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Sstt bench specialisation Uzeii 24/02/01(Thu)09:18 No. 40788 [Reply]

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I would definitely appreciate if someone could share sstt’s bench specialisation in here, thank you

bicboi 24/01/26(Fri)22:11 No. 40772 [Reply]

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Links in old request thread all dead. Anyone got links to BBM programs, specifically the low-fatigue template?

Science backed training advice getting boring? L1ft1ng!!R4BQVmBQH4 18/09/01(Sat)11:30 No. 23011 [Reply]

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Are the science backed fitness guys getting boring?

Schoenfeld, Helms, Israetel and their add on people like Steve Hall, all spouting science backed training advice.

Study after study comes out and they all have their own videos on it, but there is nothing new about how to train that hasn't been said over and over again.


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Anonymous 23/10/24(Tue)05:40 No. 40589

Can you explain the "junk volume" idea to me like I'm an early 2000's meathead? One of my favorite things about going to the gym was feeling so good after a session that I'd add a little extra work for the gains. All the guys that taught me how to lift (eg 90s meatheads) said this was the way to do it. Was that wrong or are the "evidence based" guys ruining something good?

Anon 24/01/01(Mon)12:15 No. 40728

Dead link

Anon 24/01/01(Mon)12:18 No. 40729

>>23222 Link doesn't work

Metabolite training Kabra 23/11/05(Sun)02:58 No. 40610 [Reply]

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What are you opinion in metabolite training? Sets with more of 15 reps and low rest between, is a way to go for natural lifter?

trouble stretching Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)21:30 No. 30521 [Reply]

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I am stiff as a board right now do u guys know any good static stretches to do after working out? I was watching chinese girls do yoga on youtube but it felt too arousing to me. Any good non sexual vids??

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Anonymous 19/11/11(Mon)14:44 No. 31748

Walking wont help you unwind meat head.

Coal 19/11/12(Tue)17:15 No. 31771

Pavel Tsatsouline Relax into stretching and Super Joints.
If ou want oget more sciency
Thomas Kurz - Stretching scientifically
On Yt
Eric Wong Precision Movement has great routines look up the office worker series

70s Big Anonymous 19/11/20(Wed)17:20 No. 31898

3 Stretches for Lifters


This video is great from 70s Big. Still pretty arousing though.

weight loss Anonymous 20/02/24(Mon)11:47 No. 33692 [Reply]

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What is the most effective ways for weight loss??

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Anonymous 23/04/29(Sat)11:37 No. 40188

No carbs; chicken salad only

Anonymous 23/06/05(Mon)12:08 No. 40249

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Eat less while eexercising more

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)11:57 No. 40355

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Corinna Everson, Gabi Garcia & Vladislava Galagan all agree... "Train your back"

Meatless Monday 2022 Anonymous 22/08/29(Mon)12:53 No. 39615 [Reply]

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Anonymous 23/06/13(Tue)11:38 No. 40278

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<3 protein

Anonymous 23/06/22(Thu)12:58 No. 40360

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Eat well for fry-day

thank you max 23/07/26(Wed)22:53 No. 40449


Anonymous 18/03/31(Sat)20:38 No. 20692 [Reply]

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No homo but this guy has pretty fucking nice body

also thread about thenx what do you think about him and calesthenics

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Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)10:54 No. 40272

good but too bloated and thick. I like skinnystrong look like bruce lee or someone taller like that nigger from navy seals and rangers.

His feats of strength are dope af though

Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)10:56 No. 40273

he's not bloated, I meant swole, he's a little bit too swole for my liking.

You want quality muscle that is small built over a decade or more.

Anonymous 23/06/19(Mon)13:22 No. 40348

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gymnastic Anonymous 20/02/26(Wed)12:46 No. 33736 [Reply]

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Have you ever tried gymnastics classes?? How was it??

Anonymous 23/05/15(Mon)12:44 No. 40209

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Stretch & jump like you want to win

Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)13:44 No. 40338

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Got it

Underweight Anonymous 18/11/27(Tue)08:26 No. 24566 [Reply]

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Ive been skinny all my life, 5'11, 120 pounds, what do I do /fit/?

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Anonymous 23/05/30(Tue)09:02 No. 40235

Same bro, I'm a skellybro rn, went to the gym for the first time ever yesterday and ate a shit ton. Woke up today sore but I'm pumped to go back tomorrow

Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)10:31 No. 40270

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be skinny strong!

Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)10:50 No. 40271


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