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/rx/ - Drugs Your prescription is ready for pickup.

Note: Do not follow suggestions from this community without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 7chan is not responsible for any misuse or side effects resulting from information shared here. Misuse or abuse of any drug may cause unintended side-effects such as addiction, paralysis, extreme pain, or even death. Posts disguised as advice that are recognized to cause harm will be deleted, and the user banned.

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Dr. Anon 23/02/17(Fri)20:19 No. 14371

File 167666154067.png - (1.14MB , 1440x900 , Screenshot 2021-05-15 at 22_37_30.png )

so besides coke,mdma,lsd and weed in my 20s dn 30s, I have found Pharma grade methylphenidate(Ritalin) with a bit o Benz sleep pills and some booze gets a good high, certainly all legal...any other good dopemeeeen snorts for perscrip

Dr. Anon 23/02/21(Tue)09:00 No. 14374

File 167696640963.gif - (4.17MB , 480x270 , 01.gif )


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