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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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hydrocodone Dr. Anon 24/03/24(Sun)11:56 No. 14564

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I tried taking orally, then snorting these opioids my doctor gave me. Label says "hydrocodone 5mg, acetaminophen 325mg". that's about the same shit as vicodin but I didn't feel anything when I took them (only one pill each time) HALP do I need to take more or are they just garbage?

Dr. Anon 24/05/08(Wed)12:58 No. 14579

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This information is probably way too late to help you but hydrocodone is a prodrug, you need to digest it in order for it to turn into morphine.

Long story short snorting them is just a waste.

Dr. Anon 24/08/02(Fri)01:17 No. 14607

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He sniffed acetaminophen

Dr. Anon 24/09/10(Tue)01:36 No. 14617

Hydrocodone is processed into the much better hydromorphone in the liver.

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