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/eh/ - Particularly uninteresting conversation
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John Smith 21/11/07(Sun)02:50 No. 47978

File 163624985610.png - (479.53KB , 854x480 , I react to MYSELF! _ Nyanners Top Clips of Septemb.png )

I have long hair and sometimes get stray hair stuck in my underwear. It sucks because it's really itchy and you think it's a bug or something.

/eh/, what's something that you have got caught in your clothes?

John Smith 21/11/09(Tue)18:56 No. 47981

A dumb june bug got "stuck" in the hood of my sweatshirt before. Buzzed like an idiot instead of flying away.

John Smith 21/11/10(Wed)07:35 No. 47982

I also have a problem with loose strands of hair ending up in my underwear/pants. It'll somehow gravitate into my buttcrack most of the time.

John Smith 21/11/10(Wed)08:37 No. 47983

OP here. Same, >>47982. That or wrapping itself up around my pubic area in the most awkward of places.

John Smith 21/11/11(Thu)10:25 No. 47987

Speaking of pubic regions and being awkward. I'll catch myself sometimes just ripping out pubic hair without realizing it. I think I do it in public as well.

John Smith 21/11/12(Fri)00:23 No. 47988

I used to have a pubic afro from 10-16.I suffered from pubic hairs getting caught in my underwear lining and my glans being glued to the underwear because of nightly self-sessions.

Now, I keep the sub-equatorial region at low.
Imo, body hair in general is gross and useless.

John Smith 21/11/12(Fri)05:29 No. 47993

Like as a byproduct of itching and removing stray hairs, or as some compulsive habit?

John Smith 21/11/14(Sun)02:32 No. 47999

Speaking of long hair. I hate it when I'm eating, and my hair decides it wants to join my food.

John Smith 21/11/14(Sun)07:50 No. 48000

Definitely more as a compulsive habit. I believe I suffer from trichotillomania.

John Smith 21/11/14(Sun)18:10 No. 48008

Like, just for pubic hair, or any hair in general?

Are you bald by any chance?

John Smith 21/11/15(Mon)00:36 No. 48009

I don't really go for the hair on my head. I'll pull out hair literally everywhere else. Beard, eyelashes, eyebrows, leg hair, arm hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, chest hair, etc.

John Smith 21/11/15(Mon)00:37 No. 48010

Oh and by the way, I'm not bald.

John Smith 21/11/15(Mon)21:43 No. 48019

So then, you have no hair other than your on top of your head? Or are you patchy?

Also, why not just shave or wax? It removes hairs en-mass. Or do you mean to say that you shave/wax, but then pluck any left hairs?

John Smith 21/11/19(Fri)04:11 No. 48021

I pluck my nose hairs, but that's non-compulsory on my end.

John Smith 21/11/24(Wed)22:31 No. 48026

Pretty much this.

I'm patchy in a lot of spots. There's also some spots on my legs where the hair just stopped growing back.

John Smith 21/12/20(Mon)07:52 No. 48043

I have short hair and other people's hair is always getting stuck in my fucking underwear now

John Smith 21/12/22(Wed)23:03 No. 48044

I don't like when a stray hair gets trapped down the back of my shirt and I end up looking like a nutjob clawing at a phantom attacker.

John Smith 21/12/25(Sat)14:29 No. 48049

I've never really had a problem with hair getting stuck in my clothes but recently I bought new towels and lint from them gets stuck in my dick all the time.

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