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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 22/12/23(Fri)23:01 No. 48466

File 167183286843.png - (302.78KB , 1276x693 , Where is she now.png )


I have a lung infection, I've had it for well over 8 years.
Just found out today I'm infectious.
So glad we only talk to each other over the internet, wouldn't have won't to infect you.
Have happy Christmas

Fondest regards


P.S. Thankfully my doctor gave me antibiotics I can drink on

John Smith 22/12/24(Sat)00:40 No. 48467

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Louis, how is it infectious? I thought that you can't spread it but it's from something foreign entering the body.

John Smith 22/12/24(Sat)19:34 No. 48468

Eight years? What a doctor

John Smith 22/12/25(Sun)00:43 No. 48471

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Kissing, coughing in someones face.

Doctor, ha I was in the best heart surgery hospital in my country.
Only on leaving I asked why the Antibiotics?
That's when they told me they'd tested the stuff i'd been coughing up andafter running three tests they had. They didn't know what it was.
I'd stopped smoking two years before the operation.

They do know what it is now although the last doctor would tell me.
Sadly for him the law states I can read my medical files.

Anyway thanks for your posts, I was very happy last night and now looking around and seeing what damage control I need to do

As ever regards


John Smith 22/12/28(Wed)23:15 No. 48473

Careful, they consider some insanely vague shit a proper diagnosis

John Smith 22/12/29(Thu)02:04 No. 48475

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I'm free and clear got results back today, now just need to not tell anyone. So I don't have put with the fake do you want come out and play, it's party time.

I am going find out what it was, though, nasty.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:08 No. 48539

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Oh good

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