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Are the .onion drug sites legit? Dr. Anon 22/07/26(Tue)17:52 No. 14143

File 16588507507.jpg - (404.82KB , 740x721 , 45yh56hjw56.jpg )

Don't tell me the fucking sites because then the glowie and zoomer mic/kike tattle-tales will shut them down. Just tell me if you had luck buying acid on the darkweb so I can try it out myself.


Dr. Anon 22/07/26(Tue)17:53 No. 14144

I use to buy in person from a cat I knew. Can't anymore, he ripped me off and isn't my friend.

Dr. Anon 22/07/26(Tue)18:18 No. 14145

You might have to take your chances on this one. It's known that the feds have kept dark web marketplaces in operation after seizing them. I assume there's no way of knowing for sure.

Dr. Anon 22/08/27(Sat)19:56 No. 14165

current situation with the markets is a little dicey, i can give you some advice though. don't use a market with a built in crypto wallet, that's asking to be exitscammed by the market admins, use sites with multisig escrow (so you can extend autofinalization until whatever you order arrives) and buy from vendors who have fair prices and good feedback.

Dr. Anon 22/08/28(Sun)07:22 No. 14166

This is for research/curiosity purposes only but yeah some of those sites are operational albeit crawling with cops. If you don't know how to use PGP then learn. Verify your links and crypto addresses every step of the way and don't get lazy, get links from a legit source, encrypt all your messages with PGP and perhaps use privnote too. Basically read some guides and don't be a retard, and VERIFY, I can't stress that enough. On a totally unrelated note Monero is more secure than bitcoin just fyi but you still shouldn't make any purchases by sending your crypto directly from an online wallet on the site you bought it to the merchant as it's probably connected to your bank card and ID, as a general rule it's more secure to put it in an offline wallet first.
Another unrelated note, customs/border officers are far more thorough and do not hesitate to rip shit apart and confiscate anything that seems weird, whereas regular post that stays within the country isn't scrutinized very much. Theoretically those are a few ways a person could poke around on onion sites while minimizing the chance of getting scammed or arrested.

Dr. Anon 23/01/20(Fri)19:17 No. 14350

I imagine some are, though if you're in Canada you can find clearnet sites selling lsd openly. They're mostly (if not completely) located in BC and will ship across the country.

There are some US suppliers on the clearnet as well, though mileage will vary.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:42 No. 14351

Psychedelics suck bro, also the FBI arrested the guy that started the TOR stuff, you think they don't know you're buying?

Dr. Anon 23/01/23(Mon)21:16 No. 14353

Just because you've had a bad trip doesn't mean everyone else will.

The gov't also (for military purposes) invented the internet, and yet are basically sol on breaking encryption. TOR isn't fool proof, it makes it really difficult for the gov't if you aren't being dumb in your opsec.

Dr. Anon 23/01/29(Sun)03:04 No. 14358

My brother used to get sheets of LSD ordered over the original silk road, but, you can only really trust a few these days and even then. When I want to get drugs I make contacts on the internet and exchange privately with monero.

Dr. Anon 23/02/19(Sun)04:16 No. 14372

Not liking psychedelics says more about you than the drug

The+Red+Barron 23/02/19(Sun)10:37 No. 14373

I'm so fucking ashamed.

Dr. Anon 23/02/22(Wed)00:35 No. 14380

If you buy from a well-reviewed vendor there should be no issues. Just test what you receive to make sure it's not NBOMe or something

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