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will I die Anonymous 21/05/27(Thu)03:19 No. 37979 [Reply]

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can I take melatonine wirh B vitamins after heavy dri nking?

Anonymous 21/05/27(Thu)04:19 No. 37981

sadly you will not die
what you should do after heavy drinking is sodium and C. However if you just take sum gatorade it'll be the same.

Anonymous 21/06/30(Wed)20:55 No. 38142

If you didn't die, should be cool.

I think I am going blind, anons Anonymous 21/02/21(Sun)00:21 No. 37444 [Reply]

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Yep, even if I can type so perfectly like this, I feel like my vision is deteriorating, sneakily and slowly, but I can see it, literally.

I have nearsightedness (Or Myopia), which allows me to see up close but nothing at all at longer distances.

This has been part of my life since I was 10 or 11 years old.

Since then, my vision has been needing of higher powered glasses to combat my Myopia.

As of now, the power required for me to see is about 6.5 Diopters.

I am 28 years old. Literally a quarter of my life passed and haven't even lived the rest.

Some say your vision stops getting worse at early or late 20's but I don't know if that's true.

Anyways, I got myself COVID and overcame it, but then something is wrong.
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Anonymous 21/03/14(Sun)12:49 No. 37576

had something similar to these symptoms so i decided to take some extreme measures to fix my body

i took 200000iu of vitamin d3 a day for 60 days

i also started taking 10 grams of inositol powder a day for 60 days to fix my nervous system but you have to take it throughout the day not in doses more than 3 grams at a time otherwise you get diarrhea

i also did a water fast for 5 days and then ate nothing but meat for the next 30 days so basically a carnivore diet for 30 days

this is what it took to fix my bodys problems and it worked

i also take 3 Bilberry pills everyday for eye health

i would recommend reading this article https://ancestralsupplements.com/about-us.html i don't take those guys supplements but that article put me on the idea of water fasting and a carnivore diet to reset my body

good luck
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Anonymous 21/04/21(Wed)20:56 No. 37748


Anonymous 21/07/12(Mon)18:58 No. 38192

Not a doctor, STRONGLY STRONGLY URGE YOU TO GET OFF YOUR ASS, and call up a family doctor or ophthalmology specialist and speak to them. If you care about your health and wellbeing, do yourself the kindest favor you can do and get this sorted out.

Anonymous 21/02/28(Sun)21:09 No. 37483 [Reply]

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I have been drinking nothing but Mountain Dew since quarantine. I know this is bad for my health but I only just learned what it does specifically to the brain. How damaged am I and is it reversible (mostly worried about the brain) if serious?

Anonymous 21/04/06(Tue)03:41 No. 37653

Neuroplasticity works wonders, baby. You can make a full recovery, but it needs to be cold turkey, moderation is not an option. To speed up your progress, exercise consistently as much as possible (preferably cardio) and keep diet fairly strict.

Anonymous 15/05/30(Sat)14:23 No. 18256 [Reply]

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There's not a cooking board on here but this falls under the category of "health."
So here is my situation. I'm currently battling depression and living with ADD. I'm getting therapy and medication to help me through it. That's not the point as to why I'm here though. I'm aware that an unhealthy diet can be a substantial contributor to depression and a healthy diet can ease ADD symptoms. My goal is to only eat food that I make myself. I'm 24 years old and live by myself with very limited kitchen space. I'm working with my budget and slowly building up my cooking utilities. I am no stranger to Google and I'm going to continue searching for myself, but it doesn't hurt to ask for help.

I'm looking for a resource or guide that can help a 24 year old man eat and cook healthy. Starting out simple enough, I'm sticking to whole grains only, I always keep a dozen eggs in my refrigerator, I buy unsalted butter and don't use margarine or any other synthetic butter substitute, I'm sticking with lean red meat at the moment as I get comfortable with cooking more foods, and only 100% juice, whole milk (should probably switch to 2%), and water (occasionally Snapple) fill my fridge for drinks, and I seldom buy junk like Doritos as I prefer to snack on things like fruits and raw veggies. I feel like this is a decent start, but I do want a guide that can actually help me stay on track and also give me ideas on switching things up.

TL:DR I'm a young man trying to eat healthy and cook for myself. got any advice?

Here's Mavis because I love this movie.

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Anonymous 21/02/10(Wed)16:08 No. 37402

So I didn't read most of your post, but if you want to eat healthy look into simple recipes for cooking meat dishes. If you want really simple then you can roast a chicken in the oven, and put potato slices underneath it while it's cooking. Then make a salad or something.

Anonymous 21/02/10(Wed)16:09 No. 37403

So I didn't read most of your post, but if you want to eat healthy look into simple recipes for cooking meat dishes. If you want really simple then you can roast a chicken in the oven, and put potato slices underneath it while it's cooking. Then make a salad or something.

Anonymous 21/02/10(Wed)16:09 No. 37404

So I didn't read most of your post, but if you want to eat healthy look into simple recipes for cooking meat dishes. If you want really simple then you can roast a chicken in the oven, and put potato slices underneath it while it's cooking. Then make a salad or something.

Anonymous 20/11/05(Thu)07:02 No. 36731 [Reply]

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Does this look like XXY or klinefelters? I'm almost 24

Anonymous 20/12/22(Tue)08:19 No. 37037

You look like it, yes. More importantly though, why did you take your picture with the screen facing us?

Anonymous 21/02/10(Wed)16:04 No. 37401

I'm not a doc, but if I had to guess your probably just skinny fat. Just get on a barbell and start training imo.

Anonymous 19/12/19(Thu)17:22 No. 32485 [Reply]

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i am doing this program, pic related. i am now on day 15 and feel fucking great. i always do what says on the program and sometimes i add a little extra, +5-20 per day. my arms got bigger, i feel much hornier and stronger.

do you guys have any suggestions to a puny program like this? or should i just continue doing this every month?

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Anonymous 21/01/13(Wed)01:44 No. 37241

Day 5 Done!
Day 6 Done!

Anonymous 21/01/16(Sat)00:38 No. 37262

7 (Rest)
Day 8 Done!
Day 9 Done!

Anonymous 21/02/01(Mon)23:36 No. 37351

So... update for you all. Had to abandon last months attempt, had a family member rush to hospital so it became a no-priority. Looks like they're out of the woods now so we're going to give this another go. Won't be doing daily updates though and if I have to abandon then carry on without.

As always, you fit/fags/are welcome to join in.

Day 1: Complete.

mental illness and fitness therealULTRaNINJA 16/01/01(Fri)09:01 No. 18722 [Reply]

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mental illness and fitness

• there is no such thing as mental illness
( it's a simple form of ground level witchcraft. no more than a parlour trick.)

if you've been diagnosed with mental health issues.

daily you will be visited by 'maintenance crews' which will enforce your mental illness symptoms.

these are dispellable by learning
witchcraft ( making scrolls in blood and learning a witchcraft language.) which has
the same effect as the witchcraft parlour trick that the mental health authorities use. conjouring demonic forces. but this time to fight for you as you're the one who conjured them. should be significantly more powerful than mental health authority witchcraft it is the cheapest trick there is, stays cheap because it is a business with no investment and all profit as it's business model.

• air quality
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Anonymous 16/04/24(Sun)17:25 No. 19005

there is no god.

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)08:56 No. 19443

I would also recommend house plants, and multi colored lighting. Also, get off the drugs.
Currently try walking outside and doing some push ups, squats and maybe pull ups/chin ups twice a day, working my way up to 5x a day. Helps a shit ton.
I also have a Himalayan salt lamp, crystals, stones, an essential oil vaporizer, and giant granite stone sitting in my room... I was desperate.
This all started by drug use, and accidentally "coming out" (not gay but accidentally implied it) while on MDMA to my druggie close friend, because I couldn't feel it/sense the implication and there was a cute sensual girl from earlier I, once again, accidentally mimicked somewhat. I didn't think I was doing anything, but he did, and I was on MDMA so I thought "Huh, maybe I did." Led to crazy shit despite later denying his come-ons, since the answer to that question is always, positively, negative, yet for some reason the question kept being asked. This led to "mental illness". Amazing how forcing a false identity can fuck you up.

Anyway I got a pink grow light for my house plants, a yellow/orangy pink salt lamp, a multi colored (right now green) essential oil vaporizer, and a red bulb in a lamp, with a normal bulb in my closet on.

Reading some occult stuff, beginning mathematics (of which I was very active in high school), beginning programming (always wanted to do this, along with the hardware side), politics (keeping track of this presidency, and international stuff, and have a book Tragedy & Hope about the background to the current power structures), and drinking plenty of tea and coffee. Also, I do not eat junk shit and take plenty of vitamins and minerals, and will make myself some food instead, because junk makes me feel like absolute shit just thinking about it.

Eating 3x a day and drinking water/tea/vitamin water throughout the day regulates whack cycles. Focusing your mind on other shit, including aesthetic things, especially the aesthetics of emotions and people (to improve your opinion and connection to humanity, and improve your relationship to the human that you are), as well as an intellectual pursuit, and an artistic pursuit (I need to get into piano), shall do wonders.

Habit is king. If you have a routine that squeezes out the shit, rather than one that lets you steep in it like shit tea, you will always bounce back and be awesome.
I got a 3 hr/cycle system, and I keep track of what I've done on my list and what I haven't. This is a daily, unchanging, immutable list and the most important shit is on the top of the list for my well being... the order only changes with a very good reason. Once I can do the 16 items on my list every 3 hours, ~5x a day, I will have mastered a valuable skill.

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Anonymous 21/01/22(Fri)21:45 No. 37295


Anonymous 21/01/01(Fri)15:55 No. 37158 [Reply]

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how to train for the iron cross

Anonymous 21/01/06(Wed)13:02 No. 37193

Not anyone can do iron cross.
You must be short guy with the right genetics to do it and at the right age, around 16- 18 years old to start training for it. Otherwise you will get yourself so badly injured that even with multiple surgeries they might not fix you.
No matter what a fish can do it will never learn to fly.

Anonymous 21/01/10(Sun)17:04 No. 37220


The advanced mathew zlat program Anonymous 20/12/27(Sun)08:44 No. 37099 [Reply]

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Could somebody please share this new one? His older one is circulating here, but not the newer one! Much appreciated!

rocky 20/12/28(Mon)23:03 No. 37120

did you found it?

Anonymous 21/01/01(Fri)15:09 No. 37156

No man, still looking!

The Ketogenic Diet 14/12/01(Mon)08:42 No. 16691 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Hey /fit/,
After reading up on the ketogenic diet, I've come up with a couple of questions and qualms about it.
I know a couple of you here are firm adherents to the keto diet, so can you explain these please?

1- The brain works on glucose, and will have no substitute. Your body metabolizes the fats into ketone bodies, which can cause ketoacidosis if unmonitored. This state of constant mild hypoglycemia, I'm sure, leads to defects in mental function (named the "keto-mind-fog"). This is not as unsignificant as websites would have you believe, such a mind-fog would be devastating for people whose jobs require high mental output.

2- A high-fat diet means chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, and HDL; bubbles of lipids and lipoproteins in your bloodstream, transporting the fuel to wherever it is needed. The problem is, a high LDL amount is linked and causative with vascular diseases like atherosclerosis. Conversely, a high HDL is linked with a reduction in such diseases. The function of HDL is to bring fats back to the liver to be metabolized during the fasting/hunger state. Does the (presumed) increase in HDL make up for the increase in LDL? Is it even safe to have so much lipids in the bloodstream to begin with? A high fat diet increases the expression of inflammatory mediators, which leads to all sorts of health problems, and also causes insulin resistance (the pivotal point of developing metabolic syndrome).

3- Besides supplements, you can only get a certain percentage of necessary micronutrients from a ketogenic diet, like minerals, folic acid, fat-burning phytochemicals like adiponectin. Also you consume a low amount of dietary fibre. Diets rich in fibre have been shown to reduce the risks of breast and colonic cancer. While red meat (especially the processed kind) has been shown to do the opposite. Is this trade-off for better physique/weight loss favorable?

4- Just making your portions smaller (calorie counting) combined with regular exercise should work with everyone (unless they have a medical condition - though I cannot think of any). Why should people try to adapt to such a drastic change in eating routine? It might be useful from a public health perspective to promote this in countries like the US where people drink sugary "soda"s to oblivion, but the Mediterranean diet provides a much better (though perhaps not as efficient) alternative in terms of overall nutrition. Wouldn't it be better to remove simple carbohydrates (like potato starch or simply sugar in the form of sweets, chocolate bars, etc.) from the diet in such countries?

Please don't get angry with me, I'm just trying to find out if there is something I've missed.

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Anonymous 20/06/09(Tue)15:32 No. 35487

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Anonymous 20/06/09(Tue)15:37 No. 35488

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Updated version of>>31215

Anonymous 20/12/27(Sun)23:38 No. 37105

>The brain works on glucose, and will have no substitute.
That's what the ketones are for. Your brain will run on about ~75% ketones, ~25% glucose from gluconeogenesis from amino acids.

Idk but losing weight would improve your hormone and cholesterol regardless which a keto diet would do.

>you can only get a certain percentage of necessary micronutrients from a ketogenic diet
>low amount of dietary fiber
False. You can still eat a ton of vegetables. Keto isn't defined by eating high fat, but rather by eating low carb. You still have plenty of options for (essentially) zero carb vegetables.

>Just making your portions smaller (calorie counting) combined with regular exercise should work with everyone
>Why should people try to adapt to such a drastic change in eating routine?
Preference. Some people are better able to control their hunger/satiety.

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