Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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I need to pee, but before I got up, my roommate went and used the toilet, and now they are showering. Luckily I can hold in my pee and wait.
>>47995 Is your roommate non-binary?
Who is they? A man? A woman? Two women? Two men? A woman and a man? More than two people?
>>47996 No. >>47997 Yes.
>>47995 You can't piss while they are in the shower? What about pissing outside?
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>>48001 nah. Take the whiz, flush, and let them scald due to the sudden lack of cold water. If they ask....whoops.
>>48005 That happens to my faucets every time I flush and go to wash my hands.
>>48005 I'm nice. When someone is in the shower. I'll take a shit and wait for them to get out and leave the room before I flush.
>>48012 What do you do while you wait on the toilet?
>>48018 They probably sit there having awkward conversations.
>>48018 I'll wipe, quickly wash my hands, and leave the room then come back after they are done to flush.
>>48869 Take it to /civ/, nerd.