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Advice for smoking weed Dr. Anon 22/09/15(Thu)11:12 No. 14200

File 166323314550.jpg - (36.72KB , 474x320 , th-2114109334.jpg )

I need advice for smoking weed while working a job that does mandatory random UA's. Basically I want to keep smoking cause it's legal in my state the only issue is I live on a border town and work in a state where the fascistic government still has it scheduled and treats weed like shooting heroin. I have ben smoking lightly once at the end of the week but I am stills cared that leaves me with 1 day where I can get popped (I have a 3 day weekend) What can I do to smoke still? Is there any substitutes like weed that I can smoke and not get popped for?

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