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2022 looking up? Dr. Anon 22/05/24(Tue)04:00 No. 14093

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You guys think I can find acid if I want to now? 2020 was the worst fucking year, impossible to get anything. Now that the covid mania is over, do you think I can find any?

Dr. Anon 22/05/24(Tue)04:14 No. 14094

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Dr. Anon 22/05/24(Tue)14:58 No. 14095

Probably. Why don't you look up some dealers and find out?

Dr. Anon 22/06/19(Sun)21:38 No. 14125

didya find any? also i recommend 1p-lsd, feels safer

Dr. Anon 22/06/20(Mon)21:37 No. 14126

I've had some this year, over priced and pretty weak

Had some of this as well 1p-lsd, theres no difference in one being safer than the other. It was mildly stronger though.

Dr. Anon 22/07/04(Mon)20:01 No. 14133

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Guys, I'm OP. I specifically would like 1p. I use to buy it from a store online you could use bitcoin to buy. Sadly it was shut down in 2020.

Dr. Anon 22/07/20(Wed)08:10 No. 14139

Ok glowie

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