Levitically speaking men are allowed to marry multiple women, it's not stated openly but a woman doing so should be considered adulterous. According to the New Testament ethics set forth for priests, a man should have one wife -if- he plans to become a priest. If you don't plan to become a priest, although it would not be allowed by the Church, you would be allowed in the very law of the Church to marry as many wives as you wish. The idea of marrying one wife in the NT actually comes from Deut 17 where in the laws for a king he is not permitted to marry multiple wives or hoard money, or horses for various reasons. Being a king would give you an unfair advantage at the expense of the tax payers to marry every woman in the province and starve the race. Many prophets had multiple wives, many kings did not follow these rules and were still blessed.
Do what you think is right.
If you haven't had one flirt with you, you probably need to go outside. Did you know at one point in the Bible (Ezekiel, IIRC) God tells a prophet to buy a whore for a whole month and marry her? Technically speaking marriage today is not what it was meant to be. In the Bible getting married is prescribed in I believe Deuteronomy, where when a man of war takes a foreign woman to marry he has her live in his house for thirty days and she complains of her family. On the last day he "goes in unto her," has sex with her and they are married. Did you know the Bible never tells people to go to church? There are three festivals in the Bible that you present yourself to the Lord, at the Temple in Jerusalem in. Other than that the only times to go are for offerings for various reasons, the first born of a man or beast for instance.
If you want dating advice, don't go to a whore house but be patient and love a woman when she is ready. Love a woman when she is ready.
If you want advice about fantasizing, go outside, occupy your time inside if you don't like that. Watch Queen's Blade