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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

John Smith 22/09/24(Sat)00:38 No. 48345

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Dear John,

I don't want to overwhelm you, but I just played through the game Raft and found elevator music in the game. I hope the song is not too fast for you.

The tempo of the song is just so fast and smashing!

With foot tapping greetings


John Smith 22/09/24(Sat)03:14 No. 48347

What ever happened to elevator music? It's so drab and dead these days, and then you have to talk to people and shuffle your clothes to make up for the silence.

Remember a world where they hated muzak because it was so soulless? And then it went out of business and the world became even more bleak.

John Smith 22/09/29(Thu)20:40 No. 48354

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Dear John,

did you know that Muzak Corporation has not only made elevator music, but also the production and distribution of background music to enhance performance in the workplace?

The key here is "Stimulus Progression," a technique of subconsciously stimulating the listener through 15-minute blocks of music that vary in tempo, rhythm, sound and instrumentation, each followed by 15-minute breaks. Dan O'Neill, Muzak's chief programmer for many years, published the Muzak Programming & Stimulus Charts in 1956, diagrams of stimulating sound patterns on which the concept of performance-enhancing background music is based. In 1937, British industrial psychologists confirmed the performance-enhancing effect of music in the workplace, provided it is produced according to certain psychological criteria.

The decisive factor for the desired effect is that functional music is not perceived consciously, must not attract attention, and on the other hand its use must be precisely dosed and controlled in order to eliminate neutralizing habituation phenomena. Muzak operates in volume at the threshold of hearing, is not to be heard, but perceived. The music is quiet, pleasant, works with familiar melodies and harmonies, without singing voices. Its manufacturers offer different programs depending on the intended use, the playback frequency of which depends on the intended effect.

When this boring dystopia is finally over and we have usurped world domination, we should let the music play everywhere.


John Smith 22/09/29(Thu)22:34 No. 48355

>stimulus progression
Oh I think I skimmed over that before. The wikipedia description really grinds my gears because I hate when people do that with music especially at the mastering level or for movies where it just gets ridiculously loud and is a total abuse of the noise floor.

I would much rather listen to the ebb and flow of bach, or even a progressive house or trance set. But I'll have to look at that a little more. Part of the problem with modern internet streams and whatnot is that there is no longer an assumption of signal compression at the transmitter or at the theater house, so people get all these raw feeds that were never meant constantly annoy them and blow their ears out because it's a whole new signal chain. But it's all like fuckin idiots who work on these things for the masses, and the longer I live the more I am convinced that black people are born deaf and are unaffected by loud sounds and rampant hearing loss.

John Smith 22/09/30(Fri)05:12 No. 48356

Now, the use of telephone lines is relevant, because this was almost a sort of "dark fiber" for its day, but really you could lease DSL lines from verizon or whatever long into the future. Some cellular companies get by leasing spare bandwidth from primary providers in order to toss them revenue for commercial rates while picking up retail subscribers to arbitrage the cost.

But the fist thing I want to point out is that early telephone lines were also used in the California music industry in particular in order to send a signal out from the recordering or mixing board out through a side channel to a rented room with a speaker and a microphone in it and then put the other end of the duplex line back in to board to mix back in as being wet for use of an echo chamber without having to pay for one at the studio. More to come later.

John Smith 22/10/01(Sat)20:56 No. 48357

Did you know that there are elevator music playlists on spotify? I find them to be quite relaxing
Here is a sample:

John Smith 22/10/02(Sun)22:20 No. 48360

This anon has proper etiquette and remains completely silent while in the elevator. Would ride with every day without ever acknowledging we see each other several times a week and know everything about each other but never even make eye contact.

John Smith 22/10/02(Sun)23:04 No. 48361

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John Smith 22/10/04(Tue)02:28 No. 48362

Dear John,

Juicy! My high school auditorium somehow got ahold of an old train station amplifier to use as a spare, like for stage monitors or whatever else, and the coolest thing was it had this "train call" button on it that caused it to make the most fully loud beep to alert people before making an announcement about the trains. We had to hide that fact so it didn't get abused by juvenile delinquents, most of whom, fortunately, were not curious enough to read all the labels on the different buttons and controls.


John Smith 22/10/07(Fri)23:41 No. 48364

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Dear John,

thank you so much for giving us the chance to turn this into a train thread on a Friday.

Have a nice weekend!

Yours truly


John Smith 22/10/08(Sat)05:13 No. 48366

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I too enjoy trains.

John Smith 22/11/07(Mon)20:20 No. 48444

Welcome to Shining Time Station

John Smith 22/11/09(Wed)06:32 No. 48445

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John Smith 22/12/19(Mon)00:54 No. 48458

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My dear John,

that's what we all do, day in and day out. Sometimes I wonder what my function is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AyjKgz9tKg But then again, I just do it.

With kind regards


John Smith 22/12/20(Tue)17:22 No. 48459

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Dear John,

Don't worry about function. I don't have one that I'm aware of.
I only have basic goto's and gosub's.

regards John

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