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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Request Sticky 2.0 Anonymous ## Mod ## 22/06/14(Tue)18:37 No. 39419

File 16552246716.jpg - (148.15KB , 1920x1080 , 1654274127111.jpg )

The last sticky had gotten so incredibly bloated moderating it was literally becoming a fire hazard. So, I have taken it upon myself to create a new sticky.
You retards never seem to get the hint but requests are specifically designed for this specific thread and no where else on the board. This is done to prevent shitting up the board and other discussion with millions of requests.

Please follow this rule or risk a possible ban.

Anonymous 22/06/14(Tue)19:50 No. 39420

I have no idea what's you're talking about. Fuck I just want to be swole so girls will like me because my arms are huge, yet I don't want to do ANY work.

Anonymous 22/06/14(Tue)20:06 No. 39421

File 165522998278.jpg - (43.19KB , 680x575 , 1654282801874.jpg )

I mean it was running my CPU at 100% retard.
Is no one really about to get that joke?

Anonymous 22/06/15(Wed)16:49 No. 39422

I got it and chuckled heartily, anon.

Program Recommendation for primarily Hypertrophy, won't mind strength dongcopter 22/06/16(Thu)13:37 No. 39423

As the title suggests. I'm a natural lifter, lift stats are as follows: M/24/240 lbs. S/B/D are: (All are 3 eRMs with I guess 1-2 RIR [I know that sounds wrong, but I just have these numbers]) 290/200/330, running the SBS Linear Progression currently with some accessories of my own. Goal is to get shredded, I'm already on a caloric deficit, I want to lose fat while my strength roundabout stays the same. I like programs which incorporate RPE, autoregulation and would prefer if I can get something in a spreadsheet like format (so that I can log weights and reps and sets and so on), so that's something I'd like to have in the next program I run. Throw me your best program recommendations with the what's/why's/how's (and link the program if possible) as well.

Thanks in advanced, cheers!

Matt Wenning? 22/06/16(Thu)22:09 No. 39424

Anyone have any matt wenning programs??

Anonymous 22/06/16(Thu)23:28 No. 39426

Anyone have Jamal Browner's - 12 Week Intermediate Vol.4 ?

Goodman Anonymous 22/06/18(Sat)16:20 No. 39428

Could some kind soul share Jonathan Goodman's Online Trainer Academy material? Thanks a ton!

Also looking Jamal Browner's - 12 Week Intermediate Vol.4 or Vol 3 Anonymous 22/06/18(Sat)19:18 No. 39430

Also looking Jamal Browner's - 12 Week Intermediate Vol.4 or Vol 3

Anonymous 22/06/18(Sat)19:22 No. 39431

Are there any links for previous request threads?
If no, that is kind of fucked up that you removed the old one because it as a hassle to moderate...

Anonymous 22/06/18(Sat)21:48 No. 39432


Such pleasantness and good manners from someone wanting something for free

Athlean X Total Beaxst Anonymous 22/06/19(Sun)13:13 No. 39433

Could someone please upload just the workout schedule/calendar for Athlean X Total Beast?
I'm currently away and have bad interent however I would like to continue the program since there is a nice fitness room here.

Thanks, I would appreciate it!

Btw here is a link with lots of workout stuff, also some Athlean X, Jeff Nippard etc stuff (not from me, just a link I found, credits to the uploader)

SSTT PPL Anonymous 22/06/20(Mon)20:14 No. 39435

Hey! Looking for SSTT's Strength Focused Push Pull Legs

HYPOTHYROIDISM DIET TEMPLATE - RP dongcopter 22/06/20(Mon)22:31 No. 39440

Does anybody has HYPOTHYROIDISM DIET TEMPLATE from RP? Thanks in advanced.

Avay 22/06/21(Tue)12:07 No. 39441

Would be super cool if someone had the BBM Shoulder Rehab :)

Anonymous 22/06/21(Tue)22:44 No. 39442

Could anyone share the Blaine Sumner programs they have? :)

Anonymous 22/06/22(Wed)22:26 No. 39444

SBS Hypertrophy templates are a great option. You're probably strong enough to graduate from the novice programs at this point.

Anonymous 22/06/22(Wed)22:26 No. 39445

Anything by Jacson Peos avaliable?

Masterclass V2 Yeager 22/06/23(Thu)07:58 No. 39446

File 165596391128.jpg - (100.72KB , 1855x1768 , 3rd-page-001.jpg )


Does anyone have the complete Kinobody Masterclass V2 ?

Plzz Upload if you do

Masterclass V2 Yeager 22/06/23(Thu)08:00 No. 39447


Does anyone have the complete Kinobody Masterclass V2 ?

Plzz Upload if you do

Anonymous 22/06/23(Thu)09:15 No. 39448

Well thanks friend. I appreciate that.

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)05:10 No. 39449

hey Team,

Looking for any BJJ material specifically gym programs!

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)06:15 No. 39450

Looking RP strength endurance sport training program if anyone has it!

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)08:57 No. 39451

Hey guys
anyone has the new revised meadows program?

Cool 22/06/26(Sun)12:11 No. 39453

Anyone have E-Books and Video jeff_willet ? Thank All.

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)12:22 No. 39454


Mike Ohearns mate I assume, both natty (bullshit) everyone knows have to beat a drugs test to declare themselves natty

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)12:27 No. 39456


FFS the man passed away, his products and legacy are what is putting food on his family's table.

Its the same as whats been shared already just with a cover and put in to a book format.

Anonymous 22/06/26(Sun)13:43 No. 39457


Basic Nutrition plan Jeff Willet


dongcopter 22/06/26(Sun)19:58 No. 39458


Should I look into the Novice Hypertrophy program, or the main ones? I'm super confused.

Anonymous 22/06/27(Mon)09:27 No. 39460

Anybody have BBM At-Home template?


Anonymous 22/06/27(Mon)14:31 No. 39461

Anyone got Alex Kikel's GH eBook or Carnitine eBook

Avay 22/06/28(Tue)08:42 No. 39464

I'm retarded and gay and don't know how to upload.

If someone could send a walkthrough I could upload some BBM stuff

I'm just missing supertotal, Army template and shoulder Rehab

Anonymous 22/06/28(Tue)13:56 No. 39465

Just upload your stuff to anonfiles.com and post the links here.

OTA Textbook - Jon Goodman Anonymous 22/06/30(Thu)07:20 No. 39466


Anonymous 22/06/30(Thu)07:59 No. 39467

Does anyone have the low fatigue templates (esp 4 days) from Barbell Medicine?

Low Fatigue Strength Template Anonymous 22/07/01(Fri)04:46 No. 39473



Reactive training system material Anonymous 22/07/01(Fri)21:09 No. 39474

Hope all is well everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any reactive training systems content they could share please.

Stefan 22/07/03(Sun)20:08 No. 39475

Looking for knees over toes / KOT / ATG programs

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)18:50 No. 39477

You like autoregulation, right? Then the intermediate programs will suit you just fine.

dongcopter 22/07/04(Mon)21:58 No. 39478


Thanks for the reply, my man. Hopped on the main Hypertrophy one. Cheers!

powerlifting ebooks Anonymous 22/07/05(Tue)00:12 No. 39488

anyone have the 5th set ebook? (first one with the cool flames)

Anonymous 22/07/05(Tue)18:01 No. 39489

seconding this

Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)19:04 No. 39491

Link to previous thread: https://7chan.org/read.php?b=fit&t=22341&p=l50

Data driven strength Anonymous 22/07/08(Fri)10:45 No. 39492

Does anyone have any content or spreadsheets from the data driven strength guys they'd be willing to share please.

Thanks in advance.

THE SKINNY FAT FIX Anonymous 22/07/09(Sat)01:31 No. 39495

File 165732309676.jpg - (90.26KB , 1400x937 , skinny-fat-fix-box-front.jpg )

Someone has this ebook? I would really appreciate it

Anonymous 22/07/10(Sun)14:40 No. 39496

Looking for BBM Low Fatigue Template

Would do a group buy

Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)03:14 No. 39498

Requesting RP custom male training templates

4, 5 or 6 days are fine

Generation iron Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)11:09 No. 39499

Hi, i'm looking for generation iron natty for life and bigorexia. Thanks

Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)12:06 No. 39500


Its already been shared before so no need for a group buy. Could always group buy one of the missing templates though

Weightology Research Review Anonymous 22/07/12(Tue)11:49 No. 39501

Can anybody share the Weightology Research Review pdf collection? Thank you.

12 Weeks of Pain and Suffering slammer 22/07/12(Tue)12:15 No. 39505

Looking for 12 Weeks of Pain and Suffering by John Meadows. Thanks

Anonymous 22/07/13(Wed)09:06 No. 39507

Could someone reupload the RTS microcycle and mesocycle videos please?

Anonymous 22/07/14(Thu)20:55 No. 39515

File 165782491543.jpg - (155.27KB , 607x572 , 231rf4v4.jpg )

That shit ain't Kot

Anonymous 22/07/14(Thu)23:11 No. 39516


BUMP, anyone have Kinobody Movie Star Masterclass yet?

Anonymous 22/07/15(Fri)10:33 No. 39518


Yes Kinobody does.

hypothyroidism diet Vitor 22/07/16(Sat)11:05 No. 39521

Does anyone have the RP Hypothyroidism Templates? :)
Thanks in advance!

Zach DeChant Anonymous 22/07/16(Sat)14:19 No. 39522

Does anyone have Movement Over Maxes by Zach DeChant?

Anonymous 22/07/16(Sat)22:39 No. 39523


Anyone have stew smith's training programs? (preferably the Spring-summer or Fall-winter)

Anonymous 22/07/17(Sun)19:58 No. 39524

It has expired

RTS Classrooms Anonymous 22/07/17(Sun)21:16 No. 39525

Hey, I appreciate I might be requesting too much but would anyone be able to reupload the mesocycle and microcycle classrooms or emerging strategies from Reactive training systems please.

Hope the Summer perma bulks are going everyone's way.

Antranik - Shoulder & Upper Back Flexibility Program hajjs1 22/07/19(Tue)12:39 No. 39526

Does anyone have Antranik - Shoulder & Upper Back Flexibility Program?https://antranik.org/register/shoulders/


Kit Laughlin - Master Series Anonymous 22/07/20(Wed)12:41 No. 39529

Anyone has the master series from Kit Laughlin? Seen it shared here before but all links are dead.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)01:25 No. 39532

Matt Wenning Strength Training Over 40 anybody? Thanks.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)09:08 No. 39533

Ben Pollack - Minimalist Strength templates:


Does anyone have his Darkside or Powerbuilding 3 Program?

christopher walker stuff Jimarata 22/07/22(Fri)14:06 No. 39534

Hey guys. I am looking for Christopher Walker stuff
THOR program or Thermo Diet or both :)

Jimarata 22/07/23(Sat)12:59 No. 39536

Thank you kind Anon

Michael Kory Cookbook Anonymous 22/07/23(Sat)14:43 No. 39537

Hello! Does anyone here have Michael Kory’s Ultimate Fitness Cookbook?

Kit Laughlin - Absolute Beginner Starter Course Anonymous 22/07/23(Sat)21:17 No. 39539

Anyone has Kit laughlin's Absolute Beginner Starter Course?

Complementary Training Courses Anonymous 22/07/23(Sat)23:05 No. 39540

Any one have any of the courses from Complementary Training.net website. Would be greatly appreciated. please and thanks.

Anonymous 22/07/24(Sun)10:08 No. 39541


I'm considering subscribing to their website

Anonymous 22/07/25(Mon)10:59 No. 39542

File 165873956186.gif - (473.03KB , 500x370 , giphy-898950568.gif )

What books would you guys recommend for a begginer to lifting and getting in shape. I am 5.9 263 pounds vegetarian and looking to get as close to my natural BMI as possible. I don't necessarily want to get built but I wouldn't mind putting on some muscle, but, also looking like Thor would be a nice addition as well.

dongcopter 22/07/25(Mon)12:59 No. 39543


Jeff Nippard's Fundamentals Hypertrophy Program should work well for you.

Anonymous 22/07/25(Mon)22:55 No. 39544

Do you happen to have a copy of this in pdf form?

BBM powerlifting II Anonymous 22/07/25(Mon)23:35 No. 39545


Anyone have Barbell medicine Powerlifting II?

Just need the excel sheet, not the pdf.

Travis Eliot - Power Yoga GOLD Anonymous 22/07/26(Tue)04:10 No. 39546

Hello wonderful Anons, I'm looking for Travis Eliot's Power Yoga Gold program, if any of you have it would you please kindly share, thanks a bunch!

Anonymous 22/07/26(Tue)09:02 No. 39547


$200 for a yoga program, it better be made of gold for that

Anonymous 22/07/26(Tue)12:43 No. 39548


Here you are my friend


Justin Harris Book Anonymous 22/07/26(Tue)17:01 No. 39549

anyone have it? thanks

Anonymous 22/07/26(Tue)20:36 No. 39550


dur!! he has several

Justin Harris Book Anonymous 22/07/27(Wed)06:53 No. 39551

i'm looking for progressive overload and carb cycling from Justin Harris, thanks

Powerbuilding program panda 22/08/05(Fri)03:16 No. 39556

does anyone have jj.fau1k (Bluejj09) powerbuilding program?

Athlean X - All American Muscle gymrat 22/08/05(Fri)17:45 No. 39557

Does anyone have this program?
Athlean X - All American Muscle
Even just the pdf would be amazing!

Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)02:45 No. 39558

Here are several of the BBM templates from a previous request thread: https://anonfile.com/tb16U4y8nd/BARBELL_MEDICINE_-_BBM_June_rar

Anyone have Barbell Medicine The Bridge 3.0?

Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)03:55 No. 39559

>Bridge 3.0
nm found it in the link i just posted

Ignite the Fire: The Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training Ca Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)11:50 No. 39560

Does anyone have 'Ignite the Fire: The Secrets to Building a Successful Personal Training Career' by Jonathan Goodman?

Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)11:53 No. 39561

Nevermind. Don't know why I didn't bother googling in the first place before trying here.

Sidfit Evolve Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)17:11 No. 39564

Can anyone please upload the evolve program by sidfit

SSTT Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)22:36 No. 39565

Looking for the strength studio tt strength focused ppl, premium 8 week peak, and high volume strength cycle.

SSTT Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)22:36 No. 39566

Looking for the strength studio tt strength focused ppl, premium 8 week peak, and high volume strength cycle.

Shred with Buendia 2.0 Jermey Buendia 22/08/12(Fri)06:07 No. 39572

Does anyone have his Shred with Buendia 2.0 by any chance pls

Anonymous 22/08/13(Sat)19:27 No. 39578

anyone have Dr. Swole's Fat Loss & Body Recomposition Manual?

Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)02:44 No. 39579

Any got m@rk C@rroll male method 3 please?

Geoff Neupert Programs Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)16:47 No. 39581

Anyone care to share Kettlebell W.O.D. or Kettlebell 365 by Geoff Neupert?
Thanks in advance!

Anyone have Bayesian Bodybuilding Anonymous 22/08/16(Tue)06:00 No. 39585

Bayesian Bodybuilding full course?

Jeff Nippard FBW 5x mrbartuss 22/08/16(Tue)09:26 No. 39586

Does anyone have a spreadsheet for Jeff Nippard's Full Body High Frequency program? I've only found PDFs

Anonymous 22/08/17(Wed)09:03 No. 39587


Next joke

Anonymous 22/08/17(Wed)21:34 No. 39588


BBM Army Combat Fitness Template Anonymous 22/08/19(Fri)09:44 No. 39589


Anyone have Barbell Medicine's Army Combat Fitness Template that they wouldn't mind sharing please.


Anonymous 22/08/19(Fri)15:10 No. 39590

Does anyone have King of All Things: a guide to man's martial purpose?

I have a shitton of material. Please put a request in with the aforementioned book link.

King of All Things: a guide to man's martial purpose Anonymous 22/08/19(Fri)15:41 No. 39591


That appears to be only available in paperback

Anonymous 22/08/20(Sat)23:10 No. 39593

Request -- Fat Loss Forever pdf if you kindly have it

Anonymous 22/08/21(Sun)09:24 No. 39595

Link is broken

Anonymous 22/08/21(Sun)17:16 No. 39597


Here's another I found as seems they are taking their time to resolve


Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)00:36 No. 39598

File removed. - ( )

Anyone have

Custom Training Templates 5X Wholebody

The other one in the other thread is upper body focus

Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)21:31 No. 39599

Does anyone have and is willing to post Hybrid program by fitness faq ?

Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)03:45 No. 39602

Request - 3DMJ Vault

Anyone has it?

3DMJ Vault Anonymous 22/08/26(Fri)12:07 No. 39605



Anonymous 22/08/28(Sun)07:03 No. 39608

Thank you for checking

Anonymous 22/08/29(Mon)00:37 No. 39613

Unfortunately I basically won't be able to actually train anymore for a long time.

Still, I'd like not to go completely sedentary.

Does any brother here have the RP 2 days simplified male template? Thank you

Alan Aragon- flexible dieting Flexible dieting 22/08/29(Mon)10:37 No. 39614

Does anyone have Alan Aragons , flexible dieting book in pdf?

Alan Aragon- Flexible Dieting and requesting MASS RKB 22/08/30(Tue)04:06 No. 39620


Requesting MASS August 2022 & REPS by Layne Norton

Jackson Peos Anonymous 22/08/31(Wed)12:30 No. 39628

Looking for Jackson Peos - the ultimate muscle hand book or his refeeds and diet break ebook please

Athlean X - NXT Videos Anonymous 22/08/31(Wed)20:55 No. 39630

Does someone have videos for the NXT programs? I have the ones for NXT Wolverine.

Clarence Program Anonymous 22/09/01(Thu)00:34 No. 39631

Hi guys, does anyone have Clarence Kennedy's 15 week weightlifting program? if you don't want to share the whole thing, could i get at least 1 or 2 weeks to see what it looks like?

RKB Anonymous 22/09/01(Thu)07:05 No. 39632

Thanks you for you’re shares!

Advanced Personal Training - Brad Schoenfeld RKB 22/09/01(Thu)14:45 No. 39633

File 166203633337.jpg - (26.68KB , 871x871 , IMG_20220830_174533_157.jpg )


smithers 22/09/02(Fri)16:09 No. 39635

anyone got athlean program JACKED?

Geoff Neupert Dumpie&!Pj/GZ27pKU 22/09/03(Sat)13:35 No. 39641

Anyone have Easy Strength by Geoff Neupert?
Thanks in advance.

Geoff Neupert anon 22/09/03(Sat)20:46 No. 39645

Neupert's latest program is Easy Muscle, Easy Strength is by Dan John

NSCA Anonymous 22/09/03(Sat)23:33 No. 39646

Does anyone have the nsca’s guide to high school strength and conditioning?

Easy Muscle Anonymous 22/09/05(Mon)16:08 No. 39650

anyone willing to share Easy Muscle by Geoff Neupert?

Shoulder rehab Anon 22/09/08(Thu)19:45 No. 39657

I have literally every damn BBM template except shoulder rehab, which is what I need right now (injury.) Anyone have it?

Anonymous 22/09/09(Fri)11:17 No. 39659

Anyone have Tactical Barbell: Mass Protocol: Black, K

Avay 22/09/11(Sun)10:19 No. 39662

Same :'(

Anonymous 22/09/11(Sun)19:28 No. 39663

looking for 5x RP custom male template and/or SBS templates

RP MPT 5d c&b Anonymous 22/09/12(Mon)18:36 No. 39665

looking for RP male physique template 5days chest&back 2.0. appreciate if anyone could share.

Anonymous 22/09/13(Tue)13:51 No. 39668

latest book from jeoffrey verity?

Anonymous 22/09/13(Tue)13:55 No. 39669


you mean "Resurrecting Your Gains" by Geoff??

RTS ES Micro Meso JEZUZ 22/09/13(Tue)14:43 No. 39670

Anyone has RTS Emerging Strategies or Microcyles or Mesocycles? If you post it please hit me up at [email protected]
I can repost it too

Maps anabolic Anonymous 22/09/25(Sun)23:02 No. 39674

File removed. - ( )

Does anyone have MAPS Anabolic?

I am new here geela 22/09/28(Wed)16:06 No. 39680

Hi, everyone. I am new here.
I used to be a very old member of vo la file. However, I have been dormant due to 2 years injury?

Anyone knew if crooker2016 is still available?

I can be reached at
[email protected]

Anonymous 22/09/28(Wed)22:20 No. 39682

Hello, I'm looking for Human Pitbull Protocol, by Paul Waggener. Does anyone have it?

Ressurect me thetudor 22/09/28(Wed)22:40 No. 39683

Someone has the ressurecting your gains by geoff?

Anonymous 22/09/29(Thu)09:43 No. 39685

Looking for work by Jay Vincent. From his Golden Era Physique training and the videos that come with that, or his home HIT workout or his Advanced Arm training videos

Question Anonymous 22/09/29(Thu)18:47 No. 39686

Can anyone share (if it's allowed) some other sites where people share content. Thx!

Building A Career in the Fitness Industry: My Vertical Trainer Anonymous 22/10/01(Sat)08:38 No. 39693

Does anyone have Stan Efferdings "Building A Career in the Fitness Industry: My Vertical Trainer" book?

Anonymous 22/10/03(Mon)06:05 No. 39694

Anyone have this please?

Requesting Corrupted summit video or slides Hyms 22/10/04(Tue)22:14 No. 39696

I was wondering if any has and is willing to share the corrupted summit video package and slides please. Thanks in advance

Elast-X by Athlean Anonymous 22/10/07(Fri)16:15 No. 39697

Can anyone please share the Elast-x program by Athlean if possible? Thanks!

Conor Harris / Alex Effer / Zack Chug Ebooks Anonymous 22/10/09(Sun)01:44 No. 39700

Looking for the following...

Conor Harris - Beginner Body Restoration
Conor Harris - No B.S. Guide to Shoulder Health
Conor Harris - No B.S. Guide to Anterior Pelvic Tilt (Newer Edition w/ More Than 1 Phase)
Conor Harris - Lower Limb Foundations

Alex Effer - Upper Body Program
Alex Effer - Lower Body Program

Zack Chug's Cookbook

Thanks all!

Anonymous 22/10/11(Tue)14:39 No. 39701

do youu have latest geoffrey verity schofield's book?

Joel Kellett 22/10/13(Thu)00:22 No. 39702

Anyone have any of Joel Kellet's programs 'More than Muscle' ? Specifically after the 12 week and 8 week programs

Aki 22/10/13(Thu)09:20 No. 39703

Anyone has the "Predator Protocol" from DJ Mu? Much appreciated

f1tnessfaqs' hybrid Anonymous 22/10/14(Fri)22:47 No. 39704

Does somebody have f1tnessfaqs' hybrid program?

Anonymous 22/10/15(Sat)09:18 No. 39705

i do have this by chance.
looking for any david grey stuff if anyone has

Anonymous 22/10/15(Sat)14:22 No. 39706

Anyone happen to have Barbell Medicine's Titan II or Titan I 2022 update?

SSTT-Strength-Focused-Push-Pull-Legs Anonymous 22/10/15(Sat)20:56 No. 39707


Anonymous 22/10/17(Mon)01:05 No. 39708

Thanks for sharing the SSTT Push Pull Leg program. The spreadsheet seems corrupted. Any chance you could reupload it please. Thanks

Weight Training For Grappling By Michael Israetel Anon 22/10/17(Mon)17:20 No. 39709

Does anyone have the new Weight Training For Grappling By Michael Israetel stuff from BJJ Fanatics? Even the sample programs would be awesome.

Anonymous 22/10/17(Mon)19:53 No. 39710


I do but not watched it in full yet so until then not sharing.

Have a watch of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=332&v=f8Vhi7SuFe8&feature=emb_logo its not too far of what you are looking for

Anonymous 22/10/23(Sun)07:49 No. 39719

Looking for Jackson Peos - the ultimate muscle hand book or his refeeds and diet break ebook please

Gordon Ryan 22/10/23(Sun)07:51 No. 39720

Does anyone have Instructional Bjj videos from Gordon Ryan ?

Jeff Nippard THE ESSENTIALS PROGRAM Frost3281 22/10/23(Sun)10:48 No. 39721

Does anyone have new Jeff Nippard program?

Aki 22/10/23(Sun)14:14 No. 39722

Can anyone provide access to Strength Coach Network's Fundamentals course?

Complete Jeff Nippard Collection updated Anonymous 22/10/23(Sun)18:11 No. 39724

File 166654146219.jpg - (21.81KB , 320x320 , a051e228213e1622990ffa0974e1df78.jpg )

Here are all the Jeff Nippard's programs available! Have fun:

Jeff Nippard_s Bench Press Specialization Program.pdf

Jeff Nippard_s Intermediate Advanced LPP Program.pdf












The Ultimate Recomp Guide - Jeff Nipard.pdf



Naturally Enhaced 2019 Anonymous 22/10/23(Sun)18:12 No. 39725

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Flexible Dieting by Alan Aragon Anonymous 22/10/23(Sun)18:13 No. 39726

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RP : RENAISSANCE DIET BOOKS Anonymous 22/10/23(Sun)21:01 No. 39728

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Anonymous 22/10/24(Mon)00:06 No. 39729


Graig Doucette - The Ultimate Anabolic Cookbook 2.0 Anonymous 22/10/26(Wed)02:19 No. 39732

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Anonymous 22/10/26(Wed)11:44 No. 39733

Does anybody have

Conor Harris “lower limb foundation”


Mark Carroll "Your Glute Coach 3"

If yes, please share.

Jeff nippard minimalist training Pancake 22/10/26(Wed)22:51 No. 39734

I can't get link to work. Do we have another source?

Anonymous 22/10/28(Fri)12:38 No. 39736

I know i'll probably get no for a answer, but does anydoby have the MegSquats post-partum program?

Anonymous 22/10/30(Sun)01:02 No. 39755


You whinny miserable bitches, not sure why you need this program as it is more suited to men not girls. Maybe one of Mark Carroll's Bikini Guides will suit you better as you probably lift less than the girls anyway.

Here's Vol5 for those who want it. https://we.tl/t-37C2tru20n

:) 22/10/30(Sun)05:56 No. 39756


Can you share again? Link expired

SSTT-–-Bodybuilding-Push-Pull-Legs Anonymous 22/10/30(Sun)09:32 No. 39757



Anonymous 22/10/30(Sun)11:53 No. 39758

Anyone have the barbell medicine bodybuilding template?

Anonymous 22/10/30(Sun)15:39 No. 39759


Excel file is corrupted

September and octuber Lucas 22/11/02(Wed)01:11 No. 39763

Anyone can uploud semptember and octuber MASS?

Anonymous 22/11/02(Wed)22:48 No. 39765


Could you upload the bodybuilding template?

Anonymous 22/11/03(Thu)17:53 No. 39767

Could you please post MASS July and August also?

Anonymous 22/11/04(Fri)15:24 No. 39769


Can you post every issue that there has been and accompanying video / mp3 or just post up your login details for us all and we can all log in together and get them, with any luck not even crash your account. Nice one geezar

Phil Daru or Brian Alshrue? MAK 22/11/06(Sun)05:30 No. 39773

oes anyone have anything from Phil Daru or Brian Alshrue?

I checked the old thread, but none of the links work. Found an old power building program from Attatched.

XLR8 2.0 Anonymous 22/11/07(Mon)05:05 No. 39775

Thanks for the great shares over the years, I finally have something to share in return

XLR8 2.0 by Paul Carter

Anonymous 22/11/07(Mon)16:18 No. 39776



ALEX EFFER Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)08:35 No. 39779


does anyone have alex effer content?

thank you very much!

Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)11:00 No. 39781

File 166790164226.png - (436.64KB , 920x1580 , clarence beginner microcycle.png )

Here's his beginner program. The 15 week version is just this over and over with progressing weights of 1.25-2.5kg for oly lifts and 2-5kg for strength ones with a deload to 60% on the 8th week.

PerforMotion Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)13:13 No. 39782

Could anyone please share any PerforMotion programs they might have? Thanks in advance

Searching People for GB Calimove Mobility 2.0 Schlongmobter 22/11/09(Wed)16:43 No. 39783

File 166800861968.png - (518.88KB , 640x801 , Man.png )

As I stated above we are searching for people who want to participate in the group buy for the new calimove mobility program. Currently we are for 4 people and the ideal would be 6. Anyone interested? If yes, I would invite you to the group on telegram for further instructions.

Anonymous 22/11/09(Wed)22:21 No. 39785


You do know that the program is drip fed so will take you months of stage by stage downloading. There's none of the download it all at once malarky with this program.

RP Powerlifting Templatse Anonymous 22/11/14(Mon)06:05 No. 39789

Looking for both the powerlifting strength and hypertrophy templates

Anonymous 22/11/14(Mon)19:39 No. 39790

Looking for Vert code bodyweight program

Anonymous 22/11/15(Tue)07:33 No. 39791



Anonymous 22/11/15(Tue)08:12 No. 39792

Does anyone kindly have N1 education materials? Any course welcome

39700 Anonymous 22/11/15(Tue)15:05 No. 39797

good fellows

Does anyone have this file?

RP custom training template Anonymous 22/11/17(Thu)10:40 No. 39801

Does anyone have a sort of reverse engineered RP custom training template system? I like the look of it, but $99 per program is a bit steep.

Anonymous 22/11/18(Fri)07:49 No. 39802

anyone have MASS Vol 6 Issues 7 and 8?

dongcopter 22/11/18(Fri)11:54 No. 39803



Would this work?

Can somebody please share Jamal Browner's volumes 1-5? I just want to see how the workouts are laid differently in each volume. Thanks in advanced!

order 64662 jonathan williams 22/11/18(Fri)19:12 No. 39804

jamal browner intermediate vol 5 please

N1 Education full course GB 22/11/19(Sat)11:54 No. 39808

Some time ago there was a drive with the N1 education full course in it, do you guys still have it? Or do you have some part of the course aside from what already posted here?

SSTTxJB Vol. 1-4, looking for v5 dongcopter 22/11/20(Sun)17:34 No. 39809

Here are vol 1-4 if somebody needs them:

Looking for SSTTxJB Intermediate Volume 5 if somebody has it. Thanks in advanced!

Anonymous 22/11/20(Sun)18:27 No. 39810

I have it brotha. Reply back and explain how do I make a link. Do you have any other SSTT programs by any chance?

dongcopter 22/11/20(Sun)20:46 No. 39811


Hey man, just go to anonfiles.com and click on upload, select your file if you're on a PC / Mac, it'll generate a link for you.

I have the 10 week Powerbuilding Vol 1, 7 week Powerlifting Hypertrophym 8 week peak week, Deadlift Specialization volume 2 as well, I think. I'll have to check once.

yessir 22/11/21(Mon)00:48 No. 39812

Can you post those as well?


>>39812 Mybignuts 22/11/21(Mon)01:28 No. 39813

Good Lookin on that SSTTxJB Intermediate Volume 5

39811 molderkn 22/11/21(Mon)01:57 No. 39814

anyone have the ppl strength and/or bodybuilding of SSTT? thanks u

Anonymous 22/11/21(Mon)02:35 No. 39815

You got the deadlift v2?

SSTTxJB v5 question. dongcopter 22/11/21(Mon)10:35 No. 39817


Good sir, do you have the PDF accompanying the program, & would you be willing to share that as well? The video links attached to the Excel seem to be broken, and I cannot seem to get most of them to work (tried on Excel + Google Sheets).

Max Hype 101 or Elite Nian 22/11/22(Tue)23:01 No. 39820

Does anyone have Max Hype 101 or Elite programs and spreadsheets?

Brian Alsruhe or Phil Daru Anonymous 22/11/23(Wed)03:16 No. 39822

Does anyone have any programs from Brian Alsruhe or Phil Daru?

Here’s a couple I found but would love others



mold 22/11/23(Wed)18:14 No. 39827


Sorry, can u share again? Thanks u so much!

Anonymous 22/11/23(Wed)20:29 No. 39828

The Best Damn Workout Plan for Natural Lifters, Part 2 anyone??? from Christian Thibaudeau

Anonymous 22/11/23(Wed)21:08 No. 39829


You don't need the book, He posted all about on T-nation long agao


Nian 22/11/23(Wed)22:46 No. 39830

Thank you!

Lucas 22/11/23(Wed)23:37 No. 39831

Anyone have some content/course/webinar of j3 university/john jewett?

Anonymous 22/11/23(Wed)23:52 No. 39832


No bro, the books are differents. thank you anyway!

Tyson Ridenour Anonoymous 22/11/24(Thu)02:17 No. 39835


Anyone have any Tyson Ridenour programs?

Sika strength programs 22/11/24(Thu)21:25 No. 39838

Anyone have sika strength's programs for olympic weightlifting

Clarence0 / Clarence kennedy programs 22/11/24(Thu)21:27 No. 39839

Anyone have Clarence0 10 week squat program or other

Alex Effer David Grey Zac Cupples Anonymous 22/11/25(Fri)08:05 No. 39840

Does anyone have material from Alex Effer, David Grey or Zac Cupples?

Updated sheet Powerbuilding II BBM Anonymous 22/11/25(Fri)08:34 No. 39841

Does anyone have the 2021 updated version of PB II from BBM?

SSTT Strength Focused Upper Lower Anonymous 22/11/26(Sat)02:02 No. 39843

anyone have?

F1tnessfaq Hybrid Anonymous 22/11/29(Tue)23:04 No. 39848

Hey, does anyone have the full hybrid F1tnessfaq program?

Anonymous 22/12/05(Mon)01:03 No. 39851

Looking for kettlebell programs. Please share, would greatly appreciate it :)

Sebastian Burka lppa Anonymous 22/12/05(Mon)11:37 No. 39852



Anonymous 22/12/06(Tue)20:19 No. 39853

File 167035439274.png - (406.02KB , 791x1024 , enkirigate.png )

Anyone have this?

JPS Health & Fitness 12 Week Arm Specialisation Program kamuflase 22/12/07(Wed)02:50 No. 39854

Hello, I'm looking for JPS Health & Fitness 12 Week Arm Specialisation Program. The link from the previous request thread is dead.

Examine.com Database Anonymous 22/12/08(Thu)14:25 No. 39855

Does anybody have a recent version of the Examine.com Database?

Hybrid FitnessFAQS Anonymous+ 22/12/12(Mon)05:45 No. 39858

Hey, anyone have the videos for Fitnessfaqs Hybrid program. Much appreciated!

Anonymous 22/12/12(Mon)18:06 No. 39859


I bought their bundle back when it was called "Average to Savage", and some of the "under construction" plans are done and highly recommended these days

so, if anyone has their training bundle...

Wildman Programs Anon 22/12/13(Tue)02:54 No. 39861

Does anyone have any of the mark wildman programs?

Wildman Programs Anon 22/12/13(Tue)02:54 No. 39862

Does anyone have any of the mark wildman programs?

$B$ Program Bundle dongcopter 22/12/13(Tue)08:40 No. 39863

Use Google Sheets to open the files. Also, read the instructions very carefully.

Anonymous 22/12/14(Wed)12:02 No. 39864

Could anyone please post Unfuck your Bodybuilding from Ben Pollack? Thank you!

Calimove - MOBILITY Lisa 22/12/15(Thu)05:29 No. 39865

Does anyone have Calimove Mobility with videos?

Anonymous 22/12/15(Thu)13:00 No. 39866

thanks a lot, dongcopter!

Sika strength Anon40 22/12/15(Thu)22:45 No. 39871

Anyone have sika strength's weightlifting 2.0 or squat program ?

Anonymous 22/12/16(Fri)10:51 No. 39873

So who are you?, Lisa or [email protected] ha ha

Anonymous 22/12/16(Fri)19:53 No. 39874


Guess she/he has got you exited ;P wanting to have more mobility and all LOL.

I've seen woman's menstrual products appearing more and more in men's washrooms... as people choose who if they would rather be Steve or Eve

Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)00:43 No. 39875

Ageless Athlete 3.0 anybody? Thanks.

Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)08:37 No. 39876


ooohh I do enjoy a Steve who becomes Eve at the weekend :D

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)02:36 No. 39877

Found the bags of bones who can't even touch their toes.

sstt strength ppl Anonymous 22/12/21(Wed)07:30 No. 39879

any1 have strength focused ppl from strengthstudio?

Natural gallant bodybuilding 22/12/22(Thu)03:58 No. 39880

Does anyone have some of the natural gallant bodybuilding programs? I really want to try them. Thanks.

Anonymous 22/12/22(Thu)10:05 No. 39882

Requesting PJF Mac Mcclung elite jump program

AthleanX Old School Iron Anonymous 22/12/22(Thu)17:29 No. 39883

Looking for Old School Iron by AthleanX

Anonymous 22/12/25(Sun)04:42 No. 39885

Does anyone have the the RTS Classroom or Emerging Strategies lectures?

Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)22:56 No. 39892

Anyone have Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks ?

Super Squats Original+funkmaster 22/12/31(Sat)09:14 No. 39893



Fitnessfaqs HYRBID Anonymous+ 23/01/01(Sun)11:11 No. 39894

After the fitnessfaqs hybrid program? Would be a great help!

Fitnessfaqs HYRBID Anonymous+ 23/01/01(Sun)11:12 No. 39897

After the fitnessfaqs hybrid program? Would be a great help!

Nippard PPL Anon 23/01/01(Sun)14:15 No. 39898

Jeff Nippard has a new PPL program coming out tomorrow, so I'm just gonna preemptively put in a request for it now lol (specifically the 6x)

Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)22:12 No. 39899

Could anyone please post Unfuck your Bodybuilding from Ben Pollack? Thank you!

social media content calender Anonymous 23/01/02(Mon)13:50 No. 39900

File 167266382076.png - (492.51KB , 1124x704 , 72hrs(1).png )

This may be a bit of an unrelated post, but does anyone have a social media content calender for personal trainers, basically a calender that says what to post. Like the image basically.

Jeff Nippard PPL? Anonymous 23/01/02(Mon)17:57 No. 39901

Anyone have the new Jeff Nippard Ultimate Push Pull Legs system?

Jeff Nippard Ultimate PPL Original+Funkmaster 23/01/02(Mon)19:45 No. 39902


https://we.tl/t-VJClsEvAvy x6

https://we.tl/t-A9WGxrh3JH x5

https://we.tl/t-xISvARzQwh x4

Jeff Nippard Ultimate PPL

Jamal Browner's - 12 Week Intermediate Vol.1 - 4 Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)01:33 No. 39903


Nasm or ACE FIT MD 23/01/05(Thu)00:09 No. 39905

i would appreciate anyone who could share the latest Nasm or ACe personal training/ performance book .

MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass Anonymous 23/01/05(Thu)21:34 No. 39910

If anyone has Justin Harris' MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass and/or SHREDDED that would be great.

Barbell Medicine Powerbuilding 3 The Clown 23/01/11(Wed)12:57 No. 39919

someone can share Powerbuilding 3 by Barbell Medicine? I really appreciate

The+Clown 23/01/11(Wed)13:02 No. 39922

I just saw that you shared Jeff Nippar new PPL, thank you for that

PPL ben 23/01/11(Wed)20:37 No. 39923

Just wondering if you are able to repost due to the link being expired. Thank you

Anonymous 23/01/13(Fri)09:51 No. 39928

Does anyone have the Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol: Black K?

Original+Funkmaster 23/01/13(Fri)11:43 No. 39929



Male Custom Training Templates Filthy Thirteen 23/01/13(Fri)17:15 No. 39930

Does anybody is willing to share the RP Male Custom Training Template 4x full body?
Thank you

Anonymous 23/01/14(Sat)18:49 No. 39934

Looking for The Muscle and Strength Pyramid Training and Nutrition books by Eric Helms

Anonymous 23/01/17(Tue)16:40 No. 39938


these expired...can you repost please?

alex effer and Zac cupples 23/01/18(Wed)06:42 No. 39940

does anyone have content from alex effer or zac cupples?

Jeff nippard ppl 2 slammer 23/01/20(Fri)01:18 No. 39943

Hey fam,

Looking for Jeff nippard'S new PPL program.


Anonymous 23/01/20(Fri)17:33 No. 39945

In case you didn't know, WeTransfer links expire after 7 days. Could you please upload the files again on a permanent site like anonfiles?

Thank you

Anonymous 23/01/21(Sat)07:17 No. 39946

Hello, can anyone give me some information or material about Kinstretch please? I'm trying to understand it but I don't know where to start.

RP - Custom Training Template 3x Growth Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)11:09 No. 39949

Could somebody post:

RP - Custom Training Template 6x Growth

I would be very interested.

RP - Diet Templates Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)11:12 No. 39950

I would be also interested in the RP Diet Templates.

Zack Chugg's Cookbook Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)22:09 No. 39951



Anonymous 23/01/23(Mon)00:34 No. 39952

Anyone has Ares of Meadows?
The new one

Meadows Ares Anonymous 23/01/23(Mon)09:31 No. 39953

Its same as the old one


Anonymous 23/01/28(Sat)18:33 No. 39958

Does anyone have a link to the Barbell Medicine Low Fatigue Template + eBook? The old link is dead.

Anonymous 23/01/29(Sun)00:17 No. 39960

gamma bomb?

Anonymous 23/01/29(Sun)05:20 No. 39961

anyone have MASS november and december by chance

Anonymous 23/01/29(Sun)15:17 No. 39962


Shit dude please or thank too much to type how the hell do you train, get your girl to lift for you?

kinstretch Anonymous 23/01/29(Sun)15:29 No. 39963


Try this it has a 3 day trial

Anonymous 23/01/30(Mon)05:24 No. 39964

Anyone got these?

Conor Harris - Beginner Body Restoration
Conor Harris - No B.S. Guide to Shoulder Health
Conor Harris - No B.S. Guide to Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Anonymous 23/01/30(Mon)15:01 No. 39965

Looking for the Ultimate PPL by Jeff Nippard.

Anonymous 23/01/31(Tue)15:34 No. 39967

Keep looking lol

Anonymous 23/02/01(Wed)21:04 No. 39969



Anonymous 23/02/03(Fri)01:41 No. 39973

Requesting any program by Sika Strength.

PEP Anonymous 23/02/03(Fri)15:49 No. 39974

Does anybody has something from Pierre´s elite performance? will really appreciate if you share

Anonymous 23/02/04(Sat)02:21 No. 39975

Requesting any RTS (Reactive Training Systems) classes/lectures/videos etc on programming

KONG by Bromley eBook Anono 23/02/05(Sun)20:55 No. 39976

Does anyone have the eBook for Bromley's new Kong program?

MAPS No BS Abs Formula Anonymous 23/02/05(Sun)23:08 No. 39978

Anyone have MAPS No BS Abs Formula?

Anonymous 23/02/06(Mon)21:45 No. 39979

Hello, I'm looking for Human Pitbull Protocol, by Paul Waggener. Does anyone have it?

Anonymous 23/02/08(Wed)08:07 No. 39980

Does anyone have any sticky notes pdfs from teamevil g ess p?

Modern Meathead / Menno PT Course group buys? MW 23/02/10(Fri)07:29 No. 39981

Trying to see if anyone has been organizing group buys for either 2022 PT course Menno Henselman https://mennohenselmans.com/online-pt-course/

Modern Meathead Ben Yanes

Anonymous 23/02/10(Fri)07:55 No. 39982


Great course, well worth doing the actual course to gain the certification

sebastian burkas bro split Anonymous 23/02/10(Fri)23:49 No. 39983

does anyone have sebastian burkas bro split program?

Anonymous 23/02/14(Tue)04:03 No. 39987

Does anyone have craig Jones octopus guard aka reach around guard videos?

Anonymous 23/02/14(Tue)09:40 No. 39988

'Reach around guard'....that sounds like an anti male friend with benefits video

Maps Prime Pro Anonymous 23/02/15(Wed)08:03 No. 39990

Does anyone have MAPS Prime Pro?

The Brain Synergy Protocol Goran Francic 23/02/16(Thu)14:41 No. 39992

Im looing for The Brain Synergy Protocol by Dan Garner

Kel 23/02/17(Fri)19:04 No. 39993

Hey Does anyone have Zack Chug's cookbook in pdf and can share a link? TIA!

Zack Chug Anonymous 23/02/18(Sat)08:36 No. 39994


Enjoy and pay it forward!

Anonymous 23/02/19(Sun)18:29 No. 39999

Anyone have the RP 4-day, PL Hypertrophy spreadsheet?

Anonymous 23/02/19(Sun)23:10 No. 40000

I'm looking for Old School Fighter Strenght Program, by Wild Hunt Conditioning. Does anyone have it?

Anonymous 23/02/20(Mon)18:10 No. 40001

can somebody share "Male 4 day RP custom training template (growth)", by renaissance periodization please?

cat funt 23/02/20(Mon)18:14 No. 40006

sorry for spam, it wouldn't post! :(

Anonymous 23/02/20(Mon)20:04 No. 40007

Amped 3.0 anyone?

Anonymous 23/02/22(Wed)12:16 No. 40008

Please recharge

Dylan mcknight independet variable Mohamad 23/02/22(Wed)14:35 No. 40010

If anyone have it please share



Anonymous 23/02/22(Wed)23:11 No. 40012

Does anyone has RTS stuff from Tom Purvis

Anonymous 23/02/23(Thu)08:32 No. 40013


You'll not see that shared here.

Anonymous 23/02/24(Fri)06:02 No. 40016

can anyone share the mac mcclung jump program

Refael Paz Surgeon+ 23/02/24(Fri)06:40 No. 40017

Does anyone have Refael Paz program?

Anonymous 23/02/24(Fri)08:56 No. 40018


The entitled generation where manners like please and thank you is beyond their abilities or social expectations. Just give me what the hell I want and now

Calimove Complete Calisthenics lvls 1-5 Anon 23/02/26(Sun)13:06 No. 40020

Does anyone have Calimove Complete Calisthenics lvl 1-5?

sstt PPL Anonymous 23/02/26(Sun)18:45 No. 40021


Nippard's Ultimate PPL Program The Lobster 23/02/27(Mon)21:25 No. 40025

Hey yall, looking for Jeff Nippard's Ultimate PPL program, 6x week and 5x week versions (if 4x week is available too, then all three).

Some links have been posted (ej. wetransfer) but they have expired. Can anyone post a new link with the program(s)? Thanks!

John Meadows Anonymous 23/03/01(Wed)09:09 No. 40028

Does anyone have a new program Ares of John Meadows?

Anonymous 23/03/01(Wed)09:48 No. 40029


There you go https://anonfiles.com/p35fA0f2b5/Ares_-_Program_19.pdf

Anonymous 23/03/01(Wed)18:57 No. 40030

this is the old Ares program. I'm looking for the new program Ares god of war

The Ultimate Muscle Gain Hand Book Jackson 23/03/02(Thu)05:55 No. 40032

Hey, does anyone have anything from Jackson Peos ? I’m looking for his “The Ultimate Muscle Gain Hand Book” or any of his training programs pls ?

Anonymous 23/03/02(Thu)06:14 No. 40033


Its the same program just the new edition is with a glossy format and comes with some coaching. Just use the above...or is a glossy cover and expensive price tag what you need really

Jeff Nippard collection Anonymous 23/03/02(Thu)12:40 No. 40034


Anonymous 23/03/03(Fri)14:28 No. 40035

Does anybody have the new MAPS Anabolic Advanced?

Koan 23/03/03(Fri)16:04 No. 40036

GC Performance - The Complete Boxer. https:// marketplace. trainheroic.com/workout-plan/program/chiu-program-1672310458?attrib=331885-ig

Can someone share this program? Much appreciated

MASS Research Review Someone 23/03/03(Fri)18:56 No. 40037

Hi, does anyone have Mass last issue's? Please share it, thanks in advance!

Anonymous 23/03/05(Sun)22:18 No. 40039


No one asked

Anonymous 23/03/06(Mon)19:31 No. 40040

Don't need to be asked to post, too many just here for themselves plus by pass other comments asking for anything.

This is called advanced thinking ;)

Anonymous 23/03/07(Tue)01:29 No. 40041

Advanced Eternal Warrior Program anybody?

Anonymous 23/03/07(Tue)10:09 No. 40042


How many requests did you read and ignore on your way to make that useless comment?

Blood chemistry Goran Francic 23/03/08(Wed)18:36 No. 40043

does anyone have any blood chemistry materials, courses, etc.

Garage Strength Anonymous 23/03/09(Thu)23:09 No. 40047

Anyone have any garage strength programs?

Anonymous 23/03/11(Sat)11:56 No. 40049

Can anyone upload the Ressurrecting your gainz by GVS audiobook?

MAPS Advanced Anonymous 23/03/12(Sun)04:46 No. 40050

Does anybody have the new MAPS Anabolic Advanced?

I second this heavily, can post MAPS Anabolic, Performance, Aesthtic, Split, HIIT & Split nicely packaged :)


Anonymous 23/03/12(Sun)14:18 No. 40052

anyone got sstt bodybuilding PPL?

MAPS Anabolic Advanced dongcopter 23/03/12(Sun)14:27 No. 40053

Here you go:

Can somebody please share the SSTT Bodybuilding and Strength focused PPL? I want to switch things up a bit, and would really appreciate the share.

Thanks in advanced!

Anonymous 23/03/13(Mon)02:57 No. 40054


Thank you kindly sir!

Anonymous 23/03/13(Mon)16:39 No. 40056

Anyone have kizens bulking calculator?

N1 education N1 education 23/03/13(Mon)17:27 No. 40059

does anyone have material N1 education?

Anonymous 23/03/14(Tue)21:01 No. 40062

Yeah your mom fcn peasant

Pheasyque Action 23/03/16(Thu)06:48 No. 40066

Does anyone have Physeaque PowerBuilding or Stronger?

Anonymous 23/03/17(Fri)13:41 No. 40070

Anyone has THanos? The new edition

Anonymous 23/03/17(Fri)13:50 No. 40071


Like Ares its same as the membership version just glossified with colour for sale. Use that

Anonymous 23/03/17(Fri)14:12 No. 40072


Use this its the same programming https://anonfiles.com/CeHb5dscn8/16_-_Thanos_pdf

Action 23/03/17(Fri)18:13 No. 40073

Does anyone have Pheasyque 12 Week Powerbuilding?

Anonymous 23/03/17(Fri)20:04 No. 40075


Come on man you only asked yesterday a four comments ago @ >>40066

gerardo 23/03/18(Sat)03:13 No. 40076

Anyone have someting about locomotion/mobility/acrobatics? thanks

MAPS 15 Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)03:38 No. 40078

Wouls anyone happen to have MAPS 15?

Also it'd be great any reverse diet guides?

Mobility Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)05:01 No. 40079


If you jump to page 3 there's 4 great mobility sessions.


Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)18:21 No. 40080

Ageless Athlete 4.0 anyone? Thanks.

Anonymous 23/03/20(Mon)01:25 No. 40081

Are there any other programs such as RP MPT that allows you to autoregulate your program if it's too easy? I'm an enhanced lifter and most training programs are designed for natural lifters. I like how the RP templates allow you to raise the volume to absurd levels.

Barbell Medicine Supertotal Template Anonymous 23/03/20(Mon)19:51 No. 40082

cant find a download anywhere, if any bros wanna help me out would be appreiated

richard 23/03/20(Mon)20:19 No. 40083

Hello, Im looking for this: https://www.motiononline.co.il/courses/motion-intro or maybe another but in that style. If anyone have it would be great

dongcopter 23/03/21(Tue)05:33 No. 40084

Try running SBS (Greg Nuckols) stuff. Highly customizable and insane workouts if you're into SBD+OHP training. Or try to program something by yourself after taking the RP volume considerations into account. :)

Anonymous 23/03/21(Tue)08:03 No. 40085


dam another name used to ask, keep trying

Goose 23/03/21(Tue)20:34 No. 40086


find david weck / weck method on social

J3 University/N1 Education Courses madetotakeupspace 23/03/22(Wed)18:58 No. 40088

Does anyone have courses by J3 University or N1 Education that they don't mind sharing?

Anonymous 23/03/22(Wed)19:22 No. 40090


Go to church and pray for the water around you to be turned in to wine....got more chance of that happening

Anonymous 23/03/24(Fri)18:36 No. 40091

Anyone got the newer RTS Adaptive Template PDFs?

16 Week RTS MASS Accumulation
12 Week RTS HIGH-Frequency Meet Peak

Preferably 4 day.

Ace 23/03/26(Sun)01:58 No. 40093

File 167979231950.jpg - (4.58KB , 300x168 , images.jpg )

Can anyone share Thibarmy's Beauty Beast guide???

Anonymous 23/03/27(Mon)09:51 No. 40096


Thats Ageless Athelet 2 if I am not mistaken

Anonymous 23/03/28(Tue)22:36 No. 40097


also you can find 4x and 5x on Reddit if you Google Rp pl hypertrophy template (unabbreviated)

As for myself I'd like the instructional PDFs that come with those powerlifting RP templates - especially 4x and 5x hypertrophy ones

Anonymous 23/03/28(Tue)22:36 No. 40098


also you can find 4x and 5x on Reddit if you Google Rp pl hypertrophy template (unabbreviated)

As for myself I'd like the instructional PDFs that come with those powerlifting RP templates - especially 4x and 5x hypertrophy ones

Anonymous 23/03/28(Tue)23:06 No. 40102

Thanks, appreciate it

Anonymous 23/03/29(Wed)22:45 No. 40105


Many thanks!

Barbell medicine Hip Reab Template The Jocker 23/03/30(Thu)19:38 No. 40106

File 168019789279.jpg - (113.02KB , 800x1040 , hip-rehab-template-cover.jpg )

Does anyone is willing to share the barbell medicine hip reb template? Thank you!

HPA Core Module course Anonymous 23/03/31(Fri)07:35 No. 40107

Hey Guys,

Does anyone Has HPA Core Module course (Core Coaching Fundamentals) from the Complete Human Performance. Appreciate if you can share.

Thank you so much.

Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Anonymous 23/04/01(Sat)08:42 No. 40108

Anyone got Mike Mentzer's stuff? Specifically Heavy Duty 1 or 2.

Superfunctional Training 2.0 Anonymous 23/04/01(Sat)17:24 No. 40110

Does anyone have Superfunctional Training 2.0 by Adam Sinicki? I've got the first one, and the Functional traing and beyond, but I can't find the second anywhere.

Superfunctional Training

Functional Training and Beyond

Anonymous 23/04/02(Sun)00:47 No. 40115

I'd like to add the reason I'm not just buying the ebook is because I'm broke as shit and can't afford to spend any excess money right now. If I could, I would just buy it, since I know it's on offer, but as I cannot justify even a $25 expense on something that isn't a necessity, I am asking for it here.

Anonymous 23/04/02(Sun)11:09 No. 40124

>If it's not a necessity why collect all his programs which others paid for in the first place?

That's the entire point of threads like this. No program ever listed in any thread like this at all is ever a necessity. Not a single one. I collected his others when I was inbetween jobs a couple years ago in lockdown and couldn't access a gym, but as I was out of work I couldn't afford to spend any extra money on things that aren't a necessity. This helped me out a lot, and like I said, if it wasn't for the fact money has become incredibly tight again, I'd just buy it, but I literally put back £5 worth of moisturiser that'd last me a couple months yesterday because I couldn't justify the purchase, even though I have bad skin in some areas and could really use it. I buy the cheapest form of rice there is. I buy the cheapest cuts of meat. I eat the same thing day in day out, meal prepping it all because it's the cheapest food source for me.

I'm doing whatever I can do to stay afloat, and I wanted this program because I know it would be useful to help me get better physically and mentally, but right now I can't justify the purchase, hence why I'm here.

>he lives in a average terraced house in Oxfordshire

Maybe not a valid point I'm going to make, but the average terraced house in Oxfordshire costs £400,000, so if he's affording that, he's not exactly hurting for cash.

The reason I'm not making a massively valid point there, is because I don't care how much money a person has when it comes to something like this, I care about how much I have. Whether someone was a billionaire, or skimping for pennies makes no difference to me. If I can't afford the program, I can't afford it anyway, so even if I pirate it, I don't cost them money, because I wouldn't have purchased it either way. When I come into more money, I'm likely to buy it again anyway, but I'm just not at that point yet.

Anonymous 23/04/03(Mon)05:04 No. 40127

If you don't like sharing programs, why are you even here? Just get the f out of here and keep sucking his cock somewhere else.

Anonymous 23/04/03(Mon)17:05 No. 40129


Here is the template

enjoy and keep sharing!

Anonymous 23/04/03(Mon)20:24 No. 40131

File 168054628212.png - (27.45KB , 550x400 , 00000-757468260.png )

Why put back the moisturiser, just don't pay for it the same as you do with your programs

Anonymous 23/04/05(Wed)04:11 No. 40132

Hi, anyone has Easy Strength Omnibook?

FitnessFAQs - Hybrid traning program Yan 23/04/05(Wed)10:11 No. 40142

Hey there.
Is there someone who can please share the FitnessFAQs - Hybrid traning program ?

I would be extremely grateful if you can share any other program too, that comes to combine the calisthenics and the weightlifting.


Mass v3 11-12 + Mass v4 (1-12) MASS Archivist 23/04/06(Thu)11:56 No. 40143

I'm looking to complete my archive of MASS.
Does anyone have issues 9,11,12 from Volume 3 and the entirety of volume 4?

If anyone needs it, I have Volume 1-2 (complete), Volume 3 until Issue 8, and Volume 5 Issue 8 until the most recent issue.

Anonymous 23/04/06(Thu)15:17 No. 40144


sounds suspiciously similar to what some reseller was asking in another forum

Paul Carter Anonymous 23/04/06(Thu)19:58 No. 40145

Does anybody have any of Paul Carter's new stuff? Yoke Squad, Garage Gangsters etc.?

Anonymous 23/04/07(Fri)07:11 No. 40146

Thank you!
Would you happen to have Shoulder as well?

The Clown 23/04/07(Fri)20:24 No. 40148

No, Hip rehab and lower back pain are the only templates that I own.
Lower Back Pain Template v1.1:


Brett Jones - Iron cardio Anonymous 23/04/08(Sat)20:02 No. 40149

Hi, I'm looking for Iron Cardio (video and ebook) by Brett Jones, I love kettlebell training!

Anonymous 23/04/09(Sun)08:59 No. 40151

Looking for any Modern Methods of Mobility program.

Anonymous 23/04/10(Mon)07:30 No. 40153

Hello Folks

Does anyone have the new ben pollack 'Training Splits' ebook?

Thanks to all who share.

Kizen Sheiko competetive? Anonymous 23/04/10(Mon)16:36 No. 40154


Anonymous 23/04/11(Tue)22:58 No. 40157

Does anyone have SSTT Bodybuilding PPL?

Mass V3 9 - 12 and Mass V4 1-12 MASS+Archivist 23/04/12(Wed)08:59 No. 40158

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm an archivist and I just want to complete my collection. I used to have them on my tablet but I never backed them up on my computer and now I'm trying to backtrack and collect the issues I'm missing.

MASS Archivist 23/04/12(Wed)13:23 No. 40162


good program. I don't regret buying it at all. I got decent gains from it and it carried over well into my powerlifting.

[Repost] MASS request MASS Archivist 23/04/12(Wed)13:25 No. 40163

'm looking to complete my archive of MASS.
Does anyone have issues 9,11,12 from Volume 3 and the entirety of Volume 4?

If anyone needs it, I have Volume 1-2 (complete), Volume 3 until Issue 8, and Volume 5 Issue 8 until the most recent issue.

Anonymous 23/04/12(Wed)14:25 No. 40164


Post up your links would be rude to not share what you've collated from everyone ;)

MASS+Archivist 23/04/12(Wed)14:50 No. 40165

actually, the ones I have were from when I had an active subscription. so i don't have links but if people need old issues I can compress them.

Anonymous 23/04/12(Wed)20:03 No. 40166

Thanks a million!

BBM Anonymous 23/04/12(Wed)21:39 No. 40167


BBM Hip Rehab Anonymous 23/04/12(Wed)21:41 No. 40168

Could you re-upload the hip rehab program please? thanks in advanced!

MASS Shea 23/04/13(Thu)22:18 No. 40169


Hey, would you be willing to share older issues if possible? just getting into MASS journals and would love to check them out

Thanks in advance!

MASS Archivist 23/04/17(Mon)03:48 No. 40171

Sure. I'll try to remember to do this after work. I'll batch them by volume/year.
2017 Volume 1
2018 Volume 2
2019 Volume 3

I'm hoping someone else can help me fill in the gap with the volumes I lost.

I'm still looking for issues 9,11,12 from Volume 3 and the entirety of Volume 4 to make my archive whole again. If anyone can help me, I'd be more than happy to make a mega pack for everyone and continue updating whenever I get a chance.

MASS Archivist 23/04/17(Mon)03:57 No. 40172

Hey Nagy, you would have any misc back issues, would you? Looking for Volume 3 9-12 (2019), and Volume 4 + Best of 2020(2020). I lost my files when my old computer died and I didn't back them up like an idiot.

Periodized Powerbuilding dongcopter 23/04/20(Thu)11:31 No. 40175

Can somebody please share the program Periodized Powerbuilding by Th!b@rmy? I'd really appreciate it, TIA!

Request - Vertical diet Anonymous 23/04/21(Fri)18:50 No. 40176

Does anyone have The Vertical Diet?

BBM Powerbuilding 3 PDF Anony 23/04/21(Fri)23:11 No. 40177

Anyone have the PDF for Barbell Medicine's Powerbuilding 3 template? Or, better yet, all three of them?

8.8 GB of Mass!!! Thanks 23/04/22(Sat)18:52 No. 40178

Thanks for 8.8 GB of Mass!

AARR Latest issues 2022 2023 Anonymous+ 23/04/22(Sat)23:08 No. 40179

Does anyone Has AARR latest 2022 & 2023 ?
It will be great if you can share it.

Anonymous 23/04/22(Sat)23:32 No. 40180

Anyone have the deadlift bible by Rauno Heinla?

Anonymous 23/04/25(Tue)13:56 No. 40182

Anyone happen to have BELLYPROOF? Or thoughts on it?

Anonymous 23/04/26(Wed)13:04 No. 40184

Thank you !!

Anonymous 23/04/27(Thu)17:01 No. 40185

Anyone got RP MPT Chest & Back v2.0 templates? Any frequency would be great.

Request athlean x Rokeking 23/04/28(Fri)02:03 No. 40186

Hi. How are you doing?
Does anyone mind sharing Beaxst 2 Ppl from Athlean x? Its kinda new and i cant find it anywhere.
I have some athlean x workout plans, let me know what you need.

GMB Gold Medal Bodies Mobility Anonymous 23/04/29(Sat)00:25 No. 40187

Anyone has this program?

EXOS PERFORMANCE SPECIALIST Course Enthu 23/05/01(Mon)10:01 No. 40190


Care to share

Mountain Tactical Institute Anonymous 23/05/02(Tue)20:18 No. 40192

Don't know if this has been shared here before. I found it elsewhere. Hope you guys find it helpful.


Anonymous 23/05/02(Tue)22:07 No. 40193

Does anyone have the courses from Scientific Wrestling? Thanks!

Braincontrool 23/05/03(Wed)22:30 No. 40194

I'm looking for Movie Star Masterclass by Kinobody. I found a pdf but it only has the first 4 weeks of the program.
Thanks :)

Anonymous 23/05/05(Fri)17:32 No. 40200

Does anyone have Modern Methods of Mobility - Flexibility Foundations (Emmet Louis)? Or the new CaliMove Mobility 2.0 program?


Braincontrool 23/05/05(Fri)19:39 No. 40201


They are not exactly the same thing, Movie Star Body that has been shared here is not the same thing as Movie Star Masterclass (only part 1 of this one can be found).

But thanks for your answer :)

Anonymous 23/05/08(Mon)17:37 No. 40205

Anyone have the Renaissance Periodization Full Body 3 day workout version 2.0? I can only find the original.

Anonymous 23/05/12(Fri)21:23 No. 40208

im looking for SSTT programs. anyone got the squat or bench specialization? high volume strength cycle?

N1 Introduction to Coaching Skills MW 23/05/18(Thu)03:43 No. 40212

a long time ago there was a post here with youtube videos Introduction to Coaching Skills - Practical Colorado Dec 2018 from N1.


I was hoping to see if anyone still had those videos and could reupload somewehere.

Anonymous 23/05/18(Thu)19:04 No. 40213

Anyone got some of the Jamie Lewis books?
Grimoire of Victual Incantations
The Feast, Famine, and Ferocity Diet
The Shake It Up Protocol
Westside Connection: The Ultimate Guide to the Methods of the Original (and Superior) Westside Barbell Club

Anonymous 23/05/19(Fri)12:01 No. 40214


Literally everybook from the website then


Anonymous 23/05/19(Fri)14:52 No. 40215


All except for the History book, Destroy the Opposition, Prepare for War and ISSUANCE OF INSANITY and 365 Days of Brutality, yes. So about 50% of his books. All of his new books (except for history).

Anonymous 23/05/19(Fri)18:21 No. 40216


Can you please share those books you have of Jamie's thank you

Koan 23/05/22(Mon)08:52 No. 40220

Mobility Ability - Javelin Anatomy

MurdaRon 23/05/23(Tue)02:02 No. 40221

Looking for John Meadows Warlock program. Thanks in advance <3

Hans 23/05/24(Wed)19:43 No. 40223

David grey

Hans 23/05/24(Wed)19:43 No. 40224

David grey

Warlock Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)14:29 No. 40226


There you go, I'll help.


Maxwell Krause program Anonymous 23/05/26(Fri)23:09 No. 40227

Has anyone got Maxwell Krause's Superhero builder program please? Thanks

Geoffrey verity schofield ressurecting your gains Anonymous 23/05/27(Sat)22:29 No. 40228

Does anybody have geoffrey veritys ressurecting your gains ebook? Thanks in advance

13 Bar Performance Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)01:28 No. 40236

Anyone have any of the 13 Bar Performance problems?

AJAC Cortes - Kratos Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)12:34 No. 40237

Would anyone be so kind to share Ajacs Kratos program please.

Thank you

Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)15:06 No. 40238

I'm also looking for Feast, Famine, and Ferocity book by Jamie Lewis, if anyone has it

Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)17:56 No. 40239


Have you got The-JuggerYoke-Protocol by Jamie?

FFF Diet

Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)20:38 No. 40240


Can't open for some reason. Are you able to reupload?

Anonymous 23/06/01(Thu)18:42 No. 40241

3DMJ Personalizing Your Program, anyone has it?

MurdaRon 23/06/03(Sat)15:35 No. 40242

Second this. Looking for Beaxst 2. <3

BBM post 2021 templates & pdfs? Anonymous 23/06/03(Sat)15:51 No. 40243

Hey. Would be really grateful to the person that compiled all of BBM's updated programs in particular. Previous links have all expired.

39419 Anonymous 23/06/03(Sat)20:47 No. 40244

Who has Lee Taft Tennis Speed Insiders?Thanks

Anonymous 23/06/03(Sat)22:00 No. 40245


Or at least BBM's updated Beginner Template after Aug/Sept 2021 (the spreadsheet has the date and version written on the first Welcome tab).

stephane matala pro masse Anonymous 23/06/04(Sun)17:46 No. 40247

Looking for the pro mass ebook if anyone has it, a bit of an odd one out from the usual


David Grey Foot stuff Anony 23/06/05(Mon)01:34 No. 40248

Anyone have any of David Grey's foot and ankle programs?

FitnessFaqs Pull-Up Pro Anonymous 23/06/05(Mon)17:24 No. 40251

Heyyy, having a hard time finding a link to a complete version of Pull-Up Pro. If anyone could share it I'd be very thankful.

Greg doucette anabolic cookbook v3.0 Anonymous 23/06/06(Tue)20:27 No. 40254


Would anyone who has a copy kindly share Greg's Anabolic cookbook v3.0 please.

Thank you

Health for life booklets Anonymous 23/06/07(Wed)13:14 No. 40255

heya, looking for "Maximum calves" and "TNT Total Neck & Traps"! These are impossible to find in paper?! Thanks :)

Anonymous 23/06/07(Wed)14:05 No. 40256

Find them on ebay and Amazon however they are not cheap books

Request Anonymous 23/06/08(Thu)14:39 No. 40258

Brian Alsruhe Every Day Carry Program

Anonymous 23/06/09(Fri)15:49 No. 40261

How do we access the original thread for some of the older content?

Anonymous 23/06/10(Sat)16:30 No. 40263

I'm getting bored of the RP Male Physique Templates. I've seen good results but I want to try something different. What other programs are recommended? I'm into general bodybuilding/hypertrophy.

MurdaRon 23/06/10(Sat)17:59 No. 40264

I'm currently doing RP Male Physique and previously did Jeff Nippard's Ultimate PPL Program, Jeff Nippard's Ultimate PPL Program and John Meadows Warlock

MurdaRon 23/06/10(Sat)18:00 No. 40265

Jeff Nippard's The Essentials*

BBM Bodybuilding Anonymous 23/06/11(Sun)08:31 No. 40266

Barbell Medicine Bodybuilding template upload would be much appreciated

BBM Bodybuilding Anonymous 23/06/11(Sun)08:31 No. 40267

Barbell Medicine Bodybuilding template upload would be much appreciated

Renaissance Periodization PL Value Pack Anonymous 23/06/11(Sun)18:53 No. 40268


Looking for the complete collection ideally for all weight classes

Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)08:42 No. 40269


Not greedy much

Anono 23/06/12(Mon)23:49 No. 40275

RP doesn't really even recommend those templates anymore — there's better stuff out there.

Barbell Medicine Bodybuilding II Anonymous 23/06/12(Mon)23:52 No. 40276

BBM just released a new Bodybuilding II template. Anyone who can share would be the GOAT

Anonymous 23/06/13(Tue)23:17 No. 40279

Any recommendations on what I could be looking for?

BBM Hip Rehab Template Reupload Anonymous 23/06/14(Wed)05:20 No. 40280

Please could somebody that had downloaded it last year re-upload the Barbell Medicine Hip Rehab template again? The file doesn't exist on Anonfiles anymore. Thanks a lot.
Here was the link from last year: https://anonfiles.com/ham7Jbgcye/Hip_Rehab_Template_V1.0_xlsx

Anonymous 23/06/14(Wed)05:44 No. 40281


I remember there was somebody who owned the low back pain and hip rehab templates from BBM a couple of months back here. Are you still around OP? I remember you uploading your templates to Smash.

BBM But i'm retarded and gay Avay 23/06/14(Wed)14:26 No. 40282

File 168674559987.jpg - (61.52KB , 1200x900 , Open+wonderful+networked+raccoon_0f2ae9_8122652.jpg )

I'm not the guy, but I'm another guy.

A straight up retarded guy, if someone could link me a _thorough_ "how to upload shit" walkthrough, eli5 bullshit, I can upload everything I have.

The only ones I don't have are
Bodybuilding 2
and the US military one

The Clown 23/06/14(Wed)15:08 No. 40284


go to https://fromsmash.com/ choose the free version and upload everything and share the link..follow the instructions on the website (they are straightforward instructions)

Anonymous 23/06/14(Wed)16:32 No. 40285


Appreciated. May the gains keep coming your way.

Anonymous 23/06/14(Wed)17:45 No. 40286


RP originally based their PL templates off of the Juggernaut peoples' work, so you could look into their app or old programs. It's a ton of volume and people either love it or hate it.

I think Greg Nuckols and Barbell Medicine's stuff is great, personally.

Ladies and Gentleman, we gottem BBM Avay 23/06/15(Thu)01:43 No. 40288



This is everything I've got.

I'm hoping someone comes through and can contribute the Army / Shoulder / BB2 / Supertotal

Anonymous 23/06/15(Thu)17:27 No. 40289

Does anyone have anything from Wild Hunt Conditioning?


The Clown 23/06/15(Thu)19:19 No. 40290

Thank you for sharing!

[REQUEST] The Quads of The Gods Specialisation Program SomeQuadlessGuy 23/06/15(Thu)20:27 No. 40291

Hi you all! Just looking for this program, don't have much muscle mass on my quads and want to try it. Here's some stuff I have from JPS Health & Fitness (Programs and books)
Please make a copy or download.
Thanks in advance

ThibArmy's Mens Transformation Plan along with their maximum muscle B Anonymous 23/06/15(Thu)22:44 No. 40292

Hey everyone Here is my contribution This program really helped me as a natural lifter. This is ThibArmy's Mens Transformation Plan along with their maximum muscle Bible


Looking for BBM new release Bodybuilding II template.
Anyone who can share would be much appreciated I'm also willing to trade other programs as well that I have.

Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)07:10 No. 40334


Trade, wtf matey no trading allowed here.

Army posted everywhere any way

Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)07:15 No. 40335


I meant that I'd be happy to share the Army one if somebody could also post a recent Beginner one. True though, Army is out there for anybody that looks.

MAPS SYMMETRY Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)07:26 No. 40336

Would anyone happen to have the MAPS symmetry program handy?

Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)10:55 No. 40337


"Everywhere" - where are other such online communities btw? I only know of this place /fit/

Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)14:58 No. 40339

Yeah, me too. If anyone is aware of any other communities, please let me know. Would be great help

Zane Bodybuilding Manual Anonymous 23/06/16(Fri)22:22 No. 40340

Anyone got the Zane Bodybuilding Manual Ebook please share been looking for that from a while. Up for a groupbuy too

The Zane Body Training Manual dongcopter 23/06/17(Sat)12:47 No. 40341


No need for a group buy or to even pay anybody, here is the download link for the book:

dongcopter 23/06/17(Sat)12:53 No. 40342

Ah I see, there are two different books. I think I have seen the bodybuilding one lying on my drive as well. Didn't realize that lol. I'll update the links for the bodybuilding one as well.

Anonymous 23/06/18(Sun)20:18 No. 40343

these are quality programs, thx

Anonymous 23/06/18(Sun)20:50 No. 40344

Eagerly waiting for the link King!!

powerlifting programming Anonymous 23/06/18(Sun)23:26 No. 40345

Basically want to learn how to program myself. Any ebooks, guides, templates on how to program would be appreciated please. Been following cookie cutter programs for years now and have decent numbers at this point, but wanna learn properly

powerlifting programming Anonymous 23/06/18(Sun)23:26 No. 40346

Basically want to learn how to program myself. Any ebooks, guides, templates on how to program would be appreciated please. Been following cookie cutter programs for years now and have decent numbers at this point, but wanna learn properly

PL programming advice from a not-so-novice lifter: dongcopter 23/06/19(Mon)07:28 No. 40347

My advice for you would be to read the THE MUSCLE & STRENGTH PYRAMID BOOKS by the king Eric Helms. apart from that, download the freely available PL templates, and look at how the programming is done week to week. After reading the M&SP books by Eric Helms, what you can do (for an example): look at BBM templates, and see how they are playing around with percentages and rep ranges progressing every week.

Eventually, you'll realize that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for powerlifting, and a lot of top level guys progress a lot by sticking with a single coach, who changes variables when needed, if needed. There are no 'GOOD' PL courses which can teach you programming, you can learn the programming variables pretty well by reading the training book itself.

Enough jibber jabber, here's the book:

Does anybody have these? dongcopter 23/06/19(Mon)17:40 No. 40349

File 168718921232.png - (104.59KB , 943x693 , Does anybody have these programs.png )

Attaching a screenshot, I've heard that the creator is fairly active here LOL.

Anonymous 23/06/19(Mon)22:03 No. 40351

Anyone has the material from Borge Fagerli's The Last Program?

Matthew I Smith SHOULDERS Mobility & Flexibility toolkit Anonymous 23/06/19(Mon)22:22 No. 40352

Been looking for this for a while, I'm trying here, thanks!

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)08:48 No. 40353

File 16872437385.jpg - (39.88KB , 389x603 , images - 2023-06-20T122443_011.jpg )

Did you manage to find the Bodybuilding Manual Ebook? If yes please share

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)09:28 No. 40354


Shit man they're cheap as fuck, support the creator at least with a purchase. You ain't no fan if you ain't supporting them. Millions of free programs about you don't need a collection as you ain't training that much

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)15:06 No. 40356

thanks man, awesome reply and just what I was after. At the top of the reading list :)

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)17:01 No. 40357


I do but not ripped it yet, may get time in a couple of weeks as there's quite a bit of content

dongcopter 23/06/22(Thu)09:20 No. 40358

Already got the vol. 5 my dude, just wanted to reach out if somebody has these. No worries, I'll buy them either way. :)

Anonymous 23/06/22(Thu)09:36 No. 40359

Hey I'm looking for the new BB & JPG "Stud muffins" program.

Maxwell krause program Anonymous 23/06/22(Thu)14:50 No. 40361


Has anyone got Maxwell krause program they're willing to share please?

Anonymous 23/06/24(Sat)13:52 No. 40363

Thanks a lot. Is the material easily downloadable apart from the videos? Could you share the training templates? It's probably what most people are looking for. Looking forward to get a look!

Westside Barbell Books João Vanderlei 23/06/25(Sun)04:26 No. 40364

Anyone have the Westside barebll books? I can share the Book of Methods if it is anyone interest, but I am searching for the other, more specifically the bench press and the Squat and Deadlift books.

Avay 23/06/25(Sun)06:54 No. 40367

File 168766887428.jpg - (74.70KB , 842x960 , unnamed.jpg )


Hey man, can you point me in the direction of the army template so I can update my BBM masterpack?

The guy in this thread who wants to trade is clearly a dork. This is a sharing thread.

If anyone has shoulder or bodybuilding 2 that would be awesome as well!

I posted above literally everything else from BBM

SBD V2 Anonymous 23/06/25(Sun)14:04 No. 40368

Looking for Dawson Windham SBD V2 spreadsheet/write up

Request Kumar 23/06/25(Sun)22:00 No. 40371

You have Jeremy seread 2.o

Anonymous 23/06/26(Mon)01:16 No. 40373

Anyone have Scott Stevenson’s fortitude training ebook?

Anonymous 23/06/26(Mon)04:01 No. 40374

anyone w any joe defranco?

Anonymous 23/06/26(Mon)09:47 No. 40378


Post it up, don't just offer or use it as an anchor here

Anonymous 23/06/26(Mon)12:39 No. 40380

interested in this too, but this Scribd doc is the v1 program, anyone got V2???

Anonymous 23/06/26(Mon)16:38 No. 40381

Thank you so much!

Anonymous 23/06/27(Tue)12:45 No. 40382

do you have or recommend any good program for women?

Ideally that can be done at home with dumbbells + Kettlebells.

The Clown 23/06/27(Tue)15:50 No. 40383

This is what I have but you should be an intermediate lifter...otherwise I advise to start with any beginner program and then jump to this one. (You can do the shoulder and glute hypertrophy as begginer)

MurdaRon 23/06/28(Wed)14:00 No. 40384


Zane Bodybuilding Manual Anonymous 23/06/30(Fri)18:15 No. 40386

Anyone got the Zane Bodybuilding Manual? Please Share Kings

Geoff Verity.S. Resurrecting Your Gains Anonymous 23/06/30(Fri)18:18 No. 40387

Anyone got this ebook?

Anonymous 23/07/01(Sat)00:39 No. 40388

Advanced Eternal Warrior by Thibs anybody? Thanks.

Anonymous 23/07/01(Sat)02:11 No. 40389

what do you mean that the creator is fairly active here? why would they lurk an imageboard where their programs are shared?

SSTT's programs are solid for powerlifting though, I wish they had more bodybuilding programs.

Anonymous 23/07/01(Sat)06:26 No. 40390

Jamal's coaches are very active in having their material removed from hosting sites. Would you believe it that they don't want their work pirated. Anonfiles has obviously been served DMCA notices as lots of links are dead, same with any other authors who do the same.

Anonymous 23/07/04(Tue)11:37 No. 40391

Can you reupload ThibArmy's Mens Transformation Plan?

resurrecting your gains finding your muscle Anonymous 23/07/05(Wed)17:17 No. 40392

File 168857027423.jpg - (79.20KB , 480x768 , 472193_8afb54bf78824b358a5fc76846d72785_mv2.jpg )

Anyone got this ebook? Been looking for this from a while and Up for a groupbuy too anyone interested??

Anonymous 23/07/05(Wed)17:29 No. 40393


Good read, worth the time and money to invest in it if you can.

Anonymous 23/07/05(Wed)20:46 No. 40394

looking for this still too

Anonymous 23/07/06(Thu)15:38 No. 40395


Can you reupload? The links are dead now... Thank you!

Online Trainer Academy Anonymous 23/07/06(Thu)20:47 No. 40396

Anyone kind enough to share the Online Trainer Academy manual from Jonathan Goodman?

bbm Anonymous 23/07/07(Fri)10:05 No. 40400


As users keep trying to sell and trade nothing they've bought themselves but only what everyone else gave in the first place here is what has been posted many times over.


Now how hard is that? Blaggers and triers everywhere

Anonymous 23/07/07(Fri)12:03 No. 40401


No trading here same goes with selling

BBM Bilbro+Backgains 23/07/07(Fri)13:14 No. 40402


Just to be clear I'm not trying to be deceitful and say I'm offering something of my own in exchange for something else. The download links shared here are sometimes temporary, so if anyone wants any of the stuff I mentioned without too much of a wait time, one option is me emailing them, as I check it frequently. No hidden agendas.

SBD V2 Anonymous 23/07/07(Fri)13:44 No. 40404

anyone w dawson windham sbd V2?

Anonymous 23/07/07(Fri)19:33 No. 40405

Anyone got Ultimate Anabolic Cookbook 3.0 from Greg Doucette?

Anonymous 23/07/07(Fri)21:33 No. 40406

Anybody got any Helios Movement material?

Anonymous 23/07/08(Sat)20:56 No. 40407

Anyone have the newer RTS templateas like 16 week Mass or 12 week high frequency?

Anonymous 23/07/10(Mon)18:50 No. 40409

Which BBM programs/templates are missing? Or have never been uploaded? Only the brand new ones (which were exactly which again)?

The Clown 23/07/10(Mon)19:35 No. 40410

I believe this ones are missing from BBM:
Shoulder rehab
Bodybuilding 2
Titan 2
and the US military one

Avay 23/07/11(Tue)03:30 No. 40411


Anonymous 23/07/12(Wed)15:55 No. 40412


I'll upload the others when I have finished getting my worth out of them. Not ready to furnish those who give nothing.

ȩ̸̲̺̣̹̞̟̮̰̯̠͎͉͔͆̉̊̍̑̂̐͗̄̐̆͗͗͂͊́̉̋͐͝f̵ ȩ̸̲̺̣̹̞̟̮̰̯̠͎͉͔͆̉̊̍̑̂̐͗̄̐̆͗͗͂͊́̉̋͐͝f̵ 23/07/12(Wed)22:41 No. 40413


HTK Fitness programs - Searching for Elite Operator V1 Tactical_Maniac 23/07/19(Wed)16:30 No. 40432

File 168977701095.jpg - (111.34KB , 1692x1252 , 013_Blade_Runner_aesthetics.jpg )

Hey Ladies and Gents,

as the title suggests I'm searching for some HTK Programs and I'm willing to trade.
I'm searching the following:
- Elite Operator V1
- Muscle Blueprint (new one)
- Elite Performance
- Lean Machinge
- HTK Fast

I've got ton of shit to trade. I've got Elite Operator V2 (many of u will ask - why the hell do I want V1 for? Because V1 is 12-Weeks long and I'm curious what else they changed).

BBM Powerbuilding 2 Barbell Medicine 23/07/19(Wed)17:12 No. 40433

I have the new version of the powerbuilding 2 template v4, and so far in the files being shared it looks like it's the older version v3. What's the easiest way to share? Something not temporary preferably.

The Clown 23/07/20(Thu)00:25 No. 40436

You can use www.fromsmash.com and choose the option for permanent and not temporary


Barbell Medicine Powerbuilding 2 v4 BBM 23/07/21(Fri)11:01 No. 40438


Hope this works.

BBM 23/07/21(Fri)12:12 No. 40440

Would be cool if you can share the new bodybuilding template.

Anonymous 23/07/21(Fri)20:17 No. 40441

does anybody have the new RP male physique custom templates?

BBM HyperTrophy anonnnq 23/07/24(Mon)08:39 No. 40444

Does anyone have BBM Hypertrophy 1&2 template?

BBM Anonymous 23/07/24(Mon)14:23 No. 40445


here we go:

BBM Hy 1&2!

The Clown 23/07/26(Wed)15:16 No. 40447

Thank you very much for sharing!

Anonymous 23/07/26(Wed)21:38 No. 40448

Nippard new plan?

Handstand Factory John 23/07/26(Wed)23:05 No. 40450

Anybody got Handstand Factory programs?

Anonymous 23/08/03(Thu)12:15 No. 40459

Anyone got Strip Down and Get Cooking by Will Tennyson?

BBMv4 Anonymous 23/08/07(Mon)22:28 No. 40464


Could u do a reup of this file.
I missed this one while on vacation.

Anonymous 23/08/09(Wed)00:00 No. 40468

Can you reupload BB V.2? Hate how these links expire now.

Anonymous 23/08/09(Wed)23:10 No. 40470

BBM - Powerbuilding II (V4 July)

BBM - Hyperthropy I & II


Anonymous 23/08/10(Thu)04:45 No. 40471

I got lean machine and aggressive shred. Willing to swap for elite operator 2.

Rp Endurance 23/08/11(Fri)08:31 No. 40473

Does anyone have the RP endurance sports 4 day template?

Anonymous 23/08/11(Fri)19:08 No. 40474

Anyone got the SSTT Powerbuilding v2 or v3? Has someone of you run it?

Anonymous 23/08/12(Sat)11:12 No. 40475

Bump heard this is real good just can't buy rn

rij rusnyu 23/08/13(Sun)15:44 No. 40476

>>40034 the saviour, thank you

rij+rusnyu 23/08/13(Sun)15:49 No. 40477

the saviour, thank you

Anonymous 23/08/13(Sun)22:10 No. 40478

Anyone have the new Nippard PPL yet? Only seen the old one so far

Man-at-legs 23/08/14(Mon)18:18 No. 40480


Can anybody up/re-up a current BBM pack? Hard drive died and it looks like all these fromsmash links are expired. Thanks in advance.

Man-at-legs 23/08/14(Mon)18:21 No. 40481


Can anybody up/re-up a current BBM pack? Hard drive died and it looks like all these fromsmash links are expired. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous 23/08/15(Tue)15:49 No. 40484

Thank you so much

Anonymous 23/08/15(Tue)15:51 No. 40485



ur welcome

Man-at-legs 23/08/15(Tue)23:58 No. 40488

Awesome. Many thanks, friend.

glute lab ano 23/08/17(Thu)11:38 No. 40491

The glute lab by bret contreras anyone

BBM BODYBUILDING 2 23/08/18(Fri)00:31 No. 40495

does anyone have the new bbm bodybuilding template?

Anonymous 23/08/18(Fri)15:48 No. 40496

Did anyone end up with a copy of this? Still looking for Feast, Famine, Ferocity

Anonymous 23/08/20(Sun)21:45 No. 40500

looking for any powerlifting programming e books please? Advanced level

Josh Bryant Anon 23/08/22(Tue)11:53 No. 40502

Can anyone repost Josh Bryant books please and hopefully rucking gains.

Sebastian burkan lppa Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)01:47 No. 40504

Can someone send sebastian burkan lppa program?

Sebastian burka lppa Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)02:35 No. 40505

Does someone have sebastian burka lppa?
I would appreciate it if someone send it

Anonymous 23/08/24(Thu)07:03 No. 40507

Thanks a lot, mate. The pack didn't have the rehab ones. I wonder if anyone was able to save the hip and shoulder rehab before they expired. It would be great if I could get my hands on those if you have either or both of them

Anonymous 23/08/27(Sun)16:42 No. 40512

Strip Down and Get Cooking by Will Tennyson or Anabolic Cook book 3.0 by Greg anyone?

Rauno Deadlift Bible Anonymous 23/08/28(Mon)07:01 No. 40513

Looking for Rauno Heinla Deadlift Bible

Nicolas Aesthetics Cookbook? 23/09/01(Fri)08:44 No. 40517

Anyone have Nicolas Aesthetics Cookbook and willing to share? Thanks in advance!

Joo 23/09/01(Fri)18:23 No. 40518

Hello everyone, I'm looking for Ben Pakulski chest & arms specialization. they have been posted before but I can't find them anywhere

Jamie Lewis Juggeryoke Anonymous 23/09/04(Mon)12:42 No. 40523

Looking for Jamie Lewis Juggeryoke program

kong KONG by Bromley eBook king 23/09/04(Mon)13:51 No. 40524


up anyone have Bromley ebook ? I like the program on the app but i would like his ebook to take hisbrain

MASS publication by layne norton king 23/09/04(Mon)13:56 No. 40525

Hello someone has a backup of those MASS issue ?

SBS Bundle zxczxczxc 23/09/05(Tue)07:09 No. 40527

Hi, is there any chance some1 can reupload SBS Program Bundle? All link are dead

BBM Pack (Barbell Medicine) SBD+enjoyer 23/09/08(Fri)13:22 No. 40532

I know someone recently reuploaded it but I missed it and it's already down. Can someone reup the BBM Pack?

looking for new thib@rmy training programs arty 23/09/22(Fri)08:27 No. 40549

Hi, have you someone new thib@rmy programs?

Here is neurotype online bootcamp from him


does anybody has NASM NUTRITION BOOK PDF Anonymous 23/09/23(Sat)04:52 No. 40552


thibarmy The 4 Seasons of Lifting arty 23/09/25(Mon)08:04 No. 40553

Hello, someone thibarmy The 4 Seasons of Lifting - looking for trade :)

Anonymous 23/09/26(Tue)18:59 No. 40555

That's not the neurotype online bootcamp
What's your email?

thi-b arty 23/09/27(Wed)06:51 No. 40556


well its called "Sprint to summer" - online neurotype training camp

my mail: [email protected]

Free course KILO Strength arty 23/09/27(Wed)10:01 No. 40557

Hi, there is free KILO Strength course.


Anonymous 23/09/29(Fri)11:36 No. 40562


That old from OLD neurotyping material, is not one of the new neurotyping programs or part of the course.

Anonymous 23/09/29(Fri)14:29 No. 40563

Can someone reshare this , perticularly Hypertrophy 2.0

Browner Anonymous 23/09/29(Fri)14:52 No. 40564

Has Strength Focused PPL been shared yet, would really appreciate it

Anonymous 23/10/08(Sun)21:24 No. 40574

Can you upload this again on a different site? anonfile got shut down

Any chance for a reupload since Anonfiles is down? SST Requester 23/10/09(Mon)15:54 No. 40575


I've been searching for the 10 Week Powerbuilding and 8 Week Peak. If anyone needs Intermediate v5 I can upload it too.


BBM Bodybuilding II Anonymous 23/10/15(Sun)08:34 No. 40582

Does anynone have the new BBM Bodybuilding 2 template? (bodybuilding 2, not hypertrophy 2 - these are different)

Road To Anywhere Sika Stregnth subaru01 23/10/17(Tue)08:00 No. 40583

Does anyone have this program?

Anonymous 23/10/30(Mon)15:47 No. 40598

why is this thread not sticky anymore? seems like it's gotten kind of dead

Nippard Pure Bodybuilding Anonymous 23/11/03(Fri)13:37 No. 40604

Anyone got the new nippard program?

The Pure Bodybuilding Program slammer 23/11/08(Wed)09:50 No. 40615

Looking for Jeff Nippard's new 'Pure Bodybuilding Program'.

Thanks in advance

j3ff n!ppard pure b. arty 23/11/08(Wed)10:14 No. 40616

have it - DM me [email protected]

Rp+ENDURANCE+pls 23/11/08(Wed)20:09 No. 40620

Anyone have the RP ENDURANCE Template pls?

Been looking everywhere for it!

The Clown 23/11/10(Fri)23:59 No. 40624

Jeff Nippard Pure bodybuilding Program


Anonymous 23/11/11(Sat)09:07 No. 40629

thank you

40616 Cerberus92 23/11/12(Sun)02:20 No. 40631

Some one have thibarmy ‘s (pure muscle mass blueprint)?

there is plan a 23/11/13(Mon)12:32 No. 40635

Here you are Thibarmy pure blueprint


Someone has another plans for share? :)

Anonymous 23/11/14(Tue)16:29 No. 40641

Dead link

Anonymous 23/11/14(Tue)16:34 No. 40643

not dead...someone just reach 50 download limit. I update it. LOL

Daru Strong Mentorship Program Joel 23/11/16(Thu)14:32 No. 40645

I'm looking for this program, The Daru Strong.

Anonymous 23/11/21(Tue)01:23 No. 40656


BBM StrongBench 23/11/21(Tue)16:46 No. 40657

Half of the links lately are expired. Can someone pls reupload these;

BBM - updated PB III, BB II

Nippard - Bodybuilding program

Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)09:17 No. 40658

If you have any new Thibarmy program can you DM me?

[email protected]

Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)23:08 No. 40661

Does anybody have Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist?

Juggeryoke fff Anonymous 23/11/29(Wed)11:43 No. 40677

Requesting either/or both
Juggeryoke protocol v3.5
The famine, feast and ferocity diet

All links in the thread have expired or are not working

The Clown 23/11/29(Wed)13:10 No. 40678

Here is the "The Pure Bodybuilding Program" by Jeff Nippard, I don't own PB 3 and BB 2 by Barbell Medicine


Keep Sharing!

Anonymous 23/12/03(Sun)20:44 No. 40684

Looking for jacked & juicy 2.0 deathgrip Derek if anyone can drop it pls!

Felu 23/12/04(Mon)09:30 No. 40685

Can anyone share "The Felu Cookbook"?

StrongBench 23/12/12(Tue)19:25 No. 40690

Thank you!

Jacked @ juicy 2 Ofir 23/12/14(Thu)10:51 No. 40695



Not sure how to reply to a specific message
Hope i got it right

Mark carroll Ofir 23/12/14(Thu)11:04 No. 40696

Looking for Mark Carroll No bs abs program please

Iron university Ofir 23/12/14(Thu)12:16 No. 40697

Looking for any iron university program please

Anonymous 23/12/14(Thu)22:35 No. 40698

Thank you!!

cali 23/12/15(Fri)07:44 No. 40699


It looks like the transfer has expired. Could this be reuploaded please? Would really appreciate it!

Anonymous 23/12/15(Fri)15:12 No. 40700

Somebody post Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist please

Hardgainer 2.0 Anonymous 23/12/16(Sat)22:55 No. 40702

Can someone kindly share this magazine?

Hardgainer 2.0 Anonymous 23/12/16(Sat)22:58 No. 40703

Can someone share if possible hardgainer 2.0 magazine?


BBM II PoorGuy 23/12/19(Tue)06:28 No. 40708

Anyone got Barbell medicine new program ? BBM II Hypertrophy. All links are dead or expired.

Powerlifting progams Tutek 23/12/21(Thu)23:33 No. 40711

can some reupload derek deathgrip programs, and what else do you guys recommend for as far as powerlifting goes, how are jamal browner programs?

Jamal Browner’s Deadlift Specialization Anonymous 23/12/22(Fri)00:05 No. 40713

Can anyone share the Jamal Browner’s Deadlift Specialization program?
Doesn't matter which vol

Jamie lewis Ofir 23/12/25(Mon)15:41 No. 40717

Can you please upload it again ?

Ofir 23/12/25(Mon)15:43 No. 40718

Can you upload it again please ?

BBM & RP Anonymous 23/12/26(Tue)11:41 No. 40719

Can anyone re-upload barbell medicine new programs (Bodybuilding and Hypertrophy). If Possible Renaissance Periodization Templates (not the custom ones)

Nippard PB and Essentials Program The+Lobster 23/12/26(Tue)14:17 No. 40720

Can someone share Nippard's Pure Bodybuilding Program again? The ones posted here were on Smash and so expired after 7 days. Can't access them.

If someone could also share Nippard's Esssential Program, that would be great.

Anonymous 23/12/27(Wed)01:44 No. 40721

Anyone have Ben Pollack's think big and think strong and UYP package?

Anonymous 23/12/31(Sun)14:05 No. 40724


Anon 24/01/01(Mon)10:02 No. 40727

Seems like anon files is down. Any other place this is uploaded?

Greg Doucette anabolic cookbook 3.0 Anonymous 24/01/08(Mon)10:52 No. 40736

Anyone have greg doucette anabolic cookbook 3.0?

Jackson Peos Death Note callen 24/01/09(Tue)07:51 No. 40740

Does anyone have Jackson Peos’ Death Note Program? Thanks in advance!

BBM (BODYBUILDING II) Anonymous 24/01/09(Tue)10:02 No. 40741

Can anyone upload new barbell medicine bodybuilding II template.

Thanks in advance.

Hii Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)08:42 No. 40748

I’m looking from programs from :
Julia Rene
Riley Kristine

Anonymous 24/01/21(Sun)20:34 No. 40757

Anyone got Pavels new book AXE?

13 bar performance Anonymous 24/01/23(Tue)11:14 No. 40761

Anyone have any 13 bar performance programs?

Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist ann 24/01/24(Wed)17:55 No. 40764

does anyone has Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist plan ? please

SSTT 10 Week Squat Specialization Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)17:58 No. 40765

anybody post SSTT 10 Week Squat Specialization again, the links that are posted are old

Particle Smasher slammer 24/01/25(Thu)11:38 No. 40770

Looking for Particle Smasher by John Meadows.

Thank you!

Anonymous 24/01/27(Sat)18:15 No. 40775

If u get it plz tell me

Anonymous 24/01/27(Sat)18:23 No. 40776

Brother can you plz reupload them anon files is not working >>40366

Anonymous 24/01/28(Sun)13:35 No. 40778

Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist please

Anonymous 24/01/29(Mon)10:06 No. 40782

Pheasyque muscular and others :

40366 Anonymous 24/01/29(Mon)20:43 No. 40783

Brother can you plz resend them the anon files link is not working , thanks

Anonymous 24/01/30(Tue)10:33 No. 40784

Anything from Justin Mihaly or his team please ?

Anonymous 24/02/01(Thu)07:48 No. 40786

Physique development 12 week glute program please ?

Anonymous 24/02/01(Thu)20:31 No. 40790

Can any one plz resend those sstt programn links are not working

Rondel hunte program Anonymous 24/02/02(Fri)20:54 No. 40794

Someone have rondel hunte program to share with us?

Anonymous 24/02/03(Sat)19:47 No. 40795

Anyone have pure bodybuilding from Jeff nippard

Anonymous 24/02/04(Sun)13:14 No. 40797

Physique development 12 week glute program anyone has in please ?

J3 University j3university 24/02/06(Tue)12:23 No. 40802

Does anyone have courses by j3university.com
Especially looking for the female module.
Much appreciated!

j3university Anonymous 24/02/06(Tue)12:26 No. 40803

Does anyone have courses by j3university.com
Especially looking for the female module.
Much appreciated!

MAPS 15 Anonymous 24/02/09(Fri)12:02 No. 40805

Wondering if anyone has this to share? And if it comes with the advanced version. They've tightened up their cease and desists on Reddit lol.

Here's a bunch of stuff if someone hasn't already got: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U1zSdTBhaMxzN8kYzo0dx7LvaqYscqL_?usp=drive_link

Rondel hunte programn Anonymous 24/02/16(Fri)00:36 No. 40815

Bro do u have sstt body recomp programn , their dead v3 or bench or squat specialization one or any other can u plz share the link if u have any other

Anonymous 24/02/16(Fri)19:40 No. 40816

Looking for Derek deathgrip programns if anyone have plz share

Anonymous 24/02/19(Mon)02:18 No. 40824


looking for this as well all links dead

Program Anonymous 24/03/02(Sat)07:25 No. 40855

The link has expired. Could you email it to me

Juany 24/03/09(Sat)03:08 No. 40864

Does anyone have Emmett Louis' M3 courses?

JimJob 24/03/17(Sun)15:55 No. 40885

When is the new Jeff Nippard programme out?

The Clown 24/03/18(Mon)01:43 No. 40887


Link Available for 7 days only

Keep Sharing!

Rondel Hunte’s The Total Specialist Anonymous 24/03/21(Thu)15:54 No. 40888

Rondel hunte the total specialist

Anonymous 24/03/22(Fri)00:37 No. 40889

Does anyone have BBM Powerbuilding 2 or 3?

Elastaboy Mobility Challenge Coyote 24/03/22(Fri)07:40 No. 40891

Hi there, does anybody have Elastaboys Mobility challenge program and would be willing to share? Thanks a lot!

Anonymous 24/03/23(Sat)22:03 No. 40894

Could anyone share Dawson Windham programs?

need the program rondel hunte total specialist 24/03/25(Mon)10:26 No. 40897

anyone got rondel hunte total program pls share

Anonymous 24/03/25(Mon)12:03 No. 40900

Bump for this
Does anyone have SBD V2?

Hunte reup Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)07:13 No. 40902

Could somebody reup the program by rundel hunte?

Auto 24/04/06(Sat)18:37 No. 40909

Can anyone share rondel hunte total program. Greatly appreciated!

Anonymous 24/04/29(Mon)15:45 No. 40931

Could someone post the BBM Low or Medium Fatigue Templates?

Anonymous 24/05/06(Mon)09:49 No. 40935

Sika strength squat program please.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)12:12 No. 40938


Anyone has BBM Bodybuilding II (new one) or BBM General Strength & Conditioning (new one)?

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)12:14 No. 40939


Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)14:24 No. 40940

How is the link already dead?

Andy baker bodybuilding programs Hypertrophy 24/05/12(Sun)19:10 No. 40942

Does anyone have this fexible hyperophy program for baker?

Anonymous 24/05/15(Wed)23:38 No. 40943

One up for BBM programmes. There were several links before for everything but would anyone have any of the updated programmes especially Powerbuilding 2 & 3, Strength and Hypertrophy stuff?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)02:07 No. 40951

Seconding this, the masterpack that use to exist would be great

JimJob 24/06/02(Sun)11:03 No. 40955

Anyone have 3dmj vault?

James 24/06/06(Thu)18:58 No. 40959

are you able to reupload pls?

BRIAN ALSRUHE's programs Anonymous 24/06/10(Mon)17:21 No. 40965

Anyone got BRIAN ALSRUHE's programs (neversate.com)? Looking for 3DAY MINIMALIST and POWERbuilder LITE, but others are welcome too :) Thanks!

request 24/06/11(Tue)13:36 No. 40967

is it possible to reupload?
thanks in advance

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)05:29 No. 40980

does anyone have Athlean Xero 2? Thanks in advance for any help!

zxc6666666 24/07/02(Tue)18:10 No. 40991

Can someone upload Stronger by Science bundle please? :) All link all over the internet is down

JimJob 24/07/13(Sat)19:12 No. 41007

Are you able to upload MASS?

JimJob 24/07/15(Mon)11:41 No. 41011

thanks is this just the lifting lib? I also think link has expired

Aleks 24/07/17(Wed)16:12 No. 41018

Someone want to share MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling or Shredded - A Carb Cycling

3DMJ JimJob 24/07/23(Tue)13:20 No. 41032

Any 3dmj vault courses that aren't the lifting library? Looking for nutrition fundamentals and 'The Default Diet'

WeightDowner 24/08/02(Fri)23:32 No. 41049

Hey everyone.
I'm looking for Kilo Strength Society hypertrophy program design courses.
At least the PDF resource.

I believe the programa design course was shared but the links are dead now.

Anonymous 24/08/15(Thu)21:47 No. 41060

I'm looking for a good upper/lower split. Any recommendations?

Anonymous 24/08/21(Wed)15:57 No. 41066

Anyone have the latest version of BBM powerbuilding 2?
I only have the 3rd version:

GMB Elements Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)00:39 No. 41068

Looking for GMB elments programme

Deadlift Bilbe razza 24/08/24(Sat)20:03 No. 41071

Looking for Rauno Heinla deadlift bible

J3 University Marko 24/08/26(Mon)19:03 No. 41077

Anyone has any videos level 1 J3 university?

Master diesel program Anonymous 24/09/23(Mon)08:00 No. 41096

Hey guys, does anybody have master diesel or Oly Wod by Olekseiy Torokhtiy ? Thanks in advance

Justin Harris Michel 24/11/03(Sun)20:06 No. 41114

Hello I search MASSIVE - A Carb Cycling Approach for Mass and Shredded - A Carb Cycling Approach Justin Harris please

MAPS 15 Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)09:54 No. 41125


Second this, can't find anywhere. MAPS 15 would be great, thanks all

Anonymous 24/12/25(Wed)18:31 No. 41136

can anyone reupload the bbm template convolute?

Anonymous 24/12/28(Sat)09:58 No. 41140

Anyone got Ben Yanes excersice library?

Anonymous 25/01/20(Mon)01:34 No. 41161

Looking for -> The GLP-1 Solution: A Complete Program to Maximize Your Weight and Fat Loss Results by Lyle McDonald

Shehab 25/02/22(Sat)06:49 No. 41177

Does anyone have Thib Army Big Gunz bro Block 3 and 4


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