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Is this good for a 2 x 7 year old with no gym experience? Anonymous 24/05/08(Wed)17:00 No. 40937 [Reply]

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Justin Harris Michel 24/11/03(Sun)20:12 No. 41115

Hello I search MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass and Shredded - A Carb Cycling Approach Justin Harris please

Anonymous 24/11/17(Sun)06:39 No. 41121

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Just lift

This guys advice good or? Bane 24/11/06(Wed)23:00 No. 41116 [Reply]

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Maximum hypertrophy Raseduxy 20/04/20(Mon)00:22 No. 34760 [Reply]

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Are John Meadows most complete programs for bodybuilding? And how much muscle stretching can actually help hypertrophy.
Or should i just don't overthinking (which i do more than i should) and do what Ronnie said: Bodybuilding is doing heavy weight for most reps possible (aka going to failure every set)

Anonymous 20/04/21(Tue)02:13 No. 34781

Alright man, first you're not going to listen. I know this.

You're not going to listen because I'm just another voice on the website you visit, and not some expert (to you).

Second, you say you want to do bodybuilding? OK. What are you doing right now? Are you currently training?

Third, post what you're doing now so we can answer you if we choose (although you won't listen)

Anonymous 20/04/21(Tue)02:19 No. 34782

I'm going to answer preemptively. I'm assuming you have never really trained and you have it in your head to lift weights.

Pick up a copy of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. Do the program. Eat food.

Do it. You won't.

Anonymous 24/09/25(Wed)13:20 No. 41098

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Just lift it

Anonymous 20/07/15(Wed)16:52 No. 35811 [Reply]

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Sorry if I'm a brainlet I don't post on fitness related forums often.

So I never really been fat but recently (probably because of quarantine) I've noticed I've became a little "jiggly". And the most I do in terms of fitness is walk to the store every now and then. So I decided I would pay more attention to my fitness.
So I did 10 push ups for each episode of anime I watch today. So 40 so far. My arms felt tense or stressed but then kind of feels good. Would it do anything though? I don't want to put in all this extra work if my belly stays jiggly and I don't grow any muscle.
It's probably worth mentioning my diet consists of pizza and cola mostly... I don't want to change that, I like pizza and cola too much.

Pic not related

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/06/09(Sun)06:53 No. 40961

Niggers have small dicks that's why you did push ups between anime episodes

You're white and better than smelly apelike niggers

Anonymous 24/07/16(Tue)02:56 No. 41015

Good boy

Anonymous 24/08/18(Sun)12:24 No. 41061

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Do it the SMART way

Looking for Kil0 Str3ngth Society courses WeightDowner 24/08/02(Fri)23:39 No. 41051 [Reply]

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I believe the program design course was shared, but now the links are dead.

I'm looking for the hypertrophy program design course, at least the PDF resource.


Egg substitutes Anonymous 24/07/06(Sat)14:18 No. 40995 [Reply]

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Hey, all. I went vegetarian this year and am thinking of making steps towards going vegan (yes, I get all of the hate). The only thing I believe separating me from veganism is I still eat eggs, which I normally eat in the morning before the gym. Please forgive the ignorance, but what alternatives should I consider? Thanks beforehand!

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)04:44 No. 40934 [Reply]

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Reminder that the body and brain don't connect unless the tongue is touching the roof of your mouth. Reminder that the body opens with the left thumb being suckled to decompress the head. Reminder that the glutes must be decompressed with a thumb in the rear to lift the pelvic floor or you will never build abs or nose breathe. Reminder that depression doesn't exist, it's simply a lack of oxygen. Reminder to spread this to 4chan and any other website you use of you really want to redpill people on the truth about life and fitness.
God speed.

Football Science & Performance Coaching : Develop an Elite Coaching Me Bablu 24/03/04(Mon)00:32 No. 40856 [Reply]

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Book Request:
Football Science & Performance Coaching : Develop an Elite Coaching Method

Y3t sliced and diced ebook rohit 24/02/26(Mon)05:10 No. 40846 [Reply]

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Anyone have y3t sliced and diced fat loss ebook
Please share

Anonymous 24/02/02(Fri)19:30 No. 40793 [Reply]

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I noticed my bench will drop down 60-80 lbs some weeks go up again 20-40 lbs then peak to what it was and then drop again 60-80 lbs. Have no idea what's going on with it.

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