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Help me win a sports bet Anonymous 23/02/01(Wed)14:12 No. 39968 [Reply]

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I made a bet with a girl I go to college with that I could beat her in a 1 on 1 game of soccer against her. She’s on the soccer team and is pretty good and I haven’t played soccer in a long long time lol

Any tips for me?

Anonymous 23/02/02(Thu)02:05 No. 39970

how do you even play one on one soccer?

Anonymous 23/02/26(Sun)19:24 No. 40022

like fifa street

obstructive sleep question raefdoesser!WBRXcNtpf. 19/01/09(Wed)07:05 No. 25441 [Reply]

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lets say I'm 178 pounds at 5'6" (or 80kg and 167 cm in lolmetric). been strength training for three years and am 18-20bf%. most on ass and midsection.

showing novel signs of obstructive sleep apnea (no sleep study to confirm): 2 immediate male relatives have it including my father.

should i keep training to reach my natural drug-free genetic potential for another 8 years (i.e. 155# and lean) if indeed it is OSA and or are there too many individual factors to generalize?

tripcodes encouraged.

Anonymous 19/01/10(Thu)02:24 No. 25469

If you possibly have sleep apnea go to the doctor and get checked, then make an educated decision on what you need to do next.

Anonymous 23/02/19(Sun)02:46 No. 39998

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Stick to a consistant sleep schedule.

Anonymous 23/01/10(Tue)19:03 No. 39916 [Reply]

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How do you get this shit lift to improve? I've been stuck at 1 plate for a year

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/01/25(Wed)11:58 No. 39956

Maybe give a few extra days for rest or work on those induvidually, with curls and pulldown, then return to pullups

Anonymous 23/01/28(Sat)21:41 No. 39959

Periodize your training and use autoregulation strategies

Anonymous 23/02/14(Tue)18:03 No. 39989

>How do you get this shit lift to improve? I've been stuck at 1 plate for a year
Take longer rest between sets and then slowly shorten

Anonymous 23/02/12(Sun)03:08 No. 39985 [Reply]

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it's all over isn't it

Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)03:23 No. 39947 [Reply]

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How come every time I overwork doing bicep curls I get semi-paralyzed in my elbow? How can I know when I overwork?

Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)07:51 No. 39948

Biceps are a pretty small muscle group, and are at least partially used in a lot of compound and accessory lifts already. It's definitely easy to overwork them if you're paying careful attention or working a program. For actual dedicated curls, I personally try to use a reasonable weight that I can easily control through slow full movements, and that bring me to failure in about the 10 rep range. Three to five sets should be more than enough, when you factor in all the lifts that will hit your biceps throughout the week, such as rows, lat pull downs, etc etc.

Bayesian Bodybuilding course ZEUSlol11 22/11/27(Sun)11:09 No. 39844 [Reply]

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Hey everyone hope you're okay :) do you know where I can find the recent bayesian bodybuilding course from menno henselmans?
I have been looking everywhere but all links are down and can't find it on any torrents website ?

So if you could help me thank you very much

Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)14:30 No. 39891

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Does anyone have the 3DMJ 6.0 lifting library?

Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)13:31 No. 39904


Yes, cheap as fuck to get a subscription though. Get access to other material too

No Equipment Exercise Programs Pacer 18/03/04(Sun)10:56 No. 20516 [Reply]

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I'm being moved by my work for six months to an area that has no gym or exercise equipment. My luggage is limited, but I have a bar thing that I can hook into a doorframe for pull/chin ups that I'm taking with.

Is there a decent calisthenics program that I can follow that will help me continue building strength/muscle?

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Anonymous 22/09/03(Sat)02:32 No. 39636

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STRETCH the whole body

Tips Mbmb123 22/09/27(Tue)00:10 No. 39678

Broke my ankle last year. I can walk again but I will have plates and screws in my ankle the rest of my life. Trying to get back into this.

Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)01:40 No. 39890

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Train with a partner

Bicycling Anonymous 22/08/29(Mon)13:10 No. 39616 [Reply]

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Ride a bike

3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/12/15(Thu)13:07 No. 39867

>rapid polarization of the proles had me being attacked on the street

what the fuck does that even mean, you used to ride your bike and people randomly attacked you? where do you live bro

Anonymous 22/12/15(Thu)13:17 No. 39868


Anonymous 22/12/27(Tue)00:55 No. 39888

instagram @ /yuanherong.1229/

Anonymous 22/01/19(Wed)08:25 No. 38886 [Reply]

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>start taking iron supplements
>stop craving human blood

was that it? Is that really all i needed to do?

Anonymous 22/01/23(Sun)09:32 No. 38898


Anonymous 22/09/11(Sun)20:27 No. 39664

but still to get off

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)07:22 No. 39878

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athleanx Anonymous 22/11/27(Sun)19:29 No. 39845 [Reply]

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Anyone have Athlean X All American Muscle or the new Beast II?

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