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/eh/ - Particularly uninteresting conversation
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 21/10/13(Wed)21:26 No. 47938 [Reply]

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When I was a kid, every day after school I would take the bus to my Grandma's apartment. She would watch me until my parents got off of work. But on days when Grandma had a hair appointment or bridge club, she would send me to her upstairs neighbor's apartment, some man I guess she knew. He wore turtlenecks and was really weird. Every time I went me to this guy's apartment, he would tell me that it was my birthday, give me a Birthday Bread, and sing Happy Birthday to me. Every time it went the exact same way. My Grandma would send me upstairs, I would knock on his door, he would answer it, see me and say "Oh! There's the Birthday Boy!" and tell me to go inside. He'd say "Go sit at the table and I'll get you your Birthday treat". He even had a little thing he would sing to himself when he was making the Birthday Bread, "Take a piece of bread, spread the yogurt on, you got yourself a Birthday Bread!" Then he'd bring me a piece of plain white bread with strawberry yogurt on it and a single candle in the middle. Then he'd light the candle and sing me Happy Birthday, and wait for me to eat the Birthday Bread. After I ate the Birthday Bread, he would let me go watch TV until my Grandma came and got me. Obviously, the first time Grandma sent me to this random guy's apartment and he told me it was my birthday and gave me a Birthday Bread, I was weirded out and pretty scared. So I told my Grandma what happened and said that I didn't want to go back, but she just said "He's fine", and never said anything else about it. But any time she had something to do and couldn't watch me for a while, she would send me upstairs and I would get a Birthday Bread. I never told my parents because I didn't think they would believe me. Now seeing this story written out it looks just as stupid and crazy as it did back then. Why did my Grandma send me to this guy to watch me? Who was he? Why did he always think it was my birthday? Has anyone else ever had a Birthday Bread?

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John Smith 22/08/22(Mon)03:58 No. 48287


John Smith 22/08/27(Sat)21:27 No. 48291

Easy there, friend. That sounds like interesting talk.

John Smith 24/03/23(Sat)09:53 No. 48817

The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.

John Smith 19/09/24(Tue)00:34 No. 47129 [Reply]

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Normally I have my tea with milk. I'm out of milk, so I added lemon juice instead. However, I accidentally added too much lemon. It's not so much that the tea is undrinkable, it's just more sour than I would prefer.

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John Smith 20/11/25(Wed)07:24 No. 47621

It's easier

John Smith 20/11/26(Thu)01:39 No. 47625


Dear John,

You are right. I did it deliberately though. I switched to green tea, so I didn't have to keep buying milk at all hours of the day.
This has saved me a lot of time and effort of going to the shop, just for some milk.

Although I do drink tea with milk at some of my friend's houses, as they don't have green tea and I dont mind.

Hope this finds you in good health and a nice cup of tea.


John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)08:52 No. 47642

Hi John.

One time, I spilled orange Gatorade in my Chicken Noodle Soup. I ate the entire thing anyway, as that was my last can of soup. It was absolutely disgusting.

Be thankful for this sour tea.

Sincerely, John

John Smith 20/12/20(Sun)17:59 No. 47661 [Reply]

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I don't like food commercials. Something always spills or crumbs off and my neat freak tendencies get triggered.

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John Smith 23/02/03(Fri)01:53 No. 48552

For me, it's the Bounty Quicker Picker-Upper. But I'm not poor street trash.

John Smith 23/02/08(Wed)05:11 No. 48555

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I like Viva.

John Smith 23/02/08(Wed)08:32 No. 48556

You know, I took a photography class in correge once, and all the kids who thought themselves artistes (with the e) shit all this food scattering crumbs and dribbling corn starch all over everything and spraying everything to make it all look drippy and wet. After a while it got so obnoxious, when I finally did my food project and left all the ingredients wrappers and the recipe unmade. That’s a thing I did for an assignment in a class I never used.

John Smith 18/11/19(Mon)13:04 No. 46758 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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What is the weather today in your place

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John Smith 23/06/28(Wed)00:35 No. 48692


John Smith 23/06/29(Thu)02:43 No. 48694

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Rain. More rain coming up for several days, actually.

John Smith 23/06/30(Fri)20:27 No. 48695

Rain all day again
It's also summer

John Smith 23/06/02(Fri)02:48 No. 48674 [Reply]

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This picture I took of a sunset is /eh/.

John Smith 23/06/04(Sun)23:06 No. 48676

The sober reflection of the twilight sky beaming down onto the overcast landscape which is then broken up further by the shadows and outlines of the trees and quite /eh/ indeed anon. Quite /eh/ indeed.

John Smith 23/07/06(Thu)22:27 No. 48696

its remotely conformting

John Smith 22/01/08(Sat)18:53 No. 48064 [Reply]

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Are we finally done with the snow? I hate this weather.

John Smith 22/02/02(Wed)06:30 No. 48081

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Much of the east coast is expected to get nearly a foot of snow over the next 48 hours. Buckle up buckaroo.

John Smith 22/02/02(Wed)06:46 No. 48082

I love seeing countries that aren't used to snow dealing with snow.

John Smith 22/08/31(Wed)03:14 No. 48292 [Reply]

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its youtube, it has many flaws, its not bad but its not good. its like any website, you can get banned for the dumbest reasons (i got banned from 8kun for something from 2021 even though i havent touched that shit in that year) (i got banned from gelbooru for no damn reason) (i was banned from rule34 for, get me this, "trolling with the uploads" even though i just posted r34 i found with shitty tags)

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John Smith 22/09/03(Sat)19:29 No. 48304

What happened then? I was using that site a long time and when anons try to be cheeky that say I'm from 2014. Did all the servers get new owners around then so nobody can have an earlier ip register?

John Smith 22/09/03(Sat)19:43 No. 48305

idk I'm really new to using computers but not being an idiot. A few months ago I tried to appeal my ban explaining the situation a little but it was rejected.

John Smith 20/11/06(Fri)05:40 No. 47582 [Reply]

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Hi, 7chan.
I live in country which is one big 'eh' with no hopes and opportunities. I've lost any dreams in the depth of road mud. Any business I have tried is lying and becoming covered with the dust now. I will never find gf and favourite hobby. The only fantasy I have is to kill myself.

The last of regular commited suicides at my university was at May. I think I might be the next. Not because some difficulties with study, but because there is no reason to continue living.

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John Smith 20/11/26(Thu)03:59 No. 47626

Agreed, people need help through hard times not just sulfates and diagnoses

John Smith 20/12/01(Tue)01:11 No. 47636

Honestly if I see somebody depressed and the main thrust of their argument is tfw no gf then I assume they are in their late teens/early 20s and going through difficult mental changes. I know because I've been there. I don't know what else you want me to say. Nothing else can be done but learning to adjust to adulthood.

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)14:42 No. 47643

But still. Youth depression ismt always wanton for relationships.
And what about older people desparate for companionship? I see alot of that around. And theyre not condemned or looked down on for that.

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)09:38 No. 47713 [Reply]

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Well another payday rolled around, this time I managed to plan for bills, so that's nice.
How's your day John?

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)10:35 No. 47714

I'm glad to here things are going well John. Sounds like a load of stress off your shoulder.

My day is good. I made some taco soup and put quinoa in the water; it absorbed the flavor and was delicious. I think I'll try this again.

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)12:41 No. 47715

It was. That sounds nice, glad to hear you're trying new things.

John Smith 22/06/14(Tue)19:49 No. 48240 [Reply]

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For years I've been trying hard to get in to a private mechanical engineering school in Pennsylvania and run the Swiss. I did well on the exams and the proctors during interviews were very happy to talk to me and dropped hints I'm accepted on the spot.

However, I don't know if I am accepted or not. Every day is nice outside, but I'm empty and can't do anything.

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John Smith 22/06/29(Wed)23:52 No. 48250

John, did you see me ask for advice?

John Smith 22/07/02(Sat)22:16 No. 48251


John Smith 22/09/04(Sun)09:28 No. 48306

Hello John.

I hope that you've now received notice of your acceptance into the school in question.
And if no such letter of approval has been received, I hope that you'll find something else to do

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