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Dr. Anon 20/05/03(Sun)05:57 No. 13768

File 158847821862.jpg - (1.48MB , 4032x3024 , 9498D1E9-AFC1-4202-BAEC-7D5AEB218745.jpg )

I bough two tabs of this “acid” yesterday but is been over 30 mins and I still don’t feel anything. Did I get ripped off? I’ve done acid before and it looked completely different, not to mention it kicked in much sooner.

Dr. Anon 20/05/03(Sun)06:20 No. 13769

OP here. Seems like I spoke too soon, because fuuuuuuuuck

Dr. Anon 20/05/06(Wed)08:48 No. 13781

psychs take hours and hours to kick in

Dr. Anon 20/05/22(Fri)02:39 No. 13807

First time I did acid took about 30 mins from ingestion for pupils to turn into saucers. Cheers

Dr. Anon 20/05/29(Fri)18:15 No. 13811

Nah dude acid takes 30 minutes to an hour to kick in.

Dr. Anon 20/11/19(Thu)03:04 No. 13884

Yup it takes about an hour to feel anything

Dr. Anon 21/11/14(Sun)03:59 No. 14025

looks kinda like a gel tab. in my experience gel tabs havent really done much for me aside for give some mild visuals (5 tabs) but that was after i had built a little tolerance from doing it over the weekend.

Dr. Anon 21/11/14(Sun)04:01 No. 14026

before that even they werent that strong, but i had also mixed them with some shrooms so its sort of hard to tell.

overall gel tabs just seem "weaker" to me

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