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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 24/04/04(Thu)04:32 No. 48873 [Reply]

File 171219792885.jpg - (460.82KB , 1920x1200 , cheese.jpg )

A local meat shop had a great deal on Swiss cheese. It's not holey at all, which is better than a cheese that's mostly holes, I guess. Well worth the price, for sure.

John Smith 21/11/12(Fri)23:01 No. 47995 [Reply]

File 163675449763.jpg - (39.66KB , 500x361 , 9Qp5f.jpg )

I need to pee, but before I got up, my roommate went and used the toilet, and now they are showering.

Luckily I can hold in my pee and wait.

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John Smith 21/11/19(Fri)04:12 No. 48022

They probably sit there having awkward conversations.

John Smith 21/11/24(Wed)22:30 No. 48025

I'll wipe, quickly wash my hands, and leave the room then come back after they are done to flush.

John Smith 24/04/04(Thu)04:20 No. 48872

Take it to /civ/, nerd.

John Smith 20/11/05(Thu)14:31 No. 47581 [Reply]

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God I miss infinite so much.

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John Smith 20/11/24(Tue)13:04 No. 47615

wtf I swear you could buy it somewhere. That gun had a nice sound to it

>No a single hill to be found anywhere.
Yeah, I played the game for hundreds of hours and the lack of elevation really drives you nuts after a while

John Smith 20/11/25(Wed)07:25 No. 47622

There's a few slight ones but nothing crazy like III's entire downtown

John Smith 20/12/01(Tue)01:18 No. 47637

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The map was pretty small too. Well designed but damn you could explore most of each island driving along a single road

John Smith 22/11/07(Mon)02:17 No. 48440 [Reply]

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Harvey Dent: Can we trust him?

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John Smith 23/02/19(Sun)00:13 No. 48570

"Well, he seems to be the best that we got......"

John Smith 23/02/19(Sun)09:59 No. 48571

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Didn't he end up being two-face or something

John Smith 23/03/11(Sat)02:22 No. 48611

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You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

John Smith 20/12/18(Fri)14:38 No. 47659 [Reply]

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Hello John,

I've recently taken up making sourdough pizzas as a hobby; although not particularly complex by any means, it is still nonetheless fascinating to realize that you can produce such an intricate dish using nothing but flour, water, salt, cheese, and tomatoes.

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John Smith 21/10/31(Sun)01:49 No. 47956

Are you feeling okay, John?

John Smith 21/10/31(Sun)06:01 No. 47957

I'm not sure I'd like sourdough pizza. I think I'd find sourdough better for sandwiches.

John is having a psychotic break, John.

John Smith 21/11/03(Wed)01:16 No. 47970

Wrong thread. My bad.
Yes. John_Smith.exe has encountered an error.
>Shut down
(CNTRL ALT DEL doesn't exist in this programming)

John Smith 23/03/10(Fri)06:51 No. 48603 [Reply]

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i just found this site is there a catalog option can't stand the layout?

John Smith 23/03/10(Fri)14:26 No. 48604


John Smith 23/03/11(Sat)02:14 No. 48609

File 167849728254.jpg - (20.20KB , 300x300 , EXTpUeeWAAAY1Vg.jpg )

well what teh fuck

John Smith 21/09/04(Sat)22:27 No. 47891 [Reply]

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What does VN has instead of level design?
You know various game genres and most of all have it's own
levels. You have played enough to have own opinion and feelings about computer games. And on most of them you are moving behind different objects, fighting, talking, racing, trading with and against different characters and machines. There is designers work behind level creation and object placement of them. Strong professionals also take care about the golden ratio, you can see it at least in Quake, Sin, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, Amid Evil, Ion Fury.
But when it comes to visual novels, it breaks the common structure: levels are bunch of text and images. And when it comes to level design in this game genre: what matters? And what does this design really represent as work, as process and as an object placement?

John Smith 21/09/05(Sun)15:19 No. 47893

Dear John,



John Smith 21/09/19(Sun)10:54 No. 47909

John is right, try to see it as a novel instead of a game. It is in the name, after all.

John Smith 24/03/29(Fri)16:36 No. 48848 [Reply]

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John Smith 24/03/30(Sat)15:04 No. 48850

jeetchan kek imagine the smell

John Smith 21/06/03(Thu)18:17 No. 47817 [Reply]

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Hey John,

Just checking in on how you've been doing. I haven't been around much, mostly because of personal stuff and losing track of everything, but I've managed to set myself back on-course and I thought I'd write to you. I hope you're doing alright.

Thanks, John

John Smith 21/06/04(Fri)06:23 No. 47819

Hey John
Ive been doing fine. Yesterday I started a grass garden.
Your best friend john

John Smith 21/06/11(Fri)07:17 No. 47826

My dearest & oldest companion John,

I'm doing quite well considering the big picture. Work is a bit stressful and I'm busy outside of it as well. This creates a lot of anxiety, but I remind myself every day that these are relatively small issues. I'm very happy with my situation. I just need to get out of my head sometimes.

With a sincerity that can derived only from a lifetime of the most intimate friendship possible,

John Smith 21/06/13(Sun)21:26 No. 47828

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A mellow hello to you too, John.

And well, I wish that you're doing well as well.
It makes my mouth widen into a slight smile to see that you're still alive.

Keep on fighting,


What kind of grass garden?
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

John Smith 22/01/19(Wed)05:00 No. 48070 [Reply]

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Hi, John.
Everytime i access to this website, and, when i'm done reading the first page, i like to go to the catalog. This site doesn't have one. What can i do to remember that? I don't access this website very often, to be honest.

19 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
John Smith 23/01/01(Sun)16:07 No. 48479

tf is lycos

John Smith 23/01/02(Mon)18:47 No. 48481

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It was like hotmail, you know like before gmail was created.
Well had to be using something.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:07 No. 48538

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Remember when people used to actually recommend yahoo services? Any type, but it is just hilarious that the place is a wasteland now

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