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Anonymous 23/04/19(Wed)17:17 No. 14435

File 168191747193.jpg - (78.55KB , 1073x870 , 00.jpg )

Does anyone have experiences ordering from the darkweb in Europe?
In February I had dozens of shipments coming in, but then in Mid-March it stopped, even from reputable vendors whos product had arrived in a week earlier.
Have the cops blacklisted my name or address?
Anyone have ideas how to get around it?

Anonymous 23/04/19(Wed)17:42 No. 14436

Depends what country and which country lines the order is passing within the EU

Anonymous 23/04/25(Tue)04:22 No. 14440

One of my US buddies had varying problems. Most of the time he got his shit just fine, but sometimes he would get fed letters

He started to realize the fed letters were actually fake--sent from the dealers instead of drugs to scare him so he would hopefully just forget about the money

Some places offer a guarantee and will cover a refund a la ebay if the dealer refuses

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