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Help identifying? Dr. Anon 19/12/30(Mon)15:58 No. 13718

File 157771792040.png - (2.73MB , 1412x1288 , what is this.png )

Anyone know what this is? its not hash, it smells kind of sweet, bought from the net along with other things and I can't make out whats written on the plastic (mgl? mcl?) would love some input

Dr. Anon 19/12/31(Tue)00:09 No. 13719

You don't remember what you bought?
Is it supposed to be hash you received?

Maybe heroin?
Probably its just mud and human feces and you got duped.

Dr. Anon 19/12/31(Tue)00:51 No. 13720

was pretty fucked up when I ordered. sp yea I actually don't remember :/ know I bought some DMT but looking at pictures it doesnt look like it

also all the other stuff he sent are legit, tested

Dr. Anon 20/03/10(Tue)00:14 No. 13736


Dr. Anon 20/04/23(Thu)03:27 No. 13760

File 158760523263.jpg - (9.84KB , 255x200 , 1584232614061.jpg )

Can you not look in your order history?

It looks like heroin to me. Does it smell like vinegar? If so, it's heroin.

Dr. Anon 20/04/23(Thu)05:21 No. 13761


It looks like really dry heroin, op.

Your order Dr. Anon 21/05/10(Mon)03:14 No. 13947

Where can i order

Dr. Anon 21/07/02(Fri)22:08 No. 13970

Black hash, sure why not. You might of got a interesting mistake of shipping. Due to,

unfortunately you may have a good deal happen. Have some I guess friend come by and help test it out for quality control.

Dr. Anon 21/07/02(Fri)22:13 No. 13971

I would seriously throw it in my arm and

Dr. Anon 22/04/29(Fri)02:44 No. 14084


Dr. Anon 22/05/06(Fri)08:57 No. 14088

You are so Fing dumb, thank you I'm feeling better.
1) It ain't H, that would be way more money than hash.
2) you can't heat a bit up and work it out, then DON'T DO DRUGS
3)I go with >>13719
>Probably its just mud and human feces and you got duped.

How do you make it through the day?
I swear, I hope your just trollllllling along


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