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Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/20(Wed)04:05 No. 25136 [Reply]

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I was just reading up on "crimes against nature", which by definition is essentially sodomy.

I'm so sorry for being gay. I understand how much of a pain in the ass (no pun intended) we are, and we are in the literal sense crimes against nature. This is not what nature intended and here I am wanting to put my pecker in a place where they shit.

All I ask for is your forgiveness, and hopefully one day we can find out the cause of this disease and eradicate it once and for all.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/26(Tue)04:20 No. 25158

Yes dear. Sorry dear.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/26(Tue)17:25 No. 25160


Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/28(Fri)02:45 No. 25356

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/24(Mon)10:36 No. 25345 [Reply]

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I do not find pornography any amusing, even if the plot is good.
Most of the time, I feel like I want to vomit or I look at horror everytime I see nudes or people fucking each other.
You can make the most man made horror beyond my comprehension type and it still wouldn't change my mind.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/25(Tue)23:39 No. 25350

Apparently OP

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/26(Wed)09:26 No. 25351

There are because of stuff Like Gachimuchi.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/27(Thu)03:31 No. 25352

Back in the 90s, my friend had a black box. If we got bored, we would put the Spice channel on and laugh at the terrible acting. Even one of our running gags is related to a porno we saw back then.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/29(Wed)15:01 No. 24870 [Reply]

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One of the biggest bourgeois things that has plagued the modern (or rather POST-Modern) world is dog culture.

No other animal on earth gets more blind support for merely existing than dogs.
Cats are beloved too, but they're subject to disdain. In fact, cats are the only beings, after children in which comical abuse towards in fiction is allowed.

Misopedia is a very popular sentiment in the west, especially America and UK.
Yet, dogs are just like children: loud, messy, stinky.

But even worse: they shed, eat garbage and bodily waste, and may chase after anything that moves.

But yet, these antics of the dogs are worshipped as cute by humans.
Yet, if kids acted like that, people would consider that as "lack of discipline".

But that's not all.
While dogs are chaotic , they are the biggest victims of dog culture.
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Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/29(Thu)13:37 No. 25294

Was he represented by Saul Goodman?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/29(Thu)21:43 No. 25295

hehe this was before breaking bad. That would be a sketchy thing to go pro se with because of the cost of an appeal. I don't really remember but I know he knows enough people to have gotten either some really good advice or some pro bono work.

Whatever it was he got lucky for sure. They were out to brankrupt him. He's a pretty good thinker, though. Went on to often write the big middle piece for the International Forecaster.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/30(Fri)23:15 No. 25298

Breaking Silver.
The parodic sequel to Breaking Bad

Websites where you can criticize admins Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/30(Fri)03:49 No. 25296 [Reply]

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There is no fucking downside at all if you're a mod on social media. You can have no transparency, be incredibly bias, control the narrative, and be immune to repercussions. I'm trying to make 1 fucking thread on a site and the mod just deletes it, and if you make a thread about them deleting my thread and they ban me.

You can fucking guess the site but holy fuck are they absolutely horrible.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/30(Fri)04:20 No. 25297

I don't know about social media, but I have to guess it's probably worse than the IRC or my mother's fax machine circlejerks that most likely dominate chans these days. I'm some nobody on a place that I think was supposed to use telegram behind the scenes, it it's just the biggest shitslide of people who don't even use the main site or spreg to levels most people wouldn't understand without ever having been behind scenes.

I think some of them even use facejew or have werid gaming website accounts. But you know what? I don't care, none of them are mad at me, and I still make fun of them if something slightly clever comes to mind. Drama is for queers, women, faggots, and people who stir shit up out of boredom.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)12:18 No. 24757 [Reply]

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That abortion crap in USA is literally a gay nerd fight.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)17:28 No. 24826

I had assumed this was a straw argument, demanding the other side take a really strong position that people would be compelled to reject. Claiming that telling a friend "please don't do it!" violates a pro-choice stance is just silly. You seem to have now backed off on that but that's what I had been responding to.

I also agree in a fundamental right to end your life, I just don't believe this includes the right to never hear someone ask you to voluntarily choose not to. If they aren't trying to prevent you with force (and voting for a law banning it constitutes force), they're still pro-choice. You can also be conventionally pro-choice with abortion as far as your opinion on laws but politely tell your pregnant friend that you think maybe they shouldn't actually go through with it.

It's important to make this clear since people do take this kind of bullshit to places that actually cause problems. Back when masks were a thing and I opposed them people would tell me that I was "anti-choice" for suggesting people take off their masks. No, that's not how that works. Unless I am trying to remove the right to make the choice from them, I am not anti-choice. I am simply advocating they voluntarily make one choice over another.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/27(Tue)22:07 No. 25291

Mandatory hysterectomy of fertile women.
Problem solved.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/29(Thu)02:09 No. 25293


Authorities are cracking down on WRONG THINK Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/30(Tue)20:35 No. 25221 [Reply]

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1.Youtube is now posting warnings of "did you mean to say fucking in your post?". I got this when my comment had swear words in a Bill Burr video where he talks about tracking your purchases when they scan your ID if you pay in cash.
2.Shitchan is cataloging you wrong think instances and eventually banning you on them, like it's plebbit or something.
3.Plebbit ofc is also doing that.
I don't go anywhere else but it seems that the narrative is being pushed harder than ever. Soon there will be no where to hide online and if you're not part of the young hip woke intellectual world you will be an island and banned from everywhere. It's legit social credit in the USA in 2022.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/24(Sat)09:02 No. 25274


Yeah, shortwave is a good start. Elavation (?), getting your antenna high enough for good range.Was an imortant thing an old friend, who was well into it explained.
The way things are going shortwave could be very important.
Just hardly used in UK now.

Another side note, :)
Fans of a horrible band called pychic tv (probable spelt that wrong). Used to broard cast real wierd fing crap late at night after channels ahd stopped broad casting (this was the late 70's & 80's). By using tower blocks. Theyed stick antenna out of a top floor flat and let it drop down (could have that last bit wrong, meh anyone interest do some home work) and pump out there shit.

Would work well I imagine for shortwave HAM sets.


> I wouldn't mess too much with earth resonant frequencies because that could get get military attention and that's the wrong kind of attention.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/24(Sat)15:25 No. 25275

Oh for sure if you can drop a wire from somewhere high up in an apartment building that'll do wonders as an antenna. Transmitting with it efficiently and not ruining your equipment takes some tuning, but that's part of what separates out the kind of people who probably shouldn't be transmitting too far or too loud anyway. For reception, that'd be killer.

And I'm serious about earth resonant frequencies. No normal radio rig is going to operate at like 10Hz and all the rest, but they use that for very low bandwidth communications for submarines and whatever where you don't have a lot of options beyond using the entire planet as an antenna. Your main audience is going to be the people you didn't want to contact.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/24(Sat)16:40 No. 25276

I would also like to advise that I have confirmed with my own scientific testing that if you can some bit of exposed steel that connects to the internal structure of a steel and concrete building. Or on occasion you might find a bit that connects to a steel roof or something like that. If you can get a decent electrical connection to it, then that can become a great receiving antenna.

Usually these same steel structures are grounded to hell and back again for safety and because that's how you anchor a steel building into the ground anyway. But if you can connect far enough above the crust of the earth, then you get the differential effects of being below ground vs. above it like a ground plane antenna. If you have a one-wire antenna, then just connect it up as high as you can get (cf. metal roof). A differential antenna, put the other lead as far down as you can get it. Then the entire internal structure of the building is your reception.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/10(Wed)18:29 No. 25192 [Reply]

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Producing content just seems stupid. There is so much shit. So much shit. It's not like it used to be where you could come up with something, post it and get noticed, even if it was just a small crowd, no, if you make anything, even motivated by passion, then you just get no response. No one cares. Rightfully so too.

Who cares? Why should anyone care about this stuff? There is so much stuff on the internet, it's all just noise at this point.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/10(Wed)21:45 No. 25197

We all appreciate things as we get older. That's why I save shit in the present. >,<

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/12(Fri)20:15 No. 25198

Meh. I think it waxes and wanes.
Some stuff we liked when younger we discard now, while others we save more of.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/23(Fri)17:54 No. 25271

Deffo waxes and wanes. Everything has ebb and flow. But when I look back, I think what a shame it was that I was so picky about only saving a tippy-toppest things I thought I'd like to remember because storage space was at so much more of a premium then.

And now with the ubquity of bigass SSDs, gobs of RAM, and heaps of cores, it's not nearly as herculean a task to sort, index, transfer, or otherwise manage a ton of noise just to maintain whatever your future self might decide was the relevant signal buried within it.

Ree slavery is only whites people and blacks! Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/24(Wed)21:20 No. 25214 [Reply]

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If you get this argument it's from a criminally uneducated person. This is because if they received any amount of liberal education they would have read Politics from Aristotle. In section THREE THROUGH FUCKING SEVEN slavery is covered. Not only were ancient whites against slavery, the slaves they had were all white!

This notion is bullshit and shouldn't be tolerated. Read this section and say you have to all who create that bloody argument. As it was not whites who thought up slavery or genocide. Both things were going in ages before, and even non-whites participate in genocide today and whites who last perpetrated genocide where whites vs whites!

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/25(Thu)06:01 No. 25217

Slavery back then was not racial. It was all about financial. Also, those "whites" werent WASPs. They were Meds.
And yes, we are all familiar with imperialists using their fellow white brethren to build their golden nests. Thats why we have so many differing ideologues.
Youre preaching to the choir.
Please stop making this into "whites dindunuffin"

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/09(Fri)06:03 No. 25241

Yes we’ll it wasn’t chattel slavery either. One could fall into debt, go into slavery to repay that debt and then buy your way back out again. It was very different in many, many ways than the halfassed American version of slavery, bc civilized Ancient Greece > medieval British United States.

Even in North America, history has been distorted to make it all about the African slaves, when there were far more indigenous slaves than African slaves. …because they were already here, the tribes were in tatters, and they were scattered and easily rounded up. But since most Americans live in cities post-war, when urban people look around they see black people, so that’s who they think of associated with slavery. …whereas there are no representatives from some United federation of tribes to have a voice in Murrica’s halfassed coming to terms with its history. The 15 million or so native ppl are out of sight, out of mind. Embarrassingly, most white Americans have no idea any native people survived at all and think everyone must be 1/128th Cherokee or something. Oh well.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/13(Tue)01:36 No. 25248

The Old Testament talks about debt forgiveness every seven years.
That event was called jubilation.
Hence why we have the jubilee event every forty-nine/fifty years.

fuck this bitch Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/30(Tue)03:46 No. 25220 [Reply]

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i wanna rip out her fucking organs then eat her hair and stomp on her skull fucking bitch -shadow

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/13(Tue)01:33 No. 25247

Female youth is a goddess complex. All these reactive incense are the same ons simping after young women, feeding the female ego.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/02(Fri)00:33 No. 25226 [Reply]

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Saw a video today of a bus driver that refused to let a kid off the bus in front of her parents. Someone called the cops and that's the only reason the driver let her off the bus. What does this bloated cunt give to the cop as a reason? "sHe cAllEd mE thuh N wErd!" Bus full of kids, no one backs her bullshit up. Why lie about some shit like that in this day and age? You fuck up and abuse your teensy bit of power and then make up racism to cover it? I hope she loses her fucking job. What a dumb bitch.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/02(Fri)01:15 No. 25227

She is so fucking fat with arms that skinny? WTF is wrong with Americans.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/02(Fri)01:19 No. 25228

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>What a dumb bitch.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/05(Mon)20:00 No. 25236

It does look like she has an impossibly small arm, but I think you might just be seeing part of the bus because she's pointing at the camera.

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