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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

Note: Do not follow suggestions from this community without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 7chan is not responsible for any misuse or side effects resulting from information shared here. Misuse or abuse of any drug may cause unintended side-effects such as addiction, paralysis, extreme pain, or even death. Posts disguised as advice that are recognized to cause harm will be deleted, and the user banned.

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Depression Dr. Anon 24/05/26(Sun)03:06 No. 14584

File 171668561871.jpg - (801.96KB , 1080x2400 , Screenshot_2024-05-26-11-01-36-887_com_brave_brows.jpg )

Live like a nigger gives you strength
Pray like a yid gives you (+)INT
Virtue as an Aryan gives you soul

fu** your throat with a spoon like circus performers or vocal coaches and you find the neck shaped as an Aleph. Muscle relaxers help laying on the floor. Practice few weeks.


Depression ain't real if they ever took your wisdom teeth your skeleton is.now locked and you need the spoon strategy to open your nose fully otherwise meditations ain't ever work for ya. Guess what? They work if your body is totally open. Follow the rabbit
Truffles assist greatly so does delta8

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