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Dr. Anon 21/07/16(Fri)00:45 No. 13975

File 16263891239.jpg - (546.42KB , 1149x831 , 0784086001610695318.jpg )

Can you sneak edible gummy bears through TSA?

Dr. Anon 21/07/18(Sun)20:51 No. 13976

File 162663426480.jpg - (207.27KB , 1169x1500 , haribo.jpg )

It depends on the packaging I think, If you can re-package them in a Haribo bag they might make it through. The only problem is the drug dog if its near enough to sniff it out.

Dr. Anon 22/10/15(Sat)07:30 No. 14241

toss em in a gummy vitamin bottle, as long as you're flying domestic, and take it as carry on, you'll be fine. stay far away from customs.

Dr. Anon 23/01/24(Tue)02:17 No. 14354

>not taking your shit right before leaving from home or right before parking your car at the airport


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