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Leafy 23/02/11(Sat)18:16 No. 25543 [Reply]

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When the person you loved the most is the person who hurt you the most

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/02/25(Sat)18:25 No. 25560

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You were the one

You were my everything

Never apart

No one in between

Then one day

When you went your own way

You felt justified

And I was mortified
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Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/09(Sun)10:42 No. 25617

Truer words have never been spoken.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/05/24(Wed)13:51 No. 25680

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/03/29(Tue)02:16 No. 24482 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Elliot Rodger? Millennial.
Seung-Hi Cho? Millennial.
Adam Lanza? Millennial.
SJWs? Millennials.
"Sex work is real work"? Millennials.
Incels? Millennials,
Femcels? Millennials.
Wokeness? Millennials.
Anti-whiteness? Millennials.
Radfems? Millennials.
Most mass shooters? Millennials.
Most ISIS recruits? Millennials.
Refugees welcome? Millennials.
Brandon Tarrant? Millennial.

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/05/09(Tue)12:33 No. 25673


Speaking of "adult" males?
>Neighbor shoots 14-year-old as kids play hide and seek outside, Louisiana cops say.
Why are kids on their screens all the time? In my day, we would play outside! Kids these days go outside to play and either get shot by a neighbor or get the cops called on them…I’d spend all day inside as well.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/05/20(Sat)18:03 No. 25674

Suburbia is becoming an exclusive luxury for single lonely people.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/05/21(Sun)18:08 No. 25675

I remember one time when I was in middle school I was running around and playing in my own yard (big, not next to another house) with my brother and some old fuck came up to us to aggressively ask what we were doing, he had naturally assumed we were committing some sort of crime.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/11(Tue)10:16 No. 25625 [Reply]

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Ever since Chris, the friend of Mr Beast, transitioned, I felt like something was wrong and after seeing what happened and what Chris is doing, I have a bad feeling about this.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/14(Fri)15:27 No. 25630

Now I am more worried

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/25(Tue)04:10 No. 25647

Has anyone fucked his ass yet?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/17(Mon)21:51 No. 25332 [Reply]

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Man, I really hope I can take care of myself, place I live in and family because I have a feeling I might be a manchild in the future.

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/05(Sun)12:21 No. 25572

The progressive movement all kinds of that stuff over to the US. That's too big a topic to cover in this format. I'm not a protestant (that's a whole other topic) but I don't think I'd blame them specifically beyond just being one facet of whole.

I'm not sure even really where to begin on the subject. If you want to go with psychology, then you're going to have a long time digging with the likes of Wilhelm Wundt. But I get the feeling a better open might be the Fabian Society. I once set my public-facing description at a high profile job as the "Fabian Technition" in order to describe my approach as a software designer, but also to find out who might notice the terminology and ask me about it. Nobody ever did lol. Most of them were shitty programmers anyway, since that was, for them, more of an annoying necessity.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/25(Sat)09:05 No. 25596

Experience? Yes.
Wisdom? Thats debatable.

The idea of wisdom coming with age is just coping wuth loss of vitality of youth.
Most people become even more neurotic over thirty than in their teen years. And the cringe is not some dorky habit to be laughed off. It often has serious side effects.

And alot of times, older people be dressing up like jocks and delinquents.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/13(Thu)07:22 No. 25629

I personally find it all rather effeminate. It's like the girls who think they're not like the other girls:

>I'm not like those other guys! I'm not soy/normie/beta/cuck/NPC/etc!

Rinse, repeat. Seriously, I feel like I'm in a middle school girls' washroom, the way these faggots talk. Imagine being a grown ass man and believing in cooties like this. How shameful.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/28(Tue)06:54 No. 25598 [Reply]

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Yet another millennial decided to shoot up a bunch of kids because they couldn't handle adulting. And because they were a troon, they'll focus on that instead of the fact it was a fuckin' millennial.

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/10(Mon)04:56 No. 25620

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And what's the common denominator on most of your examples? That they're millennials. But try telling millennials their shit stinks too, and you'll be told you're a boomer or a zoomer. Like I said, the Nashville shooter has brought all the attention on a practically irrelevant demographic outside of (terminally) online faggots astroturfing, rather than the literal generation that continues to contribute shooter after shooter, usually coinciding with "adulting is hard, man" rhetoric. Adam Lanza? Millennial. Elliot Rodger? Millennial. Seung-Hui Cho? Millennial. Black people do more mass shootings? Okay, what generation do they all come from? Exactly. Millennial. >>25615 is right on the money, in that millennials are clearly the end result of what he's talking about, that people treat their spouses and kids as collateral trophies, and what do people do? Jack shit.
You want to know why nothing changes?
People who cannot let go of the 90s/00s are the primary reason why all of the enemies of the System are dumber than they are. Don't worry, though, I'm sure voting with your wallet in the marketplace of ideas against the people who print money will prevail any day now! They aren't able to move on from it, of course, because a large portion of the "right-wing" (aka "I'm so defensive that I actively pretend to be edgy so I won't feel as bad when people inevitably dislike me") is bitter thirty something year-old white guys (and the non-whites who desperately wish they were white) who are upset they aren't teenagers anymore and are just lashing out at whatever new thing pops up out of spite then any real worry about "societal decay," and at least when liberals self-infantilize, they're honest about it. They have no attachment to the past outside of some media that they liked and are constantly modernizing, which is one of the many reasons why they won. Why is it that so many rightoids talk about "hard times make strong men" and yet EVERY single criticism is rooted in how they're not kids anymore? I just wanna play with kids toys (I mean, video games), bro! I don't like that they're "wokifying" my kids shows, even though I have no kids! And then they sit there and wonder why nothing gets done. Because they don't want things to be done. That requires adulting. That requires REAL MEN, not manchildren whose sole reason for being a "doomer" is that their kids' toys have a little too much melanin or that the female characters are "ugly" or whatever. Is it any wonder so many of their writers end up writing rightoid versions of "SJW" shit? Instead of the plain Jane as best dyke who somehow lucks into hooking up wi Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/10(Mon)04:58 No. 25621

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Isekai shit has taken over everything. It's not enough to simply construct a convincing story with a beginning, climax and end. Suddenly, you have to be like Triple H and take a sledgehammer to everyone's skull - the protagonist is BASED AND REDPILLED or CUTE AND VALID, the climax is that a woman told them no, and the end is that the System somehow implodes on itself as their wildest dreams come true, blah blah blah. I'm reminded of Dan Schneider (Cosmoetica, not Nick) who has published nothing of note, claims to be writing all these novels that he boasts are better than classics like Moby Dick, and yet has put nothing out there to prove it. But I've written it, he'll tell you. I've written THE BEST BOOKS OF ALL TIME! He'll never put them out there for you to read, of course, but he's WRITTEN 'em! And what are his protagonists? All self inserts who hook up with hot chicks despite him literally being depicted IN THE STORY exactly as the scrawny pasty geek he is in real life.
You can't have sincerity anymore because nobody wants to write about the human experience. Everyone has to write about the shit they should be telling their therapists. Is it any wonder no kids read anymore (unless it's manga) when every fucking dipshit out there is publishing their diary entries about how the Popular Kids don't care for 'em? At least manga gives you CHARACTERS that aren't based on the author's hangups, and aren't written by grown adults who whine about how bad shit for KIDS is, when they don't even have kids themselves. Look at Andre the Giant, for example. The dude didn't just sit around whining about how people didn't take him seriously. He MADE them take him seriously. He lived his life to the max, despite the increasing difficulties he had. He lived his heart out, because he knew that you only had one life. Yet these fuckin' faggots, some of whom are even old enough to have seen him perform, will scuttle to their desktops and whine about how they can't enjoy life because "everything sucks dude" and "zoomer baes won't put out" and "I can't hold a conversation because of social media, not because of my incredibly high standards; no, of course not" and on and on it goes.
There's a reason that the shit millennials love to take credit for (the "REAL" MTV, Attitude Era, cult shows like My So Called Life, etc, etc) endures to this day.
It's because they were made by people who lived long lives, actually DOING shit, and cobbling together characters based on people they encountered in real life. Low Tier God was right about one thing, that so many faggots nowadays are spectators. They can't do shit, so they belittle and demean those who can. Yep. I said it. Low Tier God was right. You cou Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/04/10(Mon)04:59 No. 25622

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When are we gonna get authenticity? When are we going to stop listening to these internet faggots? They shit up everything. Why does it seem like there are no normal people in the cultural war? Is it because they're too busy living their lives? For example, the LGBTQ+ movement is mostly dominated by the fringe outcast. Likewise, the right also have their subset of nerds that would be completely disregarded in high school. Then you have the wild cards who tend to be the biggest whores or edgy leftist who turn into the most puritanically devout. Why is that the socially maladjusted have the biggest say when it comes to the direction of the culture? Well, it's because to be terminally online you necessarily have to be socially maladjusted with way too much free time. Ergo, the loudest people on social media also tend to have the most idiotic opinions, yet because they're so overrepresented in the speech posted on social media they convince the normie majority that their retarded beliefs are somehow popular. The solution is to tell these people to shut the fuck up and touch grass. That's what I've been doing all this time. The way I see it, the more unhinged a person is, the more likely they're going to fling their ideas around on social media for everyone to see, and social media like twitter seems to be where this stuff happens the most. The average person either doesn't care or can't be bothered to complain because it's not a big deal to them, but to crazy people, it takes up 100% of their life, so to them, they have to scream as loud as they can. That just means the most well-known opinions on a topic are either those that are basic common knowledge or the most unhinged shit imaginable, and generally the insane stuff IS common knowledge thanks to how social media works and just how often these people post about it. Meanwhile, normal people have normal hobbies and interests. That's why "normie" is a word. Cripplingly insecure dweebs jealous of "normies" for having what they themselves could have, if they only applied themselves.
Spare me the excuses. You either want it or you don't. Lower your standards, shut the fuck up, and touch grass.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/27(Mon)03:21 No. 25597 [Reply]

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I've noticed that it's not only a problem that a lot of trite garbage floods everywhere these days, but that it's just so fucking lame that even poking fun at it all feels like too much of a chore.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/21(Tue)01:46 No. 25591 [Reply]

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I hate being complete shit at Arena FPS. I'll admit I'm a newfag but I've been playing for over a year and feel no more skilled than when I started. I guess I'm just genetically bad.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/21(Tue)02:42 No. 25592

You playing against bots? Bots will fuck your shit up

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/23(Thu)01:15 No. 25594

No, I'm playing against actual players.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/24(Fri)13:43 No. 25595

Actual players use aimbots, that will fuck your shit up

Angsty Teen Girl 21/10/21(Thu)07:57 No. 24162 [Reply]

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It's pretty easy for mommy issues ridden fuckboys to whine about women, but consider:

>couldn't open a bank account until 1974
>couldn't serve jury duty until 1968
>couldn't practice law until 1971
>couldn't take birth control until 1965
>could be legally fired for becoming pregnant or going on maternity leave until 1978
>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018
>couldn't go to ivy leagues until 60s/70s
>couldn't go to west point until 1976
>couldn't run the boston marathon until 1972
>couldn't fight in combat roles until 2013
>couldn't become an astronaut until 1978
>could legally be sexually harassed at work until 1977
>could be legally raped by your husband until 1993
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Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/12(Sun)18:51 No. 25585

As if dying with other people is some kind of prize. Yes, let's all stand around and watch this person we like and care about die! That's not unnecessarily traumatic or anything!

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:16 No. 25587

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Good, you seem happy about it

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/19(Sun)18:49 No. 25588

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Happy maybe I am. realistic most def.

Although when I was young there was a book 'barefoot naked in the head'. Where young couples 16-21 would, have given up on life and the world. Get fucking expansive fast car and drive at full speed till it crashed kill both of them.
They mainly TWOKed or carjack the cars.
It's always stuck with me.

anyway thanks for your post >>25587 and enjoy your life before you die

FtM hate thread Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/22(Thu)03:08 No. 25442 [Reply]

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In response to Based Sneederman >>25375

>Be female
>Take the appearance of a male through hormones and surgery
>Be treated by people like a male
>Be treated with sympathy only once they realize you are actually a LARPing female

I'd feel bad if almost every one of these chicks completely missed the point and refused to admit that how they treated males, when they were females, wasn't right.
The best argument against feminism is the fact FtM detrans is 3x as common as MtF detrans. Link to full post:

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The+Red+Barron 23/02/19(Sun)10:30 No. 25554

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And sadly, what came of it? When psychology is done sapping every last dime out of using incorrect and dangerous medication, no one is ever even blamed but the company who made the product. Nothing changes and a new product is made using the exact same processes.

"Colleges" have ruined doctoring by preventing the use of medicine by the lay-man, who would discover in days that most of the items used for emotional disorders are placebo or poison.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/07(Tue)04:45 No. 25574

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I hate how much the FTM fad (and the non-binary shit even more so) has affected nerdy, awkward women. Used to be that if you were an autist and found a homely, slightly tomboyish woman who was into stuff like video games or anime (even if it wasn't the same exact stuff), you struck gold. You and she would hit it off as long as you practiced basic hygiene, weren't a total creep, and actually talked to her. And that's how so many nerds got girlfriends and avoided being lonely back in the day.

Now everything's changed. As if the "all men are rapists" wave from the early 10s didn't do enough damage to nerds, now you have to make a conscious effort to refer to these women as "he" or "they" even though they're obviously female, because someone way more influential than them (usually an MTF; notice how they're the ones running the show?) convinced them that they're not really women because they're not 100% girly. Have fun trying to maintain a relationship, let alone a friendship, when you're having to humor delusions worse than anything your average autist had in the 00s. At least otherkin were outnumbered by enough people to eventually snap them out of their bullshit.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/10(Fri)08:52 No. 25578

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>At least otherkin were outnumbered by enough people to eventually snap them out of their bullshit.

If only you faggots whining about trannies every goddamn where would snap out of your own. Seriously. Enough already. It's not that big a deal.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/24(Tue)03:08 No. 25498 [Reply]

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Stick your gay little book up your faggot ass, bitch.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/02/02(Thu)22:12 No. 25513

Takes some courage to do that

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