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/fit/ - Fitness & Health
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Lyme Disease Treatment Josh 18/09/02(Sun)22:51 No. 23033 [Reply]

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Good Afternoon Everyone.
As indicated by the title, I did in fact contract lyme disease close to 2 months ago. I have been on two separate antibiotics for the treatment of this ailment thus far and I am coming to the end of the second prescribed dosage. I was wondering if it is common for symptoms of lyme disease to persist after completing a dosage for a short period of time before it's completely gone. Thank you.

Anonymous 22/08/28(Sun)07:40 No. 39610

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This is /fit/ness, not medicine. Consult a doctor if pain or symptoms persist.

Skinny Fat Problem Anon 18/07/13(Fri)23:57 No. 21993 [Reply]

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I started fitness 2 months ago. When i start i was 72kg and now i'm 69 kg. My body fat is too. It's approximately %20. I need to decrease that. My TDEE 2500 so i deficit that and make 2000 calorie. I also take my macros as posssible as i can. First 1.5 month i tried full body workout 3x12 but i can't progressive overload weights. So i changed program and started StrongLifts 5x5. Should i continue it or change it? I think i need to firstly fat loss but how. Is it good?

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Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)10:52 No. 39604

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Exercise more; eat less carbs

Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)14:54 No. 39606

My problem is that I eat when I'm not hungry. Any tips?

Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)18:37 No. 39607

Show some goddamn willpower and stop eating once you're full.

My aesthetic are fucked up? Beep 21/03/12(Fri)05:47 No. 37555 [Reply]

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My aesthetic are fucked up i mean if im fucked to have a v taper
My statics:
6'3 (190cm)
136lbs (62kg)
High hips (pelvis) circumference :80-85cm
Lower hips circumference :83-86 cm
Waist:64-67 cm

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Anonymous 21/04/28(Wed)21:02 No. 37794

You need to run a novice linear progression as you are a weakling and your aesthetics will improve.


Anonymous 22/04/11(Mon)10:27 No. 39203

Nigga you are 6'3, you are not fucked

Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)10:50 No. 39603

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Keep on moving

I want to die Anonymous 22/07/19(Tue)17:00 No. 39527 [Reply]

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Anyone wake up extremely wiped and all your extremities hurt? I'm so tired but dreads sleeping because it's insanely painful. Then I wake up and run in to things and trip for hours upon hours. I've been going to the doctors for 20 years and they only give me anti-depressants.

I don't take them, and give up, don't go to them for another 2 or 3 years and they BELIEVE this the anti-depressants are helping because I took them and didn't come back. No, I hate doctors, they are so expensive and are worthless.

Anonymous 22/08/13(Sat)16:48 No. 39575

Well they certainly know how to do their job, the majority of people believe in and buy drugs so I don't see the issue! They're beneficial to the society, do pharma goyim!!!

Anonymous 22/08/13(Sat)16:48 No. 39576

Well they certainly know how to do their job, the majority of people believe in and buy drugs so I don't see the issue! They're beneficial to the society, do pharma goyim!!!

Anonymous 22/08/13(Sat)16:48 No. 39577

Well they certainly know how to do their job, the majority of people believe in and buy drugs so I don't see the issue! They're beneficial to the society, do pharma goyim!!!

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)22:12 No. 39479 [Reply]

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How much push should I do daily?

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)23:40 No. 39480


Suicide tonight M-A 22/03/09(Wed)07:21 No. 39075 [Reply]

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I failed at suicide. Tried using a thread, it wasnt strong enough. This time Im using a wire. Im not failing this time. I want the world to know that Jessica Beechin from Chelmsford MA is 10% responsible for my suicide. If 90% of the reason is because of the economy here, then 10% of the reason has to do with the fact that Ive been displaced many times by her friends who have the ability to speak.

Anonymous 22/03/09(Wed)22:04 No. 39077

Women are one of the weakest reasons for suicide.

Anonymous 22/04/02(Sat)09:01 No. 39189

I hope you changed your mind anon!

Anonymous 22/04/06(Wed)12:29 No. 39197

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Don’t do it Anon! You live in a world where dogs exist!

Anonymous 22/04/06(Wed)12:18 No. 39196 [Reply]

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Hey so I’ve been feeling weird pains in the left side of my chest and I’m concerned it has something to do with my heart but I’ve had anxiety about heart problems since I was little ever since in school we watched a health film where someone gets a heart attack and so ever since then I’ve had a fear of heart attacks and I’m 19 years old so when I brought up my concerns to my doctor he told me that it was probably just my anxiety but Jesus fuck I’m still kinda nervous.

What do I do?

Anonymous 18/08/13(Mon)13:34 No. 22425 [Reply]

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i'm 22 but have the skin of a 32 year old how do i fix that?

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Anonymous 18/08/27(Mon)23:27 No. 22861


Anonymous 18/09/12(Wed)04:01 No. 23238

You are still being a little too vague to get a good answer. Post photos both here and on /r/skincareaddiction

Anonymous 22/01/18(Tue)19:42 No. 38883

Stop eating without control everytime you want to.
Also, you surely eat lots of glucose or starch without even needing them to get burnt, henceforth you accumulate AGE's.

And they affect all your body, not only the collagen assimilation.

Allergic rhinitis Alan Weber 21/11/04(Thu)13:24 No. 38621 [Reply]

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Hi all. Can you suggest an effective remedy for allergic rhinitis? My doctor is prescribing me ineffective medications

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BBM Updated Templates BBM 21/11/24(Wed)10:23 No. 38709


Hey, that post contained all templates, previously shared on this website, of which only 4 are the new versions.

(>>38571 - Link to that post)

As of now, the latest version templates available are:

- Hypertrophy 1
- Powerbuilding 1
- Powerlifting 2
- Bodybuilding
- Endurance
- Knee Rehab
- Low Back Rehab
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CumLord 21/12/10(Fri)15:34 No. 38767

Tell your doctor what you have posted here. They want to work with you if you LET them. If you chose to post on a dead internet forum instead of telling them whats going on then they cant help you

Hidden medicine Anonymous 22/01/18(Tue)00:59 No. 38880

This is only a brief guide about what I gathered. Everything starts with your diet...
>leave all diaries, inmediately
>leave grains: no wheat, corn or rice at all
>eat your foods within a reduced schedule, rather than through all the day long
>avoid starchy foods and red meats
>if not vegetarian, eat meats briefly: like once a week or two weeks
>the softest meats are white fish
>do you like nuts? disregard walnuts at least

If you want quick results, these are the shock therapies:
>fasting regularly
>colon enema
>HIIT exercise
>do not use domestic cooling/heating unless your body strictly requires so, due to some sickness or whatever else
>drink hot water, as much as it can be without harming your mouth
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Anonymous 21/08/28(Sat)10:49 No. 38369 [Reply]

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I decided to change to a push/legs/pull split. What do you think?

Push 1
Bench press 5x3
OHP 3x8-10
Dips 3xMax

Pull 1:
Trap Bar deadlift (high handle) 5x3
Swiss bar row 3x8-10
Meadwos row 4x 8-10

Push 2:
OHP 5x3
Bench press 3x8-10
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Anonymous 21/09/11(Sat)19:19 No. 38437

Do one handed clean and jerks, turkish get ups holding a dumbbell, suitcase deadlifts

Anonymous 21/11/11(Thu)14:20 No. 38650

Swap out a row for vertical pulling
Other than that looks great

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