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John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)16:47 No. 47670

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Dear John.
How do you deal with normalcy?
How do you deal with knowing you will never be a big shot? Always living in the shadows? Always being another face in the crowd?

Should we even care?

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)17:07 No. 47671


It's a difficult question that you pose, since personally I've never quite fallen into the average person's definition of "normalcy." The very nature of my job demands that I run around the country/globe, be someone that a lot of people know, and that I be "special" or "unique" in some way. I'm often in front of the crowd instead of part of it. I do think a lot about life on the other side, though, and how I'd manage if I was there.

I think your only option, if you don't feel like you can change it, is to accept it. Personally I don't think I could ever be "normal" due to how I am as an individual, but millions of people *are* that kind of person and can lead very fulfilling lives that way. And what's more, "normalcy" is a lot more financially stable than the absolute fuck that I've been living through since the pandemic started. If it makes you feel any better, know that a lot of "big shots" hold you in even higher esteem than you hold them--the crowd is my lifeblood, without them no money is made and (more importantly) no lives can be changed for the better.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)19:55 No. 47672

in lieu of writing a forum thread

trans women and the glass ceiling.

why is it that trans women are stuck to the glass ceiling, as if floating there by anti-gravity.

warning: the glass ceiling is highly rubberized. if you couldn't smash the patriarchy there's no way you'll use a lever to launch a rock at it to smash the patriarchy.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)19:57 No. 47673

yes, because of you i've suffered torture worse than torture.

apparently you guys plan to use me as a projectile to smack and smash me against the glass ceiling.

after this, after the glass ceiling is broken, i'll likely fly up and who knows what'll happen to me afterwards.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)19:59 No. 47674

i took my gender studies class. do you know they all freak on me when i wake up in the morning and it's time to get up from bed.

but despite their spirit, my only refutation of them was that i couldn't laugh, smile, or feel sheepish at them. in the end i realized they were using me as a projectile. that is all.

John Smith 21/01/01(Fri)21:31 No. 47675

It appears as though John's medication has worn off.

John Smith 21/01/18(Mon)23:54 No. 47686

I don't get what was skitzo about this post.

John Smith 21/01/19(Tue)04:21 No. 47687

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Iโ€™m perfectly fine with it John, because I wasted the first half of my life studying and working to invent and build great things that would chaaangetheworrrr well you know what, everyone else I knew went out, had fun, took vacations, had relationships, had families, got jobs and better jobs and bought houses and cars and retirement plans and have busy lives. And I traded all that to create my inventions and share them with the world. Well, you know where my inventions are now? 99% of them are in obsolete cad files no one will ever open and sketchbooks that will decay within my own lifetime, and the <1% of them that I actually spent years prototyping and bringing into the reality, those are in landfills and have been recycled into beer cans and largely forgotten. I have a copy of my work winning an international industrial design award in 1995, when I was still just a teenager. Now when I bring out one of my most successful designs to an event, almost no one has ever seen or heard of it, and the old geezers that remember, give a slight chuckle remember everything about it incorrectly, and mosey on. When they die off in a few years, all the efforts of my life might as well never have existed. It makes no difference what you do, there are no big shots really, just a bunch of hairless chimps tryingcto entertain themselves by chomping the only way theyโ€™ve been taught how, and there is no amount of money or status or sexy plastic surgery within that chomping that will save you, Elon Musk, or anyone else from ending up the exact same place, a shallow grave.

Might as well focus on the enjoyment you can have while you can still have it, anon. But, the thing you canโ€™t have will be the thing you will desire the most. If you get it, it will just become some other thing. All you can do is free yourself from desire itself. And that is when you truly become /eh.

John Smith 21/01/22(Fri)03:02 No. 47699

The desire to "change the world" is whats fuelling the decline.
Idealism is truly the root of all evils.

John Smith 21/01/23(Sat)12:16 No. 47700

There is nothing wrong with doing things that are in some way useful to someone, even if that someone is yourself. Though I agree that it is also important to take into account the cost of personal sacrifices, much like it is important to not be oblivious to the negative side effects of pursuing an ideal.

John Smith 21/01/26(Tue)23:18 No. 47702

Dear John,

1) How do you deal with normalcy?
A: I've tried to be normal, I just can't fake it. I can deal with normal peole on the whole though.

2) How do you deal with knowing you will never be a big shot?
A: Did not ever want to be one. Could this have something tod with why I failed at being normal ? (I would value your reply)

3) Always living in the shadows?
A: Yes, your point ? I prefer shade.

4) Always being another face in the crowd?
A: I strangely seem to trigger something in other people that makes them notice me. Which is anoying and just wierd. Although I dress and act like ordanary anons my age, gender, size, etc.

5) Should we even care?
A: This is totally up to you John.

Well I hope this was Halpful

Kindess regards John

John Smith 21/03/01(Mon)20:14 No. 47731

I barely consider myself an actor in this world, I just observe

John Smith 21/03/26(Fri)09:08 No. 47741

I used to always plan to be a starving artist. I figured if I ever did make something decent it would be appreciated after I died anyways, which actually helped me put some decent effort into it without pressuring myself

So be normal!... for now, until the normies perish and the generation of thinkers rises

John Smith 21/04/04(Sun)01:40 No. 47755

>So be normal!... for now, until the normies perish and the generation of thinkers rises

This is what I was talking about.
This cartoonish wanton to change the world IS THE NORM!!!!
This reckless drive for "reformation" is just people spouting ideas but being too ball-less to carry it out

John Smith 21/05/30(Sun)07:43 No. 47809

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>This reckless drive for "reformation" is just people spouting ideas but being too ball-less to carry it out

Everyone thinks they're pic related, but only a select few ever act on it.

John Smith 21/05/31(Mon)21:42 No. 47813


Dear John,

The fact that you resorted to such trite, juvenile namecalling isn't surprising. I guess the truth hurts that atrophied, pea-sized cluster of cells that you refer to as your brain, doesn't it? Stick to being just another genetic dead-end, dead weight millennialoid.

John Smith 21/06/02(Wed)06:11 No. 47814

Acceptance would be the best way I could answer your series of questions. And no, none of us are obligated to care. That's a choice that is individually up to us.

John Smith 21/06/06(Sun)23:00 No. 47820

Acceptance of "redpilled/based" name-calling?

John Smith 21/06/06(Sun)23:05 No. 47821

History is made by the few, carried over by the masses.
All those stories about those "rags-to-riches" businessmen?
They had help.
Gates and Jobs were born into rich families.
Lincoln married a rich girl.
Kennedy was born into a monster family
Most of America's Founding Fathers were sons of mega-plantation barons

John Smith 21/06/08(Tue)23:58 No. 47824

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I don't. I bend reality to my will using extremely powerful memes and energy weapons.

John Smith 21/06/09(Wed)00:00 No. 47825

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My local reality is what I choose.
You can do the same.

John Smith 21/06/20(Sun)11:27 No. 47832

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I avoid normalcy by living like it's 2005. Cutting off that very superficial level of interaction and servitude, is very calming.

John Smith 21/07/16(Fri)23:29 No. 47843

>Living like its 2005
>Avoid noramlcy

The only difference between then and now was tech level.
If you really wanna cut iff noramlcy, live like its 1605.

John Smith 21/07/19(Mon)22:38 No. 47844

The "tech level" itself doesn't differ all that much between 2005 and the current year. However, its impact on society has changed greatly. I am not against technological progress, but I do dislike a certain technology becoming needlessly entangled into the simplest of things.

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