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It's a handy way to summarize it, but the long version is that their parents weren't mature enough to raise kids. Hell, most of them couldn't even raise themselves. Thing is, I don't really mind Gen Xers - it's millennials I can't stand. Gen X, at least, gave us some pretty memorable shit, culturally speaking, such as classic Simpsons, the Attitude Era, MTV when it was good, alt rock, the works. But millennials, who think that they're better than zoomers because they were "nineties kids" (when they were born in 1990 to 1992 and barely even fucking lived in that decade), have fuck all to show for their generation. It has been asked numerous times what have millennials created: nobody can answer. Millennials are a glorified speed bump, culturally. They're "peaked in high school: the generation" because literally everything they whine about is viewed from that lens. That's why "Chad" and "Stacy" and "Becky" are their go-to insults. That's why "Stacy" (but never their looksmatch, of course) not giving 'em the coochie is 9/10 the reason they are "doomers." That's why every IP they touch disintegrates into complete shit (case in point - Saints Row, which literally killed the developers). That's why every book they write screams "I need therapy, stat." That's why all their music is deriative bullshit or sheer absurdity like Brokencyde. That's why their politics are "fuck you, I want mine," no matter the clique they claim. That's why every video game they make is basically "if I can't have fun, nobody can." That's why every movie they make is capeshit garbage. They blame everyone under the sun for their self-imposed problems: personal accountability is non-existent, but why shouldn't it be? Their dipshit parents didn't want them to be a bother, so they just gave 'em tons of participation trophies, told 'em they were "unique" and "special," that "boys will be boys," that "you can't tell me how to parent MY kids," etc, etc.
You literally need a license to drive, to own a pet, to even watch fucking television if you're Bri'ish, but ANYONE can be a parent, and that's the problem. These parents, they love when their kids are babies and toddlers 'cause it's "cute" and they can plaster their social media with pictures and videos (nevermind most of 'em also tend to chimp out about drag queen story hour or whatever). But when those kids grow into their double digits? They're fucked. Suddenly, they're a nuisance, an anchor. Suddenly, it's "hard" being a parent. Suddenly, they realize that their kids ain't gonna be the next Einstein or
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