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Dr. Anon 22/12/22(Thu)04:40 No. 14321

File 16716804493.png - (47.05KB , 264x336 , Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 03-44-32 tenor_png (PNG I.png )

dunno if there is a seperate board for tobacco but my cartons of newports finally arrived. smoked menthol roll ups but just fell out with it and my cucked country banned menthols a few years back so had to order menthols from the states. not as good as i remembered but hey beats having to roll up countless shitty cigs. How do you go about tobacco use /rx/? dip,cigars,patches,ecigs e.t.c

Dr. Anon 23/06/16(Fri)09:27 No. 14477

It's mostly cigars for me, but I love cigarettes in the rain. I'm pretty new to smoking, but I had an El Carrio last week, and it was great.

Anyone here use nicotine pouches recreationally? What's your brand?

Dr. Anon 23/06/16(Fri)23:01 No. 14478

Op here lol i Never done pouches but I hear the Norwegian stuff is good. I only ever smoked Henri winter man cigars and they were ok, went great with brandy and a godfather movie

Dr. Anon 24/02/07(Wed)07:42 No. 14549

if you are canadian they sell menthols on the rez

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