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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 20/08/02(Sun)20:55 No. 47493

File 159639453428.jpg - (522.62KB , 1925x1877 , Manual_film_projector.jpg )

I visited 7chan
the web player wasn't working so I left again

John Smith 20/08/31(Mon)10:31 No. 47515

Dear John
I visited 7chan
the web player was working, playing gay trek
so I left again
regrettably John

John Smith 20/10/13(Tue)01:45 No. 47529

Dear John,

I am on my yearly, depressive mid-autumn visit here. The player is wokring, and the music is quite comforting. I also have a heating fan on, and a blanket over my shoulders.

John Smith 22/05/25(Wed)14:36 No. 48205


John Smith 24/03/28(Thu)18:02 No. 48843


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