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Dr. Anon 23/11/14(Tue)15:18 No. 14529

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Long time, experienced user here. I just had an evaluation do with my shrink and I was afraid she was going to cut down on my benzos (90x 2mg Lorazepam and 30x 10mg Ambien per month, in addition to my SSRI's and shit). Well, to my surprise she told me that according to a questionnaire I had done a few months ago it turns out I have adult ADD. So she gives me my normal refills plus a 30 day supply of 10mg Adderall pills. She started me at such a low does because I've never used Aderall before (I withheld the fact that I tried crystal meth once about 7 years ago and my initial sampling turned directly into a 8 month bender). Anyway, I really want to know from you guys the best way to go about speed balling with what I've got here. I want to feel the strongest feeling of euphoria I can get without ending up in jail or the ER. Give me some of your thoughts on how I should take this and any steps that I may not realized. For example: should I take a 3x dose of adderall (based on my baseline dose) and take it at the same time as a 4x dose of my benzo? Should the benzo be the stronger of the 2 forces? Also, should they be taken at the exact same time or should I take one first and then wait a specific amount of time before introducing the second ingredient? Any advice from experienced speed ball user would be greatly appreciated.

>Before anyone says it, I know that Lorazepam isn't the ideal drug for this, Xanax is. But I have a 90ct bottle of 2mg Ativan tabs that I get every month so it is what I will be using. Plus, Ativan works similarly to Xanax in that it is fast acting, it's not like diazepam or clonazepam that takes an hour and a half to kick in.

Dr. Anon 23/11/14(Tue)15:42 No. 14531

OP here, any help, advice, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I will be doing this during work today and will post updates.

Dr. Anon 23/11/15(Wed)13:13 No. 14532

Dunno much bout adderal but i hear its best to make sure you take magnesium with it for blood pressure and heart rate spikes also nac after to decrease depression and irritable comedown.

Dr. Anon 23/11/15(Wed)13:18 No. 14533

Oh and tyrosine especially nalt is good for replenishing dopamine lost through stim or many other drug use, Although a high protein diet should cover that.

Dr. Anon 23/11/29(Wed)01:31 No. 14536

Have u tried it with phenibut?

Dr. Anon 24/02/07(Wed)07:26 No. 14548

upper user here I was never prescribed and commonly used 57 mg of addys/concerta/Vyvanse find they pair well w dark liquor and weed most i ever took was 206mg didnt od i dont think didnt puke but had major phycosis for 2-3 months and clawed my skin out (im 120lbs)

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