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Request Sticky 2.0 Anonymous ## Mod ## 22/06/14(Tue)18:37 No. 39419

File 16552246716.jpg - (148.15KB , 1920x1080 , 1654274127111.jpg )

The last sticky had gotten so incredibly bloated moderating it was literally becoming a fire hazard. So, I have taken it upon myself to create a new sticky.
You retards never seem to get the hint but requests are specifically designed for this specific thread and no where else on the board. This is done to prevent shitting up the board and other discussion with millions of requests.

Please follow this rule or risk a possible ban.

670 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
MAPS 15 Anonymous 24/02/09(Fri)12:02 No. 40805

Wondering if anyone has this to share? And if it comes with the advanced version. They've tightened up their cease and desists on Reddit lol.

Here's a bunch of stuff if someone hasn't already got: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U1zSdTBhaMxzN8kYzo0dx7LvaqYscqL_?usp=drive_link

Rondel hunte programn Anonymous 24/02/16(Fri)00:36 No. 40815

Bro do u have sstt body recomp programn , their dead v3 or bench or squat specialization one or any other can u plz share the link if u have any other

Anonymous 24/02/16(Fri)19:40 No. 40816

Looking for Derek deathgrip programns if anyone have plz share

Anonymous 24/02/19(Mon)02:18 No. 40824


looking for this as well all links dead

Program Anonymous 24/03/02(Sat)07:25 No. 40855

The link has expired. Could you email it to me

Juany 24/03/09(Sat)03:08 No. 40864

Does anyone have Emmett Louis' M3 courses?

JimJob 24/03/17(Sun)15:55 No. 40885

When is the new Jeff Nippard programme out?

The Clown 24/03/18(Mon)01:43 No. 40887


Link Available for 7 days only

Keep Sharing!

Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist Anonymous 24/03/21(Thu)15:54 No. 40888

Rondel hunte the total specialist

Anonymous 24/03/22(Fri)00:37 No. 40889

Does anyone have BBM Powerbuilding 2 or 3?

Elastaboy Mobility Challenge Coyote 24/03/22(Fri)07:40 No. 40891

Hi there, does anybody have Elastaboys Mobility challenge program and would be willing to share? Thanks a lot!

Anonymous 24/03/23(Sat)22:03 No. 40894

Could anyone share Dawson Windham programs?

need the program rondel hunte total specialist 24/03/25(Mon)10:26 No. 40897

anyone got rondel hunte total program pls share

Anonymous 24/03/25(Mon)12:03 No. 40900

Bump for this
Does anyone have SBD V2?

Hunte reup Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)07:13 No. 40902

Could somebody reup the program by rundel hunte?

Auto 24/04/06(Sat)18:37 No. 40909

Can anyone share rondel hunte total program. Greatly appreciated!

Anonymous 24/04/29(Mon)15:45 No. 40931

Could someone post the BBM Low or Medium Fatigue Templates?

Anonymous 24/05/06(Mon)09:49 No. 40935

Sika strength squat program please.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)12:12 No. 40938


Anyone has BBM Bodybuilding II (new one) or BBM General Strength & Conditioning (new one)?

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)12:14 No. 40939


Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)14:24 No. 40940

How is the link already dead?

Andy baker bodybuilding programs Hypertrophy 24/05/12(Sun)19:10 No. 40942

Does anyone have this fexible hyperophy program for baker?

Anonymous 24/05/15(Wed)23:38 No. 40943

One up for BBM programmes. There were several links before for everything but would anyone have any of the updated programmes especially Powerbuilding 2 & 3, Strength and Hypertrophy stuff?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)02:07 No. 40951

Seconding this, the masterpack that use to exist would be great

JimJob 24/06/02(Sun)11:03 No. 40955

Anyone have 3dmj vault?

James 24/06/06(Thu)18:58 No. 40959

are you able to reupload pls?

BRIAN ALSRUHE's programs Anonymous 24/06/10(Mon)17:21 No. 40965

Anyone got BRIAN ALSRUHE's programs (neversate.com)? Looking for 3DAY MINIMALIST and POWERbuilder LITE, but others are welcome too :) Thanks!

request 24/06/11(Tue)13:36 No. 40967

is it possible to reupload?
thanks in advance

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)05:29 No. 40980

does anyone have Athlean Xero 2? Thanks in advance for any help!

zxc6666666 24/07/02(Tue)18:10 No. 40991

Can someone upload Stronger by Science bundle please? :) All link all over the internet is down

JimJob 24/07/13(Sat)19:12 No. 41007

Are you able to upload MASS?

JimJob 24/07/15(Mon)11:41 No. 41011

thanks is this just the lifting lib? I also think link has expired

Aleks 24/07/17(Wed)16:12 No. 41018

Someone want to share MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling or Shredded - A Carb Cycling

3DMJ JimJob 24/07/23(Tue)13:20 No. 41032

Any 3dmj vault courses that aren't the lifting library? Looking for nutrition fundamentals and 'The Default Diet'

WeightDowner 24/08/02(Fri)23:32 No. 41049

Hey everyone.
I'm looking for Kilo Strength Society hypertrophy program design courses.
At least the PDF resource.

I believe the programa design course was shared but the links are dead now.

Anonymous 24/08/15(Thu)21:47 No. 41060

I'm looking for a good upper/lower split. Any recommendations?

Anonymous 24/08/21(Wed)15:57 No. 41066

Anyone have the latest version of BBM powerbuilding 2?
I only have the 3rd version:

GMB Elements Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)00:39 No. 41068

Looking for GMB elments programme

Deadlift Bilbe razza 24/08/24(Sat)20:03 No. 41071

Looking for Rauno Heinla deadlift bible

J3 University Marko 24/08/26(Mon)19:03 No. 41077

Anyone has any videos level 1 J3 university?

Master diesel program Anonymous 24/09/23(Mon)08:00 No. 41096

Hey guys, does anybody have master diesel or Oly Wod by Olekseiy Torokhtiy ? Thanks in advance

Justin Harris Michel 24/11/03(Sun)20:06 No. 41114

Hello I search MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass and Shredded - A Carb Cycling Approach Justin Harris please

MAPS 15 Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)09:54 No. 41125


Second this, can't find anywhere. MAPS 15 would be great, thanks all

Anonymous 24/12/25(Wed)18:31 No. 41136

can anyone reupload the bbm template convolute?

Anonymous 24/12/28(Sat)09:58 No. 41140

Anyone got Ben Yanes excersice library?

Anonymous 25/01/20(Mon)01:34 No. 41161

Looking for -> The GLP-1 Solution: A Complete Program to Maximize Your Weight and Fat Loss Results by Lyle McDonald

Shehab 25/02/22(Sat)06:49 No. 41177

Does anyone have Thib Army Big Gunz bro Block 3 and 4


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