Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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No homo but this guy has pretty fucking nice body also thread about thenx what do you think about him and calesthenics
pretty sure you are a homo
>>21079 Well he is on /fit/
that shoulder "width" lol might as well kys
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Get good
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Double Trouble
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Chiseled torso
>>20692 good but too bloated and thick. I like skinnystrong look like bruce lee or someone taller like that nigger from navy seals and rangers. His feats of strength are dope af though
>>40272 he's not bloated, I meant swole, he's a little bit too swole for my liking. You want quality muscle that is small built over a decade or more.
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>>40273 gotcha