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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)02:51 No. 13908

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Time for a YLYL-/rx/ edition?

Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)02:55 No. 13909

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Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)02:59 No. 13910

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Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)03:02 No. 13911

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Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)03:04 No. 13912

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Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)04:56 No. 13913

I have been laughing, but don't get this one, can u explain to tiny brain me?

Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)15:04 No. 13915

The joke is that you and your friend are in a club and he wants a small bump of ketamine (just enough to fit on a key) so that he doesn't completely lose it in the club of all places. However, despite your friend's warnings, you give him such a high dosage that it can fit in a construction machine's excavator.
The made up word "ketarpiller" is a derivative from the name of the construction company "caterpillar" (know for their high quality excavators), switching the "cat" for the first syllable of ketamine; "ket" to make "ketarpiller".

Dr. Anon 21/02/03(Wed)21:52 No. 13921

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I think it's interesting that you actually explained the meme to him instead of just calling him a faggot. I mean, that would've been fine, too, of course. But it's still interesting.

Dr. Anon 21/03/26(Fri)10:31 No. 13934

Did you guys hear about that spring breaker bitch slut that got given a pill by some nigger and they took her to a room and raped her to death lol +1

Dr. Anon 21/03/29(Mon)05:04 No. 13939


dude make an epic meme pic of that haha

Dr. Anon 22/02/12(Sat)21:17 No. 14050

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Dr. Anon 22/02/12(Sat)21:18 No. 14051

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