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John Smith 21/05/11(Tue)13:56 No. 47794 [Reply]

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My name is John.
I'm a little offended that this board uses my name as a stereotypical uninteresting person.
Oh well.

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John Smith 21/06/02(Wed)06:13 No. 47815

Welcome, John. =]

John Smith 21/06/04(Fri)02:37 No. 47818

maybe, maybe not...whatever, John

John Smith 21/08/03(Tue)17:17 No. 47852

Hey John,
I actually find it kind of comforting myself. Funny we're both John, but I guess that's a common coincidence.
-- John

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)14:54 No. 47644 [Reply]

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Does anyone tire of the human obsession for "deeper meaning"?
Why the fuck do adults always have to venture off into the world of abstractions and metaphors?
Whats wrong with seeing the physical world as it is?
Why is that every natural or civil disaster is interpreted as the end of the world despite records of previous like incidents happening?

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John Smith 21/01/10(Sun)13:21 No. 47680

what science doesn't explain, is up for speculation. and then it spills over to what science has a fairly good explaination for. and then it becomes a club for those who "really get it". and then it's echo chamber.

John Smith 21/01/16(Sat)17:46 No. 47683

Lots of big questions there friend.

>Does anyone tire of the human obsession for "deeper meaning"?
Feels like for the last 100 years or so we've kind of given that up entirely and been obsessed about the physical world in front of us.

>Why the fuck do adults always have to venture off into the world of abstractions and metaphors?

It's hard to communicate complex relationships with words.

>Whats wrong with seeing the physical world as it is?

We are imperfect beings who are incapable of seeing the world as it is. We must stitch together picture after picture after picture we receive to try to make a comprehensive meaningful picture. That goes for all things.

>Why is that every natural or civil disaster is interpreted as the end of the world despite records of previous like incidents happening?

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John Smith 21/01/17(Sun)04:27 No. 47684

Nice looking post, John. Look at all those words, each comprising a sentence, surely conveying some kind of thought provoking this or that. Just look at all those words...

I’m sure its all very fine, John.

John Smith 18/11/22(Thu)14:17 No. 46772 [Reply]

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Hello John,

I'm just doing my usual once every two years stop by to see how things are with you.

My life hasn't changed that much, I may have different people around me but I am still the same.

What about you, John?

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John Smith 20/08/14(Fri)19:41 No. 47503

>broken AC, summers are hotter than shit
>Right to work state

John, you in Florida?

John Smith 20/08/19(Wed)20:04 No. 47504

It sounds like, despite some adversary, you're really moving forward, John. We're all proud of you here. I hope things continue to get better for you.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)22:27 No. 47676

Hello John,

I'm happy to see that my thread has kept going through the years. I have decided to stop by yet again to see how you are doing.
As I imagined, you are going through changes, which is something natural.
I do hope everything works out for you, John.
As for me, I lost my job and I am now studying for a Masters which will hopefully entitle me to get the job I need.
Times are rather rough, but other than that most things are still the same in my life.

I will stop by in some years to check on you, John.


John Smith 21/05/31(Mon)06:06 No. 47810 [Reply]

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Why is it people that run dark (TOR/Loki, etc) servers to do illegal things do so from their down home?

Wouldn't make more sense to just repurpose a laptop bought from a pawn shop and just open the shop when people park near a library or coffee shop?

Even the Silk Road runner got caught because he went into the library itself and opened the store in full public view.

I mean, GITS (the original film) had a garbage man hack every time he stopped his truck, but wouldn't make more sense to not even get out?

If you wanted a stationary box, couldn't you just disguise it as a junction box and place it on an adjacent roof to a library, coffee shop or other establishment you have no direct connection to?

I just don't understand why people do this from home or actually go into public places.

John Smith 21/05/31(Mon)15:31 No. 47811

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John Smith 20/07/17(Fri)04:19 No. 47467 [Reply]

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I wish life everywhere could be boring. No conflicts, no ancient mysteries, no divine plan.
Adventures should take place in alternative canons. We can reincarnate to the "main canon" when the alternative realities get too much.

John Smith 20/07/17(Fri)08:58 No. 47468

Can't you just sit in a room?

John Smith 21/06/08(Tue)23:51 No. 47822 [Reply]

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please discuss this man's confession, and also his pronunciation of the word celibacy

keep in mind this is probably the person in your meme group


John Smith 21/06/08(Tue)23:53 No. 47823

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I just want to make ever more powerful energy weapons.

John Smith 21/10/13(Wed)21:26 No. 47938 [Reply]

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When I was a kid, every day after school I would take the bus to my Grandma's apartment. She would watch me until my parents got off of work. But on days when Grandma had a hair appointment or bridge club, she would send me to her upstairs neighbor's apartment, some man I guess she knew. He wore turtlenecks and was really weird. Every time I went me to this guy's apartment, he would tell me that it was my birthday, give me a Birthday Bread, and sing Happy Birthday to me. Every time it went the exact same way. My Grandma would send me upstairs, I would knock on his door, he would answer it, see me and say "Oh! There's the Birthday Boy!" and tell me to go inside. He'd say "Go sit at the table and I'll get you your Birthday treat". He even had a little thing he would sing to himself when he was making the Birthday Bread, "Take a piece of bread, spread the yogurt on, you got yourself a Birthday Bread!" Then he'd bring me a piece of plain white bread with strawberry yogurt on it and a single candle in the middle. Then he'd light the candle and sing me Happy Birthday, and wait for me to eat the Birthday Bread. After I ate the Birthday Bread, he would let me go watch TV until my Grandma came and got me. Obviously, the first time Grandma sent me to this random guy's apartment and he told me it was my birthday and gave me a Birthday Bread, I was weirded out and pretty scared. So I told my Grandma what happened and said that I didn't want to go back, but she just said "He's fine", and never said anything else about it. But any time she had something to do and couldn't watch me for a while, she would send me upstairs and I would get a Birthday Bread. I never told my parents because I didn't think they would believe me. Now seeing this story written out it looks just as stupid and crazy as it did back then. Why did my Grandma send me to this guy to watch me? Who was he? Why did he always think it was my birthday? Has anyone else ever had a Birthday Bread?

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John Smith 22/08/22(Mon)03:58 No. 48287


John Smith 22/08/27(Sat)21:27 No. 48291

Easy there, friend. That sounds like interesting talk.

John Smith 24/03/23(Sat)09:53 No. 48817

The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.

John Smith 21/01/19(Tue)05:38 No. 47689 [Reply]

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Hammering on a loose cast iron gate makes a cymbal-like ringing sound which some may find pleasant to the ear.

Others however, may not.


But that doesn’t change the fact that it does.

John Smith 21/01/23(Sat)12:21 No. 47701

I know just what you mean, John. I have recently acquired a cast iron skillet pan, and it too, makes a pleasant ringing sound when it comes into contact with my tongs, while I'm flipping my grillings.

Well, at least it is pleasant to me.

John Smith 20/11/17(Tue)23:17 No. 47603 [Reply]

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and giving it to chan

John Smith 20/11/23(Mon)03:43 No. 47611

>mfw deadbolt is locked

John Smith 20/11/23(Mon)14:21 No. 47613


John Smith 19/09/24(Tue)00:34 No. 47129 [Reply]

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Normally I have my tea with milk. I'm out of milk, so I added lemon juice instead. However, I accidentally added too much lemon. It's not so much that the tea is undrinkable, it's just more sour than I would prefer.

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John Smith 20/11/25(Wed)07:24 No. 47621

It's easier

John Smith 20/11/26(Thu)01:39 No. 47625


Dear John,

You are right. I did it deliberately though. I switched to green tea, so I didn't have to keep buying milk at all hours of the day.
This has saved me a lot of time and effort of going to the shop, just for some milk.

Although I do drink tea with milk at some of my friend's houses, as they don't have green tea and I dont mind.

Hope this finds you in good health and a nice cup of tea.


John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)08:52 No. 47642

Hi John.

One time, I spilled orange Gatorade in my Chicken Noodle Soup. I ate the entire thing anyway, as that was my last can of soup. It was absolutely disgusting.

Be thankful for this sour tea.

Sincerely, John

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