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First post: Special K edition Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)20:30 No. 14379

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Freebase ketamine, what are your thoughts on it is it worthless

The+Red+Barron 23/02/23(Thu)07:28 No. 14382

Never even knew you could do that


I heard ket makes sexy time but I know shit about it honestly

Dr. Anon 23/02/23(Thu)18:32 No. 14384

Maybe I'll take half a bag and step on it to see. Best way to find out is in person.

Dr. Anon 23/02/25(Sat)13:10 No. 14388

i think some people do this with a hotplate, where you boil up water in a pan and put a plate big enough to cover it, heat up the plate with the steam and put desiired liquid or wet drugs/weed on the plate untill it dries out. I bet op did something a bit more fancier than that tho

Dr. Anon 23/02/26(Sun)22:00 No. 14389

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I've been snorting it instead I have failed.

Dr. Anon 23/02/27(Mon)03:40 No. 14390

Why not just I'M inject it OP?
deff does seem like a waste to me.

Dr. Anon 23/02/27(Mon)19:08 No. 14391

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No scalene and I don't think I could as am a hyuge pussy. Ugh it's all used up now, the binge is over the comedown is real.

Dr. Anon 23/02/28(Tue)21:32 No. 14392

What's scalene? I didn't know you needed something use to itra musclarly inject it.

Dr. Anon 23/02/28(Tue)23:01 No. 14393

I was high as fuck misspelled saline

Dr. Anon 23/03/01(Wed)00:06 No. 14394

ohhh. You don't need that. Just use water, right? You don't have to hit a vein it's intra-muscular.

Dr. Anon 23/03/01(Wed)08:53 No. 14395

Just best not to use water even if its high ph, purified, or distilled imo

Dr. Anon 23/03/02(Thu)20:42 No. 14396

Why? I used to shoot up meth with it. Never had any issues.

Dr. Anon 23/03/03(Fri)00:59 No. 14397

Water that is not salinated or sterile will always have some amount of microbes and shouldn't really be injected. With intramuscular it's not a huge issue, though you should use distilled at least

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