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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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Best legal highs Dr. Anon 24/12/05(Thu)15:59 No. 14633 [Reply]

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Welp, I am a fucking adult now and a part of that is every fucking work place on the planet discriminating against drug users. It's just typical extreme right wing political bigotry in another form. As such I need the best legal highs /rx/ can possibly muster. I know about kratom, kava, N02 all the usual contenders. Give me some shit that will really fuck me up but that wont get me fired from my 100k a year + job, faggots.

4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dr. Anon 24/12/16(Mon)09:33 No. 14641

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Dr. Anon 24/12/28(Sat)11:37 No. 14645

1. Damiana (Turnera diffusa) - traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and for stress relief, but further research is
needed to determine its safety and efficacy

2. Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) - can help with anxiety and insomnia, but excessive use may cause liver

3. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) - has been used as a relaxant and sleep aid, but its safety and efficacy are not
well established

4. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) - can help with anxiety and insomnia, but further research is needed to
determine its safety and efficacy

Dr. Anon 25/01/04(Sat)02:07 No. 14647

Kanna alkaloids

Dr. Anon 24/05/24(Fri)20:27 No. 14583 [Reply]

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Vyvanse 50m, xanax 1mg and a gummy. all grade , max focus and chill. better yet it works during the day

Dr. Anon 24/06/19(Wed)04:27 No. 14595

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Perfer IR, Kpin and a joint but yeah super good combo.

Dr. Anon 24/11/06(Wed)13:35 No. 14630

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Chainsmoking 3 month old Sour Apple Ice Geekbar on 0% Juice

Fuck you cripplewheels Dr. Anon 24/09/18(Wed)04:03 No. 14622 [Reply]

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So did cripplewheels fell into the /leftpol/ rabbit hole and became a furfag afterwards, or am i missing something here? Why can't he just run 420chan without ruining it with le politics

Dr. Anon 24/09/18(Wed)05:18 No. 14623

Probably because the last time he ran a *chan nazis returned to America and now the country is on the verge of complete political collapse, faggot

Dr. Anon 24/09/18(Wed)10:18 No. 14624

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That cripple retard had YEARS to prevent it, and now he's crying about muh chudfaggotry. On top of that, he literally allowed zoophilia, far-right retardation and hebe/child model boards on the site FOR YEARS, which he could've axed at any given minute. Now he's butthurt and claims that he outgrew his "ebil edgy libertarian" phase or whatever. /pol/ teens are fucking cancerous (duh) but don't pretend like he's innocent and muh ebil nazis caused all of this.

Acid Dr. Anon 24/09/18(Wed)03:03 No. 14621 [Reply]

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>convinced I have a healthy gut biome
>eat small paper square soaked in silly juice
>mfw 45 minutes later on the toilet

hydrocodone Dr. Anon 24/03/24(Sun)11:56 No. 14564 [Reply]

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I tried taking orally, then snorting these opioids my doctor gave me. Label says "hydrocodone 5mg, acetaminophen 325mg". that's about the same shit as vicodin but I didn't feel anything when I took them (only one pill each time) HALP do I need to take more or are they just garbage?

Dr. Anon 24/05/08(Wed)12:58 No. 14579

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This information is probably way too late to help you but hydrocodone is a prodrug, you need to digest it in order for it to turn into morphine.

Long story short snorting them is just a waste.

Dr. Anon 24/08/02(Fri)01:17 No. 14607

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He sniffed acetaminophen

Dr. Anon 24/09/10(Tue)01:36 No. 14617

Hydrocodone is processed into the much better hydromorphone in the liver.

where do you find opiates just a guy 23/08/31(Thu)21:43 No. 14511 [Reply]

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i used to have a friend who got me stuff all the time when i wanted it. he hasnt been around in a while and i still like to indulge or atleast like to find it when im injured and dont wanna pay huge hospital bills. how does one find a new "GUY" it should be easy to by drugs through the internet... any advice that isnt. DONT DO DRUGS... =P

Dr. Anon 23/09/02(Sat)11:47 No. 14512

Just do kratom if you cant find opi. its not too bad tbh, i prefer it over codeine. Maybe try and source down poppies, i think they are still growing this time of year. but if you are actually set on opiates like pills tehn id imagine you would struggle to find even a handful unless you have any grandparents/oldfag collegues on the stuff.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:50 No. 14539

ask people silly

Dr. Anon 24/08/02(Fri)01:20 No. 14608

Any methadone clinic in America The overwhelming majority of people going in and around there will bring you to their dealer if you give them some

Curious about MDMA or other hallucinogenic 1st timer 21/04/22(Thu)21:54 No. 13943 [Reply]

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So I'm one of those that has never done drugs. I've puffed hashish and marijuana but have never felt high.
I am curious about experiencing a paychodellic trip. What drug should I search for?
Bonus points if you can give me the spanish slang, since I live in northern México.

6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dr. Anon 24/07/17(Wed)00:43 No. 14604


You could well be right, as for my self I have not ever hallucinated on any pure MDMA. Pills, E's, will they are a lucky dip or when we use to buy them ten at a time, "a ten pence mix". Having watch drug dealers making up capsules. Where they put a 1/3 to a tab of lsd in them. Well need I say more.

As for your picture that looks like cheaply cooked up MDMA, the clearer chucks are the best. the darker yellow oing to light brown have more more impurities in them.
If you had as much as in the pic and you knew some chemistry. You could wash/clean it up from what 75% to 85%+.

Anyway if you have had hallucinations on MDMA, I guess you have.
Most all Stay safe.

Dr. Anon 24/07/17(Wed)00:51 No. 14605

This is my bad. sorry. Yes to psychedelic as in euphoria with no visual. In large dose very euphoric indeed, in this country I'd bet over a million children owe their lives to the fact.
as ever stay safe and sorry again for not understanding your post correctly >>14604

Dr. Anon 24/07/17(Wed)01:19 No. 14606

LSD is a classic and worth a go. It takes an hour to come on, don't take too much by accident cause you think it doesn't work. You can't OD but it might be too intense if you take too much. It's nothing like it is in the movies.

If you want something legal and easy to get that IS like LSD in the movies, try Salvia. You'll trip fucking balls

First ever try growing green@t065799750 24/06/02(Sun)21:12 No. 14588 [Reply]

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Tried growing some plants. Three types.

first time aPerson 24/06/02(Sun)18:49 No. 14587 [Reply]

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first ever go

Depression Dr. Anon 24/05/26(Sun)03:06 No. 14584 [Reply]

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Live like a nigger gives you strength
Pray like a yid gives you (+)INT
Virtue as an Aryan gives you soul

fu** your throat with a spoon like circus performers or vocal coaches and you find the neck shaped as an Aleph. Muscle relaxers help laying on the floor. Practice few weeks.


Depression ain't real if they ever took your wisdom teeth your skeleton is.now locked and you need the spoon strategy to open your nose fully otherwise meditations ain't ever work for ya. Guess what? They work if your body is totally open. Follow the rabbit
Truffles assist greatly so does delta8

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