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CHIROPRACTOR MANIPULATIONS? Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)09:24 No. 39780 [Reply]

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this is causing me to Limp around for 10+ years, unable to breath, drinking fucktons of water,... and SHARP 24/7 pain + what seems like a permanent spasm on my left center of shoulderblade.. + Migraines + million other sudden health fx.. and im thinking the cause may be nerveroot agitation due to lumbar segment disk degeneration...? I guess a chiropractic manipulation might fix this? ? ? ? trying to see if i can actually SPOT the nerve root agitation... an appoint would take 3+ weeks since some people are lazy af and shouldnt breath #TheThirstisReal #SomePeopleShouldn'tBreathe #HeHasn'thadaClearCalmThoughtorTookARelaxingBreathein10Years?? somehow got the rest, upon inquiry any ideas?

Anonymous 22/11/24(Thu)08:59 No. 39837

bro airwolfing hell why did you wait 10 years for it to get worse??? Anyhow your best shot is to see a doctor urgently to see what the airwolf is wrong with it and if it need surgury do it asap to prevent it getting worse in the future. I hope this helped.

Exercise Anonymous 21/04/26(Mon)07:21 No. 37771 [Reply]

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Some years ago i started doing exercise and i felt really good after i pushed my limit. Every fuckin time. But then i started having head pain every time i did something with force, so i stopped. When i started i was very skinny and i started gaining some muscle (primarily abs because thats all i could do on those days, no money for a gym) and i really feel disgusted now. i'm fat, and still gaining weight. Then i heard that there is a gym literally on the back street of my house. Should i risk it or wait for all this pandemic shit to pass out to go to a doctor to know what is wrong with me?
(third-world country for those who ask why i have to wait)

Anonymous 22/11/06(Sun)11:15 No. 39774

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Give yourself time to heal and rest up

Anonymous 22/11/16(Wed)17:01 No. 39800

Also eat a lot.

Request Sticky 2.0 Anonymous ## Mod ## 22/06/14(Tue)18:37 No. 39419 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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The last sticky had gotten so incredibly bloated moderating it was literally becoming a fire hazard. So, I have taken it upon myself to create a new sticky.
You retards never seem to get the hint but requests are specifically designed for this specific thread and no where else on the board. This is done to prevent shitting up the board and other discussion with millions of requests.

Please follow this rule or risk a possible ban.

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Anonymous 24/12/28(Sat)09:58 No. 41140

Anyone got Ben Yanes excersice library?

Anonymous 25/01/20(Mon)01:34 No. 41161

Looking for -> The GLP-1 Solution: A Complete Program to Maximize Your Weight and Fat Loss Results by Lyle McDonald

Swimming Anonymous 16/07/29(Fri)11:11 No. 19151 [Reply]

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Do you guys ever considered swimming for fitness?


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Anonymous 21/01/06(Wed)13:07 No. 37194

Swimming in a public pool can get you Ascariasis lumbricoides and resistant tuberculosis.
It will change your life forever.

Anonymous 21/01/06(Wed)13:09 No. 37195

He is lazy fitness gymcel, man.

Anonymous 21/01/07(Thu)15:24 No. 37200

>Swimming in a public pool can get you Ascariasis lumbricoides and resistant tuberculosis.
Another excuse not to get /fit/.

There's always rivers, lakes and the sea. Alternatively build your own pool, grab a shovel and get digging.

Anonymous 18/11/26(Mon)19:03 No. 24547 [Reply]

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Hey, everyone! As requested by my psychologist, I'll start going to a gym in order to gain some muscle and distract myself a bit from computers (and hopefully cure my depression).

If the prices are worth it, I'm signing up on a gym near my house. I've been told that I'll first make a test so that I can get accompanied by a trainer so they can "see my current capacities". I was wondering, how can I start? Should I start by lifting up some weights? Should I run a bit on a treadmill?

Thank you.

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Anonymous 22/10/19(Wed)11:52 No. 39711

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No carbs

Anonymous 22/10/19(Wed)11:54 No. 39712

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Only veg & meat

Anonymous 22/10/20(Thu)01:50 No. 39715


I don't know what your goal is. However, if you're trying to get a beach-bod and look good with your shirt off, I can help.

First off, you need to figure out your diet. If you want to lose weight, you need to take in less calories then you put out. Likewise, if you're thin with low body fat percentage, you want to be at a caloric surplus. Use gravitus' calculator to figure out your approximate caloric situation, and develop a diet.


I created a meal plan on Google sheets which I use to plan my diet.

Second, figure out your weight lifting plan. The 4 main groups to target are as follows, in the order that you want to do them:

MON: Chest/triceps
TUE: Legs

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Fruit vs. Veg Anonymous 19/11/24(Sun)02:37 No. 31959 [Reply]

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So here's a question for the nutritionally minded. Which one is healthier on the whole.

If you were limited to just one side which would it be. And why.

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Anonymous 21/06/20(Sun)05:34 No. 38111

lol you guys should take the sveridge pill fiber is unhealthy and detrimental to your health you try hard nerds

Anonymous 22/09/07(Wed)13:00 No. 39654

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Have both for a balanced diet.

Anonymous 22/09/18(Sun)12:11 No. 39671

Well, I'd say that I'd rather be on the side of veggies because they don't have that much sugar, but in general, it's better to eat both. And also, I highly recommend you to support your health with supplements, and for instance, I take gummies from https://weeddelivery.io/ , so you can consider checking this store as well if you're from Canada. I'm sure you won't be disappointed because they actually have beneficial effect on health.

Anonymous 21/12/16(Thu)01:59 No. 38782 [Reply]

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Im struggling to build this body part, tried latteral, side raise but i havnt seen improvement. Anyhelp and tips?

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Anonymous 22/03/25(Fri)01:54 No. 39169

This is 100% genetics.

Look at David Laid's capped delts (barely developed, can't even OHP 200lbs) then look at someone like Steve Cook who can OHP like 250lbs but his delts are flat looking.

Even untrained guy like Jaden Smith has capped delts. The only thing you can do is get lean, and hope you have the genes. Giannis is like 10%bf

Anonymous 22/09/12(Mon)21:19 No. 39666

The reason his delts are visible like that is because of genetics and a low bf%. The best way to "build" your delts is to work on your getting strong in your OHP. The stronger your OHP, the more weight you will be able to handle in your shoulder exercises. More Weight = More Muscle.

Anonymous 22/09/12(Mon)21:20 No. 39667

The reason his delts are visible like that is because of genetics and a low bf%. The best way to "build" your delts is to work on your getting strong in your OHP. The stronger your OHP, the more weight you will be able to handle in your shoulder exercises. More Weight = More Muscle.

Looking for Kinobody Moviestar Masterclass kgr11 22/08/31(Wed)10:31 No. 39624 [Reply]

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Hey! Does anyone have the Kinobody Moviestar Masterclass Phase 2/3/4?

Anonymous 22/08/31(Wed)11:44 No. 39625

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That only works if you get paid to work-out...

Running a Cycle Anonymous 19/01/19(Sat)23:38 No. 25879 [Reply]

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I'm currently just finishing up the 6th week of my first cycle which is 100mg of testosterone propionate every other day, and front loaded with 50mg of dianabol every day. Ending the dianabol after tomorrow (the full 6 weeks), and I've been taking various supplements for liver protection, avoiding alcohol, etc. while using the dianabol. I'm planning on running the test for another 4 weeks, and then ending what is a relatively short 10 week cycle. I've been using about .5mg of arimidex every other day to control estrogen levels (although I may need to adjust this down after ending the dianabol), and I have had good results controlling the side effects (although there is still some expected water retention with these compounds). I have clomid and nolvadex on hand for post-cycle therapy, although I may try just running nolvadex alone, as the side effects with clomid can be a bit harsher.

Almost immediately on starting the cycle, my training capacity became virtually unlimited, although large strength gains didn't start rolling in until about 3 weeks or so, but they have since been coming up by 10 pounds or more a week (for the big 3 compound barbell movements I'm currently repping at 265lb bench, 315lb squat, 405lb deadlift). My tendons and joints are starting to not be able to keep up with the strength gains, but otherwise it's been ridiculous fun. As far as size gains, that is a bit harder to tell. Both compounds I am taking cause water retention (the dianabol very much so), and I saw size increases within days, but this is really attributable to the water in the muscles (and everywhere else really). I won't really be able to tell what actual size gains I made until after I come off of both compounds and the water retention fades.

I'm hoping to keep most, if not all of my gains, through proper post-cycle therapy and sticking with my training program through the ensuing testosterone crash.

If any of you out there have run any cycles too, tell me about your experiences, and if anyone has any questions about mine, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.

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Anonymous 19/02/04(Mon)14:52 No. 26520

OP here: Headed towards the end of this short(ish) cycle, and I've added in Winstrol at 50mg per day as a hardener. While I won't be running it long enough to have a profound effect, I have noticed some results with it after only a few days of adding it. Injections, and Winny should be done by Thursday, and post-cycle therapy starting Saturday.

Iron+savage 19/04/14(Sun)02:10 No. 27792


You running UG or pharma gear? if so what brand?
Cheers get blood work done! also donate blood once off to help.

Anonymous 22/08/28(Sun)07:45 No. 39612

Sorry, thought this was the bicycling thread...

Tactical Lifting Techniques for Intermediate/Advanced Anonymous 19/10/14(Mon)22:42 No. 31258 [Reply]

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Stuff you've used to get stronger that the novice might not know.

For example there's the ulnar reflex. By putting pressure on the ulnar surface of your hand you can curl more than you can otherwise.

Also there's a trick I discovered and used for a muscular contraction imbalance. If for example one of your traps is more easily activated, try lifting with one half of your body visible in a mirror. I'd guess this works along the same line as the trick used for phantom limbs. Make no sense? Try it out.

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be!!EuBGtkZmtk 20/05/26(Tue)04:03 No. 35265

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Says the guy trying to enter a pissing contest over the internet.

Anonymous 20/09/07(Mon)12:25 No. 36288


Tempo- paused reps are basically the GOAT variation. They’ll let you get a greater hypertrophic response out of less work, they clean up your technique, and they increase your main lifts like noob gains if you’ve never done them.

Anonymous 22/08/28(Sun)07:44 No. 39611

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Just lift

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