and I think that they shouldn't be banned. Personally, I learned about CBN oil from https://www.laweekly.com/what-is-cbn-oil-neurogan-guide/, and according to this article, it's actually pretty beneficial for health, and there are even no side effects of taking it.

Romarion 22/04/24(Sun)08:44 No. 14079

I recently tried a microdose of magic mushrooms to treat stress and now I understand that it works great.

Wellis 22/04/24(Sun)15:54 No. 14080

You may be aware that magic mushrooms are the safest in this regard, but it's best to take microdoses of course, as you can find in these wonderful psilocybin chocolate bars here https://www.shroomhead.net/shop/magic-mushroom-chocolate/ . I can tell everyone with confidence that these mushrooms do not cause addiction, but still, in order not to go on a bad trip, I would advise you not to increase the dosage.

Dr. Anon 22/04/24(Sun)16:42 No. 14081

I like microdosing on shrooms. I think it's great to take like 0.4 - 0.5 grams, kick back and play vidya or something. I haven't done it in a long time, though. My last trip went bad. After it was over I realized that for that specific trip I didn't take shrooms cause I wanted to, I took them because I felt like I had to. I also took them in the middle of the night like an idiot lol. So now I'm waiting until I feel like I want to take shrooms again before going on another trip.

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