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John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)14:54 No. 47644

File 160709006364.jpg - (37.48KB , 680x605 , 4b3.jpg )

Does anyone tire of the human obsession for "deeper meaning"?
Why the fuck do adults always have to venture off into the world of abstractions and metaphors?
Whats wrong with seeing the physical world as it is?
Why is that every natural or civil disaster is interpreted as the end of the world despite records of previous like incidents happening?

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)19:23 No. 47645

This has the potential to produce interesting discussion and I'm really uncomfortable with that.

What did you have for lunch today, John? I had a breakfast burrito.

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)19:48 No. 47646

I had Caribbean-styled porridge.

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)23:08 No. 47647

Woah now, what's the special occassion?

John Smith 20/12/06(Sun)03:27 No. 47648

None. Im just lucky to have Caribbean parents.
Caribbean folks really know how to cook.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)00:09 No. 47669

Ah, that makes sense. Caribbean food would be normal if you were Caribbean. I preffer the bland taste of plain porridge.

John Smith 21/01/02(Sat)17:49 No. 47677

John, are you perhaps on the spectrum? Autistic people tend to see things "as they are" and struggle with abstractions and metaphors. I think I am somewhere near the edge, whereby I can appreciate the simplicity of literal thought, but am not incapable of dealing with abstractions or metaphors.

John Smith 21/01/10(Sun)08:00 No. 47679

John, you are being too emotional for /eh/. Please refrain from this.

John Smith 21/01/10(Sun)13:21 No. 47680

what science doesn't explain, is up for speculation. and then it spills over to what science has a fairly good explaination for. and then it becomes a club for those who "really get it". and then it's echo chamber.

John Smith 21/01/16(Sat)17:46 No. 47683

Lots of big questions there friend.

>Does anyone tire of the human obsession for "deeper meaning"?
Feels like for the last 100 years or so we've kind of given that up entirely and been obsessed about the physical world in front of us.

>Why the fuck do adults always have to venture off into the world of abstractions and metaphors?

It's hard to communicate complex relationships with words.

>Whats wrong with seeing the physical world as it is?

We are imperfect beings who are incapable of seeing the world as it is. We must stitch together picture after picture after picture we receive to try to make a comprehensive meaningful picture. That goes for all things.

>Why is that every natural or civil disaster is interpreted as the end of the world despite records of previous like incidents happening?

Every? I think you have some black and white thinking going on here.
I think people are naturally scared of the end of the world because they are afraid to die. This loops back to your first question, hence it's necessity. It's how people resolve their fear of death and don't freak out in life, although this seems to be difficult as a fair number of people fail to accomplish this.

John Smith 21/01/17(Sun)04:27 No. 47684

Nice looking post, John. Look at all those words, each comprising a sentence, surely conveying some kind of thought provoking this or that. Just look at all those words...

I’m sure its all very fine, John.

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