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Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/27(Mon)03:21 No. 25597 [Reply]

File 167988009448.gif - (437.38KB , 665x375 , 22b.gif )

I've noticed that it's not only a problem that a lot of trite garbage floods everywhere these days, but that it's just so fucking lame that even poking fun at it all feels like too much of a chore.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/21(Tue)01:46 No. 25591 [Reply]

File 167935959658.jpg - (381.44KB , 1536x2048 , EpicQuakeGameplay.jpg )

I hate being complete shit at Arena FPS. I'll admit I'm a newfag but I've been playing for over a year and feel no more skilled than when I started. I guess I'm just genetically bad.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/21(Tue)02:42 No. 25592

You playing against bots? Bots will fuck your shit up

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/23(Thu)01:15 No. 25594

No, I'm playing against actual players.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/24(Fri)13:43 No. 25595

Actual players use aimbots, that will fuck your shit up

Angsty Teen Girl 21/10/21(Thu)07:57 No. 24162 [Reply]

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It's pretty easy for mommy issues ridden fuckboys to whine about women, but consider:

>couldn't open a bank account until 1974
>couldn't serve jury duty until 1968
>couldn't practice law until 1971
>couldn't take birth control until 1965
>could be legally fired for becoming pregnant or going on maternity leave until 1978
>couldn't breastfeed in public in all 50 states until 2018
>couldn't go to ivy leagues until 60s/70s
>couldn't go to west point until 1976
>couldn't run the boston marathon until 1972
>couldn't fight in combat roles until 2013
>couldn't become an astronaut until 1978
>could legally be sexually harassed at work until 1977
>could be legally raped by your husband until 1993
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Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/12(Sun)18:51 No. 25585

As if dying with other people is some kind of prize. Yes, let's all stand around and watch this person we like and care about die! That's not unnecessarily traumatic or anything!

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:16 No. 25587

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Good, you seem happy about it

Angsty Teen Girl 23/03/19(Sun)18:49 No. 25588

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Happy maybe I am. realistic most def.

Although when I was young there was a book 'barefoot naked in the head'. Where young couples 16-21 would, have given up on life and the world. Get fucking expansive fast car and drive at full speed till it crashed kill both of them.
They mainly TWOKed or carjack the cars.
It's always stuck with me.

anyway thanks for your post >>25587 and enjoy your life before you die

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/24(Tue)03:08 No. 25498 [Reply]

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Stick your gay little book up your faggot ass, bitch.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/02/02(Thu)22:12 No. 25513

Takes some courage to do that

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/10(Mon)21:07 No. 25315 [Reply]

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Imageboards have become boring. No more interesting people, just the political, degenerated, and paranoid. You can't just expose and fight corruption anymore. Now you also have to support national socialism and white supremacy. Using the word nigger is treated as some virtuous act. You can't enjoy creating interesting software and discussing hacking. Now you deal with the paranoid schizophrenics who call you a faggot for using anything other than antiquated hardware with unnecessarily complex user environments and bash your creations because they weren't made in their specific language of choice. No more fun without people going on about how shit their lives are and perpetuating a culture of defeatism and hopelessness, drowning themselves in porn and distractions to detract from how they truly feel. When good communities have prospered they have died at the hands of malicious and incompetence. Hotwheels, Josh, and Jim acting in their own self-interests and in the process hurting tens of thousands of individuals. Moot dating a harmful individual and sacrificing the freedom of his board in return. Imageboards are suffering from a plague, and it is these people. Unfunny and lacking creativity. Certainly, the world, at least the perception of it has become darker and more pessimistic, but that does not mean it has to come onto the internet, a place detached from real life.

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Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/19(Thu)02:41 No. 25483

No, he sold it because the legal threats over things like, uh, the happening of the fap variety, were getting too much for him. At least that was one of the main reasons. I'm sure the 8 hour Q&A is still up somewhere.

Funny how bringing it up still gives you an autoban.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:28 No. 25490

>fap stuff

That actually makes a lot of sense too

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/30(Mon)23:26 No. 25506

Acccording to girlvinyl that's about why she decided to ditch ED eventually. Just too much constant legal hassle. I always wondered why my check for $1234.56 never got cashed until she did some Q&A thing or whatever at some con and explained why ED was gone. Odd concidence of timing, that.

Cuddling fucker mgcee 23/01/05(Thu)05:10 No. 25463 [Reply]

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She got bored while we were cuddling. I just don't understand.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)17:58 No. 25464

Some people just don't like extra physical intimacy. I don't.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)21:46 No. 25467

Sorry to break this to you but if she gets bored while spending time with you then she's probably not the one.

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:29 No. 25491

No big deal. Maybe next time put on a show or let her play with her phone

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)19:30 No. 25465 [Reply]

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Man, I feel like anyone complaining about porn being bad knows more about porn than porn addicts.
Even I feel like one of those.
Also, porn Artists have no Balls of drawing breastfeeding.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/05(Thu)21:44 No. 25466

Well, if you are researching why said thing is bad or good you're bound to learn more about it than those who mindlessly consume it.

Angsty Teen Girl 23/01/14(Sat)06:15 No. 25473

Draw erotica based on breastfeeding? Those are kids, man. And a grown dude sucking tit isn't that interesting to be honest.

darkness nigga Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/11(Sun)21:44 No. 25421 [Reply]

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>be sad cunt
>get drunk off popov because neet loser faggot
>being drunk makes the pain of existence bearable but still friendless loser who only has a handful of my mother's fax machine acquaintances as contact with outside world
>even these people are talking to me/online less and less

worst part

>live in houston texas

You know those 19th century russian authors who wrote about how bleak life was in the motherland? I'm thinking of doing that but for being a failson from houston

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/12(Mon)01:32 No. 25422

/rnb/ content.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)14:52 No. 25431

Just quit drinking

Seriously it will help, I felt loads better

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/19(Mon)11:15 No. 25429 [Reply]

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Ai art is cool, but it can't draw POSTAL Dude nor Calypso from Twisted Metal.
Plus, sites dedicated to ai art might datamine your ass.
The funniest thing is that AI art is not allowed to draw a flesh

Angsty Teen Girl 22/10/28(Fri)17:19 No. 25357 [Reply]

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I don't think Elon Musk allowing "muh free speech" will allow more free speech in that bird site. You can tell it by his collaborations with China. Someone told me they decided to write something like : "Even people who complain about n***rs can have more n***rish behavior." because some guy wrote that n-word for him wouldn't be a slur because you have blacks who hate niggers aka barbarians and the guy who responded to that probably took it out of context and wrote something like "since you have an idea that word could be used not as a slur, but as an another word for barbarians and uncontrolable punk cunts, that's how i referred that word as.
also, i got remembered of how bubs use softer version as an alternative for word homie."
Well, that someone should have known better.

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/08(Thu)15:57 No. 25419

Some people would tell me this is all a character act (the character being 'depressed loser who desperately clings to empty memes and political notions to somehow feel superior to others') but I doubt that, there just isn't much of an audience here. If you wanted to do that, you would do it somewhere else. This is more or less sincere.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/09(Fri)00:58 No. 25420

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Angsty Teen Girl 22/12/14(Wed)03:41 No. 25424

What makes you think I care about the imaginary people in your head?

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