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John Smith 23/01/12(Thu)05:45 No. 48484

File 167349870530.jpg - (126.61KB , 1500x941 , 235260064_1308432469611024_7122717258876830470_n.jpg )

Dear John,

It's been a long time since I've been here last. I lament the death of the internet, but I am a part of it.
What do you miss from a few years ago? I miss forums. I miss this sense of community, it's long gone and I feel it won't come back.


John Smith 23/01/14(Sat)06:12 No. 48487

I miss using the internet with people who also knew how to use the internet. If that makes sense.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)22:45 No. 48488

Everyone likes to talk about "sense of community", but said vibe is just recycled inside jokes and virtue signalling.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)22:50 No. 48489


John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)22:52 No. 48490

OP seems in denial about the fact that "it ain't what it used to be" was the mantra back in "le golden age" of the Internet.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)23:00 No. 48492

That boomerlennial schizoposter is right about everything, it literally all just comes down to declaring that an older set of empty consumerist thrills is 'the real deal' because the person describing it was a child and had really low expectations and a lack of cynicism when they experienced them, and remembers that gleeful feeling. And of course, when that all happened there was an even older generation doing the same thing with their own childhood.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)23:05 No. 48494

What textbot are you using? I want to get one.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)23:09 No. 48497

I'm intrigued, elaborate so that I may better understand.

John Smith 23/01/16(Mon)23:12 No. 48500

Interesting point, will consider.

John Smith 23/01/18(Wed)02:10 No. 48528

This is why I say the moral assignment of positivity/idealism/innocence onto the youth is terrible practice.

All it makes is arrested development.
Nothing but petty entitled geezers whom think the world owes them everything.
It also creates willful cultural amnesia

>>48524 is an example of this.

John Smith 23/01/22(Sun)09:45 No. 48531

File 167437711272.jpg - (42.46KB , 850x543 , __original_drawn_by_janku__sample-f6aae2c1db0e695c.jpg )

GameFAQs having an actual community was fucking great, and I never realized how important it was to my enjoyment of actually fun video games until I recently looked, and everyone is gone. I shudder to think of what a new FAQ would look like for the latest SMT, probably lacking ASCII art which would jump my poor heart

John Smith 23/01/22(Sun)13:27 No. 48534

Doesn't GameFAQs still have a somewhat active community?
I still go there for walkthroughs when I get stuck in a game.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:03 No. 48535

File 167447899394.jpg - (112.83KB , 850x1512 , __drawn_by_hata4564__sample-3f7c4fc3c44f827c1778a3.jpg )

Only for the shitty AAA titles. Like the new Pokemon board still gets a FAQ made for it, but the actual message board is full of retards

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