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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

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Drugs Dr. Anon 23/05/10(Wed)03:41 No. 14456

File 168368290760.png - (8.08KB , 185x448 , image.png )

Which of these are good for a "head high" or a mental high? I've tried several legitimate benzos but besides making your body loopy they don't do much.

Dr. Anon 23/05/11(Thu)13:28 No. 14459

I don't know what the fuck y6ou are talking about OP.
Do you mean head high like indica strains of weed or head high like tripping the fuck out on LSD?

Dr. Anon 23/05/13(Sat)02:00 No. 14461

On that list specifically?


I found opium also gave me visuals and made me quite creative but no other opiate ever did.

"Synthetics" is a weird category because that does not explain what the drug does but rather how it is made.

Is this from some darknet website you are ordering from?

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