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random Dr. Anon 20/11/05(Thu)20:28 No. 13878

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Why do people take drugs like LSD? Wasn't there an episode of malcolm in the middle where he took a drug and he got raped by a guy because the guy was stoned and crazy?

Dr. Anon 20/11/06(Fri)07:57 No. 13879

Seems pretty hardcore for MitM which was mostly about being friends with some nerd nigger

Dr. Anon 20/12/10(Thu)19:02 No. 13894

Imagine falling for the propaganda against drugs in this day and age.

Dr. Anon 20/12/15(Tue)23:12 No. 13899

Plain and simple, psychs are fun.

Dr. Anon 20/12/18(Fri)10:16 No. 13900

To get over the pain of simply having watched that episode

Dr. Anon 20/12/26(Sat)22:00 No. 13905

You're a tool.

Dr. Anon 21/01/06(Wed)04:58 No. 13914

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I like adventures, it's an adventure. You go places and you're not even walking/driving.

Also if you microdose all the stuff you become bored with are re-novelized in your brain. So you get with x y z hobby? You get bored with a b c meal? You take microdose all of a sudden you're not bored with them again for a long time.

Dr. Anon 21/02/15(Mon)00:40 No. 13927

ok thank you.

Dr. Anon 21/03/26(Fri)10:29 No. 13932

The reason my insults sting more is because they're original... You should try it

Dr. Anon 22/10/13(Thu)13:35 No. 14240

If you think LSD and other psychedelic drugs are anything like they are portrayed in the media you are a fool.

Dr. Anon 22/11/18(Fri)22:36 No. 14281

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adventure is about right. People take it for pragmatic reasons too like a fucked life or cluster headaches but if you aren't dealing with those - the reason to return will be that. I always say that if you feel like you have plenty of adventure in your life - you definitely needn't take psychedelics.

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)02:09 No. 14282


LSD poor persons holiday.
Better not to be poor and have real holidays

Dr. Anon 22/11/19(Sat)02:41 No. 14283

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Hey look somebody never done acid (or enough acid)

Dr. Anon 22/12/03(Sat)22:26 No. 14304


Thank you, for being so dumb

Dr. Anon 22/12/04(Sun)10:07 No. 14305

I wish I could try LSD or Shrooms. I don't know anyone and too much of a pussy to attempt to order that shit.

Dr. Anon 22/12/05(Mon)22:05 No. 14308

I just felt like trying something new. It's an interesting and unique experience, can supposedly cure things like PTSD, and doesn't hurt you physically.

Dr. Anon 22/12/05(Mon)22:07 No. 14309

LSD is pretty safe to order as it's just paper and doesn't smell

Dr. Anon 23/01/20(Fri)19:15 No. 14349

It's fun. Makes movies more interesting and allows you to see the subtext in movies at times, though it can fuck with your mind at times. Not all movies are worthwhile watching on lsd, but there are enough out there to enjoy.

>on two hits of lsd
>watching Fight Club
>have seen the movie before, but decided it'd be a fun one to watch
>part way through the movie I felt as though I was not only a Tyler Durden to the movie's characters, I also had a Tyler Durden in my house wandering around
>had to remind myself that I'm on lsd and merely watching a movie

Followed up with a Kirosawa Samurai film and when I closed my eyes I was seeing Japanese visuals. What you take in media wise will influence the visuals you see. Secret of Kells provided strange closed eye visuals.

Plus it makes workouts interesting when you're doing squats.

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