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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 24/05/03(Fri)04:44 No. 40934

File 17147042464.jpg - (56.29KB , 450x681 , images.jpg )

Reminder that the body and brain don't connect unless the tongue is touching the roof of your mouth. Reminder that the body opens with the left thumb being suckled to decompress the head. Reminder that the glutes must be decompressed with a thumb in the rear to lift the pelvic floor or you will never build abs or nose breathe. Reminder that depression doesn't exist, it's simply a lack of oxygen. Reminder to spread this to 4chan and any other website you use of you really want to redpill people on the truth about life and fitness.
God speed.

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