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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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Dr. Anon 23/11/03(Fri)06:30 No. 14524

File 169898941061.jpg - (2.70MB , 4160x3120 , IMG_20231103_003036006.jpg )

Remember this

Dr. Anon 23/11/03(Fri)08:08 No. 14525

That looks like a good time

Dr. Anon 23/11/14(Tue)15:24 No. 14530


Yeah, I remember. I can still taste that sickly sweet taste in my throat. But also work very hard to get myself out of the nightmare hell ditch that stuff had me dig myself into, so no thanks. These days I'm really just about benzos and the occasional psychedelic (especially if I ever find a way to get legit MDMA, the only drug that has been able to evade me... The One Who Got Away)

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